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After Brexit, the UK has no choice but to become an American vassal state?

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Hi gents. I would love to have some spirited discussion here about this recent piece by Peter Zeihan. In my opinion, he's one of the better geopolitical writers working today. In no way am I trying to troll. I think this is a worthwhile piece from a rare intelligent American cheerleader. 


Here is the piece on Brexit in full, please give it a read:



I'll include a few interesting quotes:


"The issue with London from the American perspective is harsh in its simplicity. Only three countries have ever threatened the U.S. mainland directly. The Soviet Union aimed nukes at the United States, and so Washington will typically take steps overt and covert to whittle away at Russian power. Mexico and the United States fought a land war, that ended with the Americans taking half of Mexico’s territory.


Curious what you guys think? Hyperbolic? Or on point?



Edited by Rimmer
edited for fair use
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It is inevitable that in the next few years the UK will have a closer trade relationship with the USA, they are our number 1 trading country.

I would speculate that in 10 years time the UK will have a similar trading relationship to Canada and Mexico. How much US political influence on the UK will increase is difficult to forsee.

Increasingly the unstable Euro situation will unravel and the EU might break up. The Irish will then have to decide whether to stay close to an unstable Europe or do the same as the Brits.

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21 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Yesterday I read this interesting article.



Brexit is “oven ready” and will be “done” on 31 January of next year. True enough. Except, of course, virtually nothing will actually change – except that we lose our voice and vote, and what remains of our influence on the future course of the EU. We’ll still be in the single market, free movement will continue, as will our financial contributions, and there will be no tariffs or customs checks, either between Dublin and Calais or in the Irish Sea. Instead, we will enter an uneasy interregnum, the so-called “transition” period – really a standstill period.


And project fear continues...

He was probably one of the many 'experts' who said the EU will never reopen negotiations on the WA - and then they did. 

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

It would appear that democracy is a bitter pill to swallow for some on here.

Democracy isn’t democracy when it’s based on lies. In a democracy you have the right to change your mind. And finally how many times did  May rerun her vote trying to get the result she wanted?

Edited by Rimmer
Troll name for politician removed
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I'm sure Dominic Cummings would like the UK to be more like the USA. Wasn't it he who once suggested that UK workers don't work hard enough or long enough? I'm retired nine years now but, towards the end of my working life I seem to remember that my annual leave was over 6 weeks a year. I'm not sure of the current legal minimum annual leave allowance but I would wager it's more that US workers get. One of the reasons that Labour were keeping on about protecting existing employment rights.   

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:



No you're not, by posting a post saying,

You are trying to bait others posters and you shouldn't be surprised when other posters pick up on that. Sometimes if you have nothing of value to add to a thread, you are better not saying anything IMO.????

Blue passports is the ONLY tangible "benefit" that Brexit will actually deliver for most people.

The rich however are set to line their nests thanks very much.

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