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U.S. Navy moves to expel court-martialed SEAL commando after Trump restored his rank


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8 minutes ago, tgw said:

well, we probably read different things into photos


5 minutes ago, tgw said:

I had been using Reuters since I started in the finance industry, so I kind of grew up with Reuters and I know what I'm saying. I read through their news every day since the nineties and until I stopped my job. They were always neutral and fair in their reporting at the time.


Now I just looked them up, and lo and behold, they were acquired in 2008 by Thomson Corporation. That explains a lot.

Look at the first post I quoted. It is you that is reading things into it, nothing more.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:


Look at the first post I quoted. It is you that is reading things into it, nothing more.

Don't worry, I'm used to being one of the rare people sticking to their opinion and being right at the end. Not always, but more often than not.


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4 hours ago, Enoon said:


They did.


The whole world did.


That's why people like him get charged now.


I think it's called "cleaning up your act".



in  which  the  other  side  is  usually   laughing its  head  off  at.

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28 minutes ago, lust said:

It’s called war, buttercup.

And you lost despite the atrocities. All America got out of it was a loss of reputation and heroin, the first batch of heroin for the street was brought in from S.E. Asia by a sergeant, it sure has blossomed since then.

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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

This man is a very highly decorated experienced SNCO. As such he should maintain the highest professional standards. He didn't. That is where Admiral Green is coming from

Ditto, agree wholeheartedly.


I still find it very difficult to believe that someone of this experience, indeed all that were present, would allow evidence in the form of a posed photograph to exist.


A lot of absolutely horrible stuff happens in war that should remain where it happened and not foolishly recorded.

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29 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

And you lost despite the atrocities. All America got out of it was a loss of reputation and heroin, the first batch of heroin for the street was brought in from S.E. Asia by a sergeant, it sure has blossomed since then.

Well, I’m not American. So I didn’t lose. But I’m also not a soyboy who thinks we should all sit around singing kumbaya suckin each other off. All is fair in love and war.

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3 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

Ditto, agree wholeheartedly.


I still find it very difficult to believe that someone of this experience, indeed all that were present, would allow evidence in the form of a posed photograph to exist.


A lot of absolutely horrible stuff happens in war that should remain where it happened and not foolishly recorded.

Should not be done at all. Recorded or not.

But some on here think once you wear a uniform you ate redolved of any crimes.

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Just now, Sujo said:

Not according to the armed forces. They have rules of engagement and other laws to follow.

Wait until a real war happens. All your rules and Geneva convention will be used as toilet paper.

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3 minutes ago, lust said:

Well, I’m not American. So I didn’t lose. But I’m also not a soyboy who thinks we should all sit around singing kumbaya suckin each other off. All is fair in love and war.

With your username im quite surprised you dont ????

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Just now, lust said:

Wait until a real war happens. All your rules and Geneva convention will be used as toilet paper.

Whats a real war? Thats quite disrespectful to those thatnserve in current conflicts. Theyre not real medals as its not real war.


The armed services dont agree with you. Thats why they use a court martial.

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3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Whats a real war? Thats quite disrespectful to those thatnserve in current conflicts. Theyre not real medals as its not real war.


The armed services dont agree with you. Thats why they use a court martial.

I fought in Afghanistan. Conflicts are not the same as a world war.

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8 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

"Battlefield atrocities"? They should have seen what went on in 'Nam. 


4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Most of us have no problem taking out scum like ISIS - however it is done.


They were innocent civilians, proven in a military court. You seem as trigger happy as those court martialled.

Edited by giddyup
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1 hour ago, lust said:

Well, I’m not American. So I didn’t lose. But I’m also not a soyboy who thinks we should all sit around singing kumbaya suckin each other off. All is fair in love and war.

No, it isn't.

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51 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Ok noted you dont think you fought in a real war.


I think u did.

I can understand lust's point of view.


no, I don't consider Afghanistan as a full blown war either.


a war is a fight opposing symmetrical military forces, where both sides conduct large scale military operations, not guerilla.

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1 hour ago, JAG said:

He is a Senior NCO. He was found guilty of posing with the corpse of an enemy combatant, who, it would appear, whilst wounded, was given a "coup de grace' by being stabbed in the neck. He was acquitted of administering the fatal stabbing, but was found guilty of subsequently posing with the corpse. That, in itself, is grounds for action, he was the commander, part of the commanders duties are to ensure that his soldiers follow the Laws of Armed Conflict, which forbid despatching enemy wounded and require enemy dead to be treated properly, not used as props for happy snaps! You treat enemy wounded as you treat your own wounded, and if time and the tactical situation allow, you bury their dead, marking the graves for later recovery.


This man is a very highly decorated experienced SNCO. As such he should maintain the highest professional standards. He didn't. That is where Admiral Green is coming from


but there was no need to be excessively harsh with the punishment.

considering his years of service, a reprimand letter and transfer to an "inactive post" until the soon coming retirement would have been enough.

but obviously some people wanted that guy's head to roll - just look at all the charges that were fabricated from false accusations?

I guess there is more to the story than meets the eye.

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1 hour ago, lust said:

Wait until a real war happens. All your rules and Geneva convention will be used as toilet paper.

As far as I know the Geneva convention only applies to war between two signatory governments.

As ISIS isn't a government, and war hasn't been declared by diplomats on both sides.

I don't see how the Geneva convention applies.

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2 hours ago, JAG said:

He is a Senior NCO. He was found guilty of posing with the corpse of an enemy combatant, rofessional standards. He didn't. 

Can't see posing with a corpse being any sort of crime.

It certainly doesn't move my moral compass.

And I don't recall any commandment "Thou shall not pose with the dead"

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7 hours ago, JimmyTheMook said:

Wonderful how the enemy has no rules of engagement and we send our warriors out into battle now with a pair of handcuffs on - tied behind their backs.


#TRUMP 2020  

Life is complicated, eh? Maybe that is supposed to reflect what makes us different from those we oppose.

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