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SURVEY: Elon Musk, innocent, crazy or guilty?


SURVEY: Elon Musk, innocent, crazy or guilty?  

230 members have voted

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As many of our readers will know,  Elon Musk was found not guilty in the case of calling another person 'paedo guy'.  The case revolved around whether or not calling someone paedo guy is defamatory.    Which of the following best describes your assessment of the case and social media in general.


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49 minutes ago, hugh2121 said:

Or was what Vern said the truth? I haven't seen any reports of Musk denying it. In any case it's no justification for implying he's a paedophile or a "child rapist". 

So speaking "the truth" about someone who comes to offer help, whether that help gets accepted or not, is justification in your mind to openly and unprovoked insult that man on national television?


You should not use social media anymore if it turns you in a cry baby.


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Let's make another survey:

Let's say a rich guy would make a deal with you. You sell him the right to call you a pedo-guy, read by millions of people on Twitter and then reprinted all over the world.

For how much would you sell that right?

Is 1,000 USD enough? Or maybe 10k?

Or should anybody be able to call you such names with out any compensation?

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10 minutes ago, UnkleGoooose said:

None of the above. He was guilty, he called the guy a paedo. Musk is an ego gone mad and needs reining in. But I don't agree that social media should be regulated, at all.

Social media would become a platform for people to write illegal things , and say things they couldnt say in public

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Before voting go read the text messages Unsworth sent where he threatens to make the other divers suffer and calls the Thai Divers Kwai(Buffalo) and talks about how much money he will earn.
I think this was the reason the Jury voted not guilty it would have change my mind as well.

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34 minutes ago, monkfish said:

Before voting go read the text messages Unsworth sent where he threatens to make the other divers suffer and calls the Thai Divers Kwai(Buffalo) and talks about how much money he will earn.
I think this was the reason the Jury voted not guilty it would have change my mind as well.

Please post those text messages on here .

Failure for you to post those texts on here , I will assume that you just made that up and the texts dont exist and were never written by Vern .

Over to you ...............

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Vern was talking about a film company that wanted to make a film about the rescue .

The conversation above had nothing to do with Musk or the Court case , it was a discussion about a Netfix movie and the not too serious remark about the other divers wasnt meant to be literal and he doesnt seem to call them Buffaloes .

   Anyway , that text above has nothing to do with this thread and nothing to do with the Vern/Musk episode , it was about making a film 

The texts prove he was in it for the $$$$$ and a low life not a nice guy and there are several more go see the link i sent he calls them Kwai which is Thai for Buffalo.

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A jury determines the amount of damages. The amount demanded in the lawsuit is not relevant.  If the defamatory term is subject to interpretation then the case is not a strong one.  The facts are Musk called Mr. Unsworth a “Pedo” in a tweet.  Maybe a different jury in a different location could have come to different verdict.  The trial was held in Federal Court in Los Angeles.  Not that this is relevant but Musk’s Space X is located in Hawthorne(20 miles south of Court House) and Tesla is located in Northern CA.  

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All Vern needed to say was that Musk’s plan would have failed, and explained why. I don’t believe Musk did it as a publicity stunt, I think it was a genuine attempt to help. He did not need to insult the guy.


Musk’s comments were childish and stupid ... Vern could have dealt with this better than he did. Going into a court in a defamation case is much the same as a casino, and not recommended.




Edited by AlexRich
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27 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Those texts dont prove that he was in it for the money 

Those texts shows that he was interested in making money from the film after the event .

Of course, if a film company wants to employ you to make a film, of course you are going to ask for financial return .

   But as those negotiations were well after the rescue, that doesnt prove that Vern only did the rescue for financial return .

Try this one too




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