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My wife is a sadistic (word rhymes with witch but starts with B)


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30 minutes ago, Aussiepeter said:

Don't knock Vegemite - when I married my Thai missus twenty years ago in CM she tried it and she said 'chem muk-maak' or, 'too salty', but since we returned to Oz she has now eats toast with Vegemite and avocado slices on it for breakfast, seven days a week and, has done so for the last seven years - I kid you not ! (Honest) - even I can't eat the stuff every day ! Wonder just what they REALLY put in it ? It's supposed to be made from left-over scrap beer hops ?

It's made from spent yeast from the beer brewing operation, blended up with salt and B group vitamins.

Curiously, I can only have it in my GF's village from tubes. Every time I have tried jars there, it grows a white mould - quite some feat of nature, given the salt content. I'm wondering if there is some new antibiotic waiting to be discovered.


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16 hours ago, sirineou said:

You will be happy to know that I made it this time, but it was not easy.

Congratulations, I think you will find if you eat 3 meals a day, breakfast around 10am, lunch at say 2pm and dinner at 6pm, you will do fine.


No carbs after 2pm, water in between and before does help to fill the stomach and curb the hunger/cravings, as for the wife, what can I say, mine is the best cook money can buy, suffice to say putting on extra doors to the hallway that leads to the kitchen helps, that and closing the windows, definitely no cooking smells aloud in the house, hence the additional extra external kitchen ????


15 kilo's lighter in 8 months, but exercize, i.e. treadmill 45 minutes and light weights helps you get to your goal quicker and helps to build the muscle, remember you don't want that fat sitting around on you, lean up, as the sayings go, "shape up or own it".


Good luck, "no pain, no gain" ???? 

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Thanks Lacessit. I suggest you chuck it in the fridge - I left a jar in the fridge in the family shop in CM in 2015 and was happy to eat it 3/2019 when I forgot to put some in my bag upon return to LOS ! It goes hard a bit, but still seems ok. I need to lose about 5kg myself. After beating cancer, I still like to ride track-work, on some thoroughbred horses that I and mates/family own. Now 74kg = too heavy. At the moment, my only indulgence is mid-strength beer. Most real jockeys never touch it - too much carb. I'm nearly six foot tall. Anyone got any real ideas, apart from no beer ? - I no longer have a prostate, the beers are my only pleasure, apart from Thai food and my half-Thai daughter ! I am going to try the celery thing though, sounds nice. Good luck to all LOS diet folk. Stick with it !

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1 hour ago, Aussiepeter said:

Thanks Lacessit. I suggest you chuck it in the fridge - I left a jar in the fridge in the family shop in CM in 2015 and was happy to eat it 3/2019 when I forgot to put some in my bag upon return to LOS ! It goes hard a bit, but still seems ok. I need to lose about 5kg myself. After beating cancer, I still like to ride track-work, on some thoroughbred horses that I and mates/family own. Now 74kg = too heavy. At the moment, my only indulgence is mid-strength beer. Most real jockeys never touch it - too much carb. I'm nearly six foot tall. Anyone got any real ideas, apart from no beer ? - I no longer have a prostate, the beers are my only pleasure, apart from Thai food and my half-Thai daughter ! I am going to try the celery thing though, sounds nice. Good luck to all LOS diet folk. Stick with it !

Oddly enough, the mould only occurs in her village - not in CM.

Nearly six feet and 74 kg? You worry too much. Lose 5 kg, and we won't see you turned sideways. I'm six feet, 90 kg. Balloon out to 100 kg when I'm in Oz. Golf and swimming for exercise.

I indulge in sex, alcohol and food - all in moderation. At 6 years over the Biblical life span, I'm not going to pay attention to diets, except as an amusement.

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19 hours ago, BestB said:

I hate dieting and even though in my younger years was competing, always struggled to drop the weight . 

now in older years I found having protein shake instead of a meal in the evening drops 1-2 kg every few days. Now can go from 115kg down to 94kg in less than a month and not suffering 


dont believe you

115 down to 94 in one month?????/

nah, not a chance mate.

unless you are very sick.

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11 hours ago, villagefarang said:

F works for me, so discredited or not, I think I will stick with it

Works for me also, I do 18/6 have done since I retired six years ago, two meals a day is enough, if I travel or things change - not a problem, I don't and have never counted calories, never had a need too.

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On 11/25/2019 at 1:21 AM, Pravda said:

You have serious issues calling your wife names just because she cooks. 


Disgusting that you'd even make a post like this for all expats to drool even if it's a joke. 

And you seem to forget that she, and perhaps other family members, also need to eat.


Are you selfish?

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OP may have some masochistic issues perhaps ?
aggravating his missus instead of enjoying her predisposition,
and just wants to post so appropriately oriented people can share his joy ?

EH diet is easier and healthier, imho.

Eat Half !

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On 11/25/2019 at 1:14 AM, BestB said:

I hate dieting and even though in my younger years was competing, always struggled to drop the weight . 

now in older years I found having protein shake instead of a meal in the evening drops 1-2 kg every few days. Now can go from 115kg down to 94kg in less than a month and not suffering 

115 to 94? That's essentially clinically obese unless you are 7 ft tall

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