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Panthongtae acquitted of money laundering charge


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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

No, he knew where it came from,then paid it back ,when

it came under investigation.

regards Worgeordie


Indeed. But the verdict seems based on the premise that the prosecution couldn't prove the 10m came from the actual loan money his dad made the bank give his mate's business. Added to that, 10m was just chump change to him compared to his then overall income and wealth so he didn't notice it go in his account particularly.


I guess his lawyers would argue that once he realized he handed it back. The strange thing would be how come his bank details were apparently known to someone to make the transfer? Maybe it was a company account. Very rich people probably leave the admin to their accountants.


Wasn't Thaksin previously acquitted in this case? If so, then it would be follow Oak should also be acquitted.

Edited by Baerboxer
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10,000,000 is .25% (not the .0025% reported ... but hey "math right?)  

Anyway, yes .. to a person of that wealth ... 10,000,000 THB is really "nothing".  His cars all cost more than that!  That 10M is a down-payment on one of his luxury condos!  That is the cost of a "trinket" for his "Saturday Girl" ... etc.

My point is .. yes .. to us normal folks .. 10,000,000 is a big deal.  Now let me ask you ... if there was 500 THB that hit your account, and you did hundreds of transactions per day .. would you catch it? Probably not, and if you did, you might think it was some interest payment, refund, etc ... simply "not a meaningful amount."

Now I am not so naive to think that anyone on Thai Visa is capable of saying "Yes, come to think of it ... relatively speaking ... in hos world of unimaginable wealth .. 10,000,000 really IS no big deal"   So enjoy your day of nonsense ... not understanding that .25% ... one quarter of one percent! ... really does NOT come up on the radar. 


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17 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:


I call it: playing with fire;

Prayuth and his friends will have only one possibility: to accept or ask for asylum in a country that will welcome them; and I think there will not be many.

Well, Zimbabwe is out - meanwhile and the Congolese welcome is over ever since Mobutu signed off ???? 

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18 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:


I call it: playing with fire;
the Thai military is likely to expect new riots, from which the ones of 2010 will seem ridiculous.
The Chinese will take the opportunity to take power in this country as they have already done in Cambodia and Laos.
Prayuth and his friends will have only one possibility: to accept or ask for asylum in a country that will welcome them;
and I think there will not be many.

Meh...not to worry...The Donald to the rescue. Google two guys named Peter Thiel and Joe Lonsdale https://8vc.com/team/joe-lonsdale/. These are arguably two of the smartest individuals in the world and they both are working hard for The Donald behind the scenes. By 2030, Joe Lonsdale will be a household name and the world's first legitimate trillionaire. Mark my words. Both Joe and Peter are part of the Paypal mafia along with Elon Musk that started in Silicon Valley back in the early 2000s. 


This crew is a group of extremely brilliant nerds that love political strategy and are thus heavily involved with global politics. They live for strategy. Joe Lonsdale was ranked #1 in the world in chess during his youth. Thiel is also a genius chess champion. For example, Thiel spent 11 years plotting against Gawker Media via a trojan horse Hulk Hogan lawsuit ( for fun ) to bring Gawker Media to its knees, all because Gawker wrote an article about him, outing him as a homosexual. No one beats these guys. No one. Paypal mafia are way ahead everyone. 10 steps ahead. They are all Trump supporters and the main reason why Trump seems like he's playing 5D-chess and why Dems can't make anything stick to him. Trump will 100% be relected in 2020 and it's because of the Paypal mafia working behind the scenes.


Look into a company called Palantir https://www.palantir.com/. They have already taken over Vietnam and have a deal in the works with Thailand. China cannot stop Palantir. They are all powerful. They are the EAGLE EYE.  Thailand belongs to the USA once they sign this deal with Palantir.  China is about to get a sledgehammer straight to the mandible that they will never wake up from...and they don't see it coming, that's the best part.


Palantir will go public soon. Buy it when it does.


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26 minutes ago, johnc925 said:

If you cannot get to the one you want, harass the family... happening LIVE in US politics today...

Yes ... It is a CRIME how Trump used military aid as a BRIBE to a county fighting invasion to get dirt on a political opponent!  

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On 11/25/2019 at 2:44 PM, worgeordie said:

So they are saying he earned a lot of money,4 Billion Thb,

so 10 Million was chicken feed and he must not have done it.

regards Worgeordie

I don't see the relevance of this defence or why the court should even mention it. It didn't work for Martha Stewart when she was sent to prison for insider trading only $200k.  A crime is a crime.


It seems that the police and prosecutors really pulled their punches over this case.  I wonder why!  It might have helped if they had prosecuted everyone who was in receipt of the stolen money, rather than just Phanthongthae and Thaksin's wife's secretary.  Anyway some overseas school fees for needy children have no doubt been paid, Benzes bought and mansions built and so life in corrupt Thailand goes on. 


I wonder what progress is being made in tracking down the abbot of Wat Thamakai who is wanted for money laundering people's life savings stolen from a credit union.  I thought so. 



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I can believe him. People with great wealth do not do their own accounts , they employ accountants to do this. I’m quite sure all the rich footballers, actors, business people in the world have no idea how and where their billions are placed , or what money, interest etc is coming in or out. I had an elderly aunt in Switzerland  who had absolutely no idea how much money she had, everything was done for her, and she lived with practically no cash in her purse , all bills , clothes etc bought , the bills were sent to the bank. 

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3 minutes ago, meshborg said:

Its amazing to think a lot of the poor hardworking farmers in Thailand still adore this rotten cheating Thaksin family.Pea brained like the peas they grow.

Just for the record ... you come from the country with ethical and honest politicians?  Really?  Do tell !

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23 hours ago, bangkokfrog said:

At 26 years old he was unaware that their must be something shady about a 10 million baht check that magically appeared in his account? He may have had many other assets, but surely no dividend / interest receipts like this. Either he has good lawyers or it was a set up result. I am sure that he would have been tipped off if the result was going the other way.

He probably didn't even know it had arrived. His accountants would, and I would think he had a damn good set of accountants. TBH I cannot see a 26 year old man going through all his accounts and bank statements every day.


Remember this was in 2004 and who remembers everything on a daily basis from 15 years ago.

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12 hours ago, happy chappie said:

It just shows you how stupid some super rich people can be.leaving a paper trail to his own bank.its obvious the judge was as bent as he is.

in the uk the his whole bank account and any assets would of been frozen and proof of where the whole lot come from.in the uk if you have over £1,000 or 38,000b and you are searched and can't prove where it came from then it can be confiscated.

thailand must be a soft touch for dirty money.ive deposited and withdrawn millions out of the bank and they don't even bat a eyelid.

the Chinese must be using Thailand like the Russians used Cyprus to off load their ill gotten gains.

anyway he is guilty as f?)( .

Well the courts and the judge don't seem to agree with you.


Have you been studying the case every day, seen all the evidence that was presented? Yet you assume that he is guilty and the courts don't, or is it just your opinion.


If you think that the judge and the courts were taking bribes from him, then submit a formal complaint with all your evidence.


Perhaps they were bribed and perhaps they were not. I certainly have no idea, and if the truth be known, neither do you.

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On 11/25/2019 at 6:30 PM, Assurancetourix said:


I call it: playing with fire;
the Thai military is likely to expect new riots, from which the ones of 2010 will seem ridiculous.
The Chinese will take the opportunity to take power in this country as they have already done in Cambodia and Laos.
Prayuth and his friends will have only one possibility: to accept or ask for asylum in a country that will welcome them;
and I think there will not be many.

Hope you don't make a living as a political analyst. Well, I can say I seriously doubt it.

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