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Diary of a farang in Isaan

owl sees all

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47 minutes ago, owl sees all said:


Ah yes! Valentine day. 


Mildred's school used the day as a learning theme.






I got a card from a special person.




Lovely. Nice to be loved.

Isn't it wonderful how many people celebrate my Birthday!

Don't know about the value of olive oil, apparently it is why people who use it live to be much older and if you are much older you'll die from covid so I can't really recommend such a dangerous product! 

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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Isn't it wonderful how many people celebrate my Birthday!

Don't know about the value of olive oil, apparently it is why people who use it live to be much older and if you are much older you'll die from covid so I can't really recommend such a dangerous product! 

Your birthday is on Valentine day FFF? Wonderful!


I make a point of listening to all the people on the fringe with a voice. The good doctor has some, shall we say, different advice to many.


First rubbished and ridiculed.

Then locked up, sidelined or shot.

Then acknowledged as being right.

Then said to be years ahead of time.


Just ask Galileo or David Icke.

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25 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Your birthday is on Valentine day FFF? Wonderful!


I make a point of listening to all the people on the fringe with a voice. The good doctor has some, shall we say, different advice to many.


First rubbished and ridiculed.

Then locked up, sidelined or shot.

Then acknowledged as being right.

Then said to be years ahead of time.


Just ask Galileo or David Icke.

I had a whole post about your book and some of the stuff I've heard and thought very clever but error 502 keeps hitting me,I wonder if it's because of my anti Thai covid and transparency postings.

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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I had a whole post about your book and some of the stuff I've heard and thought very clever but error 502 keeps hitting me, I wonder if it's because of my anti Thai covid and transparency postings.

Of course FFF.


Algorithms are all around.


PM me please.

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Another short Owl Log for Saturday afternoon.


Finished the drive opposite and put enough stone down on our side to stop it getting too muddy in the coming months.




The new built house is just about done. Just a lick of paint to finish.






Off to fam in a minute. Not a work day. Just tend the plants, feed the fish and look at the eucas. And as with every visit simply admire the beauty of it all.


Still not got the bottles sorted that are feeding the avo' and mango trees. Either running through too fast or not at all.




If I can, I'll get a short vid of me and Mildred walking through part of the euca farm tomorrow.


That's nearly up-to-date with the pics for the last 14 days.


Bye y'all.

Edited by owl sees all
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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Forget PM FFF. I'll take my chances:




Monsieur Vous; sorry to disturb you.


Thanks for the link Mr Owl, I had a quick look but I'll try and post what I was trying to say earlier from what I can remember anyway.My mother told me about a book called Love Your Disease which she said was about some people who liked to be sick because they got more attention, I also remember a Chinese doctor who said most diseases can be controlled or I'm sure he said cured by what we eat.I also remember hearing about the Laughing Doctor who would do a full belly laugh each morning for a minute,he said that just the act of doing the belly laugh produces good chemicals and made them circulate throughout the body, and he went around to hospitals setting up laughing rooms and said laughing was the best medicine because his research concluded that people heal better and faster if they feel good and that the negative effects of doing stuff that was not necessarily good were negated if they made you feel good was I thought was pretty cluey.My mother was a nurse before she married and had a healthy mistrust for doctors and their meddling ways.One example was me and another kid who had hearing problems, well the other kid went under the knife and had never ending problems the same doctor wanted to do the same to me but my mother told where he could stick his knife and it wasn't anywhere near me.So I read one line in the link so far about doctors and their medicines which I instantly related to so it sounds like it will be an interesting read.Now back to the link to find out if what " I " know about disease is wrong as the title suggests.Although I have inherited my mothers mistrust of doctors I know there are many of them that do incredible things so it's the old double edged sword syndrome and the good advice is always get a second,third or however many it takes second opinions.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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40 minutes ago, sotonowl said:

I hope the crocodile was aware of this.

They are definitely going tomorrow. Too many for our pick-up, so I think Pook's as well.


It's gonna be jam-packed. I'm not going. But Mildred might. 




She can get a few pics. I'll warn her not to get too close if the croc actually shows.

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4 hours ago, owl sees all said:

They are definitely going tomorrow. Too many for our pick-up, so I think Pook's as well.


It's gonna be jam-packed. I'm not going. But Mildred might. 




She can get a few pics. I'll warn her not to get too close if the croc actually shows.

The way I first read your post Owl was that the Croc was free to roam around as long as it gave an undertaking not to bite anyone. I was half asleep though when I read it.

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On 2/26/2021 at 1:43 PM, owl sees all said:

Yes! They are not doing so well at the present.


The club moved into their hew home (Roots Hall) in the mid 50s. What I think wonderful is that the supporters themselves mostly paid for the grounds development, and many supporters actually did the work.


I don't support them particularly but they have a proud history and of course they play in Essex, so I have an eye on their progress or otherwise. As you say sanuk711 at the mo' it's very otherwise. Just typing this and thinking of the beautiful county makes me home-sick.


For those not into footy it's Southend United FC. I stopped watching them when they left the Kursaal.


And always a good pub-trivia question: Which manager was hired and resigned by the same club; three times?

I was at a few games last season. They are still makin a fight of it to stay in the league. Shame they will prob never get to their new promised stadium. 

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6 hours ago, sotonowl said:

The way I first read your post Owl was that the Croc was free to roam around as long as it gave an undertaking not to bite anyone. I was half asleep though when I read it.


That's the way I understood it. The croc would be able to wander about not concerned about the people.


There were hundreds of people at the opening.




Lots of mask wearing in case covid was about.




Some brought camera and recording equipment. And food for the croc.




A lot of ladies there.




But the croc didn't show.


Is there even a croc there? Maybe there is, 'cause the people were encouraged to give 200 Baht for 'croc food. So 'yes', there must be one. Mrs Owl says it was sleeping. Better luck today with the spotting. But if it gives winning lottery numbers; I'll not complain.


Just spoken to Mrs Owl. "Teerak, can you get a close up shot of the croc when you go today?" She nodded.


Watch this space later today.



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3 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Mrs Owl has left. Mildred didn't want to go.


I asked teerak if she could get a close up of the croc's nose. She said she would try.


She took my phone to get some pics.

'She took my phone to get some pics.'   A misprit surely - She took my phone to trade for a handbag.

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1 minute ago, bluesofa said:

He surely would have assumed it was a free buffet?

Animals are not stupid Bluesofa. They soon learn what side their bread is buttered. Why waste energy chasing humans when a guy in a robe chucks it food every day; and the occasional careless dog.


The problems arise when someone does not do their job.


"You fed the croc today number two."

"Oh <deleted>. I forgot."

"Never mind, that newbe will sort it. Just gone to the pond for meditation."



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2 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Animals are not stupid Bluesofa. They soon learn what side their bread is buttered. Why waste energy chasing humans when a guy in a robe chucks it food every day; and the occasional careless dog.


The problems arise when someone does not do their job.


"You fed the croc today number two."

"Oh <deleted>. I forgot."

"Never mind, that newbe will sort it. Just gone to the pond for meditation."

the newbe thought it was going to be meditation, the croc knew it was a boil-in-the-bag meal.

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13 hours ago, owl sees all said:

The Irons couldn't quite manage an upset in Manchester yesterday. Wasted two squids on correct score 0-2 (40-1). Will I ever learn?

It is at this point I have to inform you all I have a confession to make. I was watching the Owls live on TV yesterday, I fear we will be going down this year but at half time we were 0-2 up away to Luton. I just couldn't resist speculating 25p on Wednesday messing up like they usually do although I really wished the bet had lost.

Screenshot 2021-02-28 at 18.30.11.png

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6 hours ago, sotonowl said:

It is at this point I have to inform you all I have a confession to make. I was watching the Owls live on TV yesterday, I fear we will be going down this year but at half time we were 0-2 up away to Luton. I just couldn't resist speculating 25p on Wednesday messing up like they usually do although I really wished the bet had lost.

Screenshot 2021-02-28 at 18.30.11.png


Good to see you are in the money fellow Owl.


At the mo' it doesn't look as if the stripy blues will be playing the stripy reds next season. That's a shame.


Refresh my memory please; did The Owls get to two cup finals in one season a few years back?


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