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Tourism: Thailand set to introduce "Double Tourist Visa", govt secretary


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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Introduce whatever kind of tourist visa you want, wont make any difference.

The way immigration clowns are acting will only deter tourists.

With the baht being kept artificially high is just another way of sending tourists to other countries.

This so-called government have absolutely no idea how to run a country, tourists are put off by that as well.

Lol, it's unbelievable that you think tourists pay attention to the baht!!! Lol. Tourists do not look at currency before they travel. I'm going to Paris and Amsterdam next month and i have absolutely no idea how the currency there is performing. And I don't care. People that can afford to come all the way to Asia are not going to squabble over a few baht. Thailand is still excellent bang for buck compared to other popular tourist destinations.


If there is a tourist slowdown ( i personally have not seen it ) it would be related to the fact that the global economy is slowing. Literally has nothing to do with Thailand.

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10 hours ago, colinneil said:

Introduce whatever kind of tourist visa you want, wont make any difference.

The way immigration clowns are acting will only deter tourists.

With the baht being kept artificially high is just another way of sending tourists to other countries.

This so-called government have absolutely no idea how to run a country, tourists are put off by that as well.

well said your 100% right and we all keep saying it also but deaf ears springs to mind or rich clowns comes to mind man with many watches etc.

Edited by aspenbkk
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Free Advice to Thai Government:


In the advertisement promotion for "Double Tourist Visa"


should be 18 year old attractive twins.


But add a twist...


Make the twins Asian tourists partying in locations all over Thailand. 


You're welcome.  Mai pen rai.????

Edited by SiSePuede419
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10 hours ago, keith101 said:

When will they understand that it is the bad exchange rate that is keeping them away and is expected to get worse next year and a potential double entry visa might attract a few tourists but I doubt many would consider staying longer costing more money .

Nonsense. That might be a small part of it, but the main reason people are staying away is because of how they are treated once they arrive; thieves, rip-offs, and disrespect.

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Thailand is hip longer for young people from the West and Europe countries, and the old expat is dead out.
The new generation of expat doesn't look at Thailand like the dead expad did.
The new group with Expat expect more from a country.
Today's Thailand has nothing to offer tourists and expat's
Thailand is an over priced muck country
Perhaps one thing Thailand can offer is early death for tourists and expat´s.

In my opinion Thailand is good for just one thing it is smoking heroin Hehehehehe

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2 hours ago, dogfish180 said:

Or go to Vietnam, where you can get a 3 month multi entry visa for around 3,000 baht, with zero paperwork. Don't even need to fill out an arrival card. All very welcoming ????........and a beer costs 20 baht! 

Very expensive visa indeed. And Vietnam doesn't have food. 



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METV is too much of a hassle.  As a comparison, returned through US immigration yesterday without even showing passport—facial recognition only!


Next month we will go to the consulate for our second METV.  Basically just using all the same old information again, but 4 hours lost in the process.  Other places are just easier to go to for 2-3 months. 

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The double entry visas were existing before. I don't no exactly when they were suspended. Was it under the Yinluck administration, well possible but I doubt it.

So now they're doing like they save tourism, when they succeeded so well in killing it first. 

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With the thai elite wanting the bhat to stay strong so they can go on their international property and investing buying spree..  When they are fat and full they will tank the bhat and bingo mega profit for some. But the local tourism industry will be on the floor by then!!,Vietnam, Bali, Langkawi here we come...  

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Rescue the Thai tourist industry overnight by introducing a simple online visa application (provide passport details only) with guaranteed 24hr turn-around. If granted, you are emailed a code that, if used within 90 days, guarantees entry with a 90-day stamp and no monkey business from Immigration Officers on arrival. Any amount of in-and-out should be possible within those 90-days. Airlines could ask for the code as part of their online check-in and independently verify it.

Anyone from an acceptable country should be allowed as many of these as they want with the catch that their limit is 180 days spent in country within any 12 month period. This would pretty much eliminate the possibility of holding down a Thai job, while making it easy for offshore workers to come in and out, and for the snowbirds to winter here.

The passport number should be enough to check previous visit durations in realtime and stop the application from proceeding if the applicant has already been in Thailand for more than 180 days over the past year.

24hrs is enough time to automatically run the applicant's details through all the national and international blacklists. You could even check against crime databases if you really want to keep the scumbags out. That would, however, adversely impact Pattaya.

If you catch a visitor working, begging, busking, selling, or any other restricted activity, you jail them, deport them at their own cost, and ban them for life. Simple.

This is how a sane country, dependent on tourism, would operate.

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Ok. So they used to have a dual entry tourist visa which gave you two entries of two months each for $100. They eliminated that a few years ago leaving only the single entry at $50 and a multiple entry (valid for 6 months for as many entries as desired) for $250.


So now they’re going with a double visa good for only neighbouring countries.  


Just bring  back the dual entry visa please!

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13 hours ago, Is this real said:

The real problem is Thailand refuses to bring in a real expert who know tourism.  Bring in someone with experience in Las Vegas or New York City.  Then listen and implement their suggestions.


I get a kick out of people who think that experts back home have a clue how to operate in a country with 1/10 the GDP per capita.  Not to mention, under a feudal system where most of the money meant for any project gets siphoned off long before it reaches the intended purpose. 


That's tourism, safety, construction, flood control, and... you name it.  They can have the best plans in the world.  But they're useless if they don't know how to operate in Thailand's economic, political, cultural, and social environment.


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16 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:


... 555, yes, certainly looks a lot like the double entry TV they abolished just 2015 or so ...

I'd say there are total plonkoids at work here, 4 shua ... :crazy: & :cheesy: 


Last June, I wanted to take a double entry tourist visa at the consulate here in Liège, Belgium, (usually 60€): they told me that now it was only possible single entry (30€ as usual) or MULTIPLE enties : 100 € ! So all this for greed as usual, some (many) people have probably paid 100 € (instead of 60 € before) because all they needed was 2 entries....Money Money Money... Now they see that they'r losing money bcoz less tourism...so now they make a step back ...5555 (hahahaha)????????????

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17 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Im afraid Thailand couldnt run a pi## up in a brewery then guys need to get out more take a look at Jamaica for instance I have stayed in this hotel and some others in their group talk about organised from the minute you arrive it's an all inclusive resort and "No Tipping"   https://www.beaches.com/resorts/ocho-rios/

My daughter was younger we hardly saw her they had their own restaurant and disco games and completions almost everyday

They are in a compound,they are not allowed to step outside the resort because it's really dangerous.

A relative has just come back they had a lucky escape a passing cop with a automatic saved him and his wife and daughter,the car hit a rock in the road!

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13 hours ago, Duck J Butters said:

Lol, it's unbelievable that you think tourists pay attention to the baht!!! Lol. Tourists do not look at currency before they travel. I'm going to Paris and Amsterdam next month and i have absolutely no idea how the currency there is performing. And I don't care. People that can afford to come all the way to Asia are not going to squabble over a few baht. Thailand is still excellent bang for buck compared to other popular tourist destinations.


If there is a tourist slowdown ( i personally have not seen it ) it would be related to the fact that the global economy is slowing. Literally has nothing to do with Thailand.

Perhaps first timers , but regular visitors certainly care , why do you think western tourist numbers have fallen so much in recent years ?

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9 hours ago, impulse said:


I get a kick out of people who think that experts back home have a clue how to operate in a country with 1/10 the GDP per capita.  Not to mention, under a feudal system where most of the money meant for any project gets siphoned off long before it reaches the intended purpose. 


That's tourism, safety, construction, flood control, and... you name it.  They can have the best plans in the world.  But they're useless if they don't know how to operate in Thailand's economic, political, cultural, and social environment.


But the good general promised to eliminate corruption .....right !

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