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Thailand’s PM insists military conscription is still needed


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Not sure why so many posters here are getting bent out of shape by the utterings of the Thai PM, on subject that only matters to Thais and in which, unless they have kids here, they have no input.  Its a matter for Thailand  folks so chill and go back to worrying about things that do matter to expats, like visa and extension issues.   

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No need for conscription in Thailand or anywhere else, no country needs a military at all is the bottom line. If all of us universal soldiers flat refused to murder innocent women and children because someone told us to then there would be no wars. Don't blame the military leaders blame yourself for not taking responsibility for your own actions.



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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

What the nation really needs to do, is to stop listening to anything this man has to say. When was the last time he said something reasonable and sensible? When was the last time he proposed something that was of benefit to the masses, and actually stuck with it, rather than his usual daily rants and promises, that materialize into nothingness?


Why does Thailand need an army with more than 50,000 men? What for? What and who are the real current threats to its security? 

No, what expats need to do is stop listening to him and what he has to say, unless it impacts them, which this does not. 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand’s PM insists military conscription is still needed

Of course it is.. it's the only way to stay in complete control.

He now has monopoly in the government, and has control of the army.


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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Because no one wants to volunteer for the bull <deleted> they call the military. 

It would seem 30% do ; according to the OP.  Of course, that is Thai math at work there I'm guessing so you may well be correct. ????

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50 minutes ago, kamahele said:

With decent pay and benefits, conscription isn't needed as we've found out in the US. Your won't get rich but the benefits aren't bad if you stick it out for the long term. Even those in the short term can get an education through the military to use outside the system once they leave.

Better than you describe; 90% of those professional soldiers are there to support the ten percent that fight.

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Thailand's armed forces will never recruit sufficient numbers of volunteer members until the issue of 'buying an entry ticket' to join is dealt with. Know what I mean?

Edited by Moonlover
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48 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

What the nation really needs to do, is to stop listening to anything this man has to say. When was the last time he said something reasonable and sensible? When was the last time he proposed something that was of benefit to the masses, and actually stuck with it, rather than his usual daily rants and promises, that materialize into nothingness?


Why does Thailand need an army with more than 50,000 men? What for? What and who are the real current threats to its security? 

Without trying to support Prayut (or even steven100) I would say that his infrastructure projects are of benefit to the masses, as was the shop eat spend programme, whatever it's called. Now whether they warrant the sums paid is a different matter. I would however agree with your comment that most of what he says is not "reasonable and sensible".


Also are you a zero short on your army figures?

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23 minutes ago, neeray said:

Maybe because these posters, not unlike me, have sympathy for the natives of their adopted country.

Maybe because these posters, not unlike me, detest lies, hypocrisy, bullying, intimidation, cheating, abusing ....... and the magnanimous attitude.

well maybe that the difference between us.  I have not 'adopted' Thailand.  It's where my wife was born and raised and where I spend a goodly amount of my time on a "temporary, max one year, extension of stay", but it is not my country, as they make very plain to me every time I visit Immigration, or have any other interaction with Government. Lies, hypocrisy, bullying, etc go on in all cultures, mine in the UK included. 

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32 minutes ago, neeray said:

Maybe because these posters, not unlike me, have sympathy for the natives of their adopted country.

Maybe because these posters, not unlike me, detest lies, hypocrisy, bullying, intimidation, cheating, abusing ....... and the magnanimous attitude.

Yes, that last illusion of magnanimity where once again when it comes to the utterances of this maladminstration, the ultimate take away is, "It's good for you because I say it is good for you."

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3 hours ago, JRG23 said:

What he actually means is that the army will not be able to protect the government from the people. 

This is actually very perceptive. The only thing Thailand actually needs to defend it self from is internal unrest. 


Over the past 20+ years I can only recall few external issues, ie temple land disputes with Cambodia, those pesky rohinga, etc that required military intervention. 


Who is actually threatening Thailand 8n this day and age? 


Internal deployments have however been numerous. 

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