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Scotland must be given new independence vote - Sturgeon


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1 hour ago, AliG said:

"Boris Johnson may have a mandate to take England out of the European Union. He emphatically does not have a mandate to take Scotland out of the European Union. Scotland must have a choice over our own future."

Last time I checked Scotland were not members of the European Union, But don't forget they are members of the UK which IS A member of the European Union and will be leaving

None of that has anything to do with my post. 

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54 minutes ago, Mattd said:

And just how are Scotland going to fund their independence, defend their sovereign nation, fund their education, their police, pay off their slice of the National debt, build and maintain roads and infrastructure?

I'd give it months before bankruptcy.


The question is whether they will meet the EU membership requirements? If they are lucky and get an exemption perhaps they can ask the EU to fund their infrastructure, social welfare, educational system, police and defense. Not to mention the widespread drug addiction issues. That'll please the other member nations, especially as they will now have to cover the financial void created by Brexit.


Beannachd leat, Nicola!

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Now I'm but a stupid 'murican, so maybe I need educating.


But as I understand it, after yesterday the entire UK will leave the EU on Jan 31st.


If Scotland were then to vote for independence, wouldn't they then have to apply to rejoin the EU, a process that takes years, during which time they would just be a very small nation trading within the WTO?


This is another question I don't know the answer to, but I would suspect that their largest trading partner would be the rest of the remaining UK.


That would make a very interesting dynamic, where the Brit's, ex Brits, Scots whatever on this forum would be chasing tails for years!

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5 hours ago, pegman said:

Independence will win in a landslide. Vote should be the sooner the better. Boris & England are on a suicide mission. I think grandpa who left Milton for Canada as a young man would want leave. 

For an outsider it is fascinating to see both England and Scotland voting for their own (versions of) independence.



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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

But we already meet eu standards in all the areas you mention. Independence won't mean starting from scratch - we have decades of experience as part of the EU.

Sure. But my question is who's going to fund it. And then there's the budget deficit of maximum 3%...


I agree, you have decades of experience. Of having others fund your...everything.

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Scotland has 5.4 million people... good luck making that work. Yeah, I'm sure you'll raise plenty of tax once business flees and the EU says it's 6 years before you can join if you do what you are told and adopt the Euro as that's a requirement now for new members. Wee Cranky couldn't care less and just wants to do the spiteful vainglorious nonsense... the SNP can't even run Scotland properly now, and that's with Westminster's help. A day after independence then house prices will plummet and hard working Scots will see their savings go "Poof" and the best Scotland can do is use the Scottish pound, lol (you do realise the rest of the UK will cut you off big time). Who will underwrite everything and guarantee stuff? Won't be the BoE as is now, it'll have to be Hollyrood... good luck with making the markets swallow that. However, you are welcome to your fantasies, but then again, the opinions of the TV crowd are woefully off often due to it just being a small bunch of trolls in many threads (especially in world news). The SNP has not issued any credible plans for anything post independence... all La La Land. Shame the rest of the UK can't have a referendum to eject the Scots as the stuck record nonsense is just BS.

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3 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

a) "will meet the EU membership requirements ?"  At least till today, Scotland, Northern Ireland ( and Wales) meet these requirements. So, a "welcome to have you back", and that discussion is over. Second: can join Eire in a "Gaelic (con)federation, just as Belgium is in fact a 4-parts-state. 

b) "ask the EU to fund... " also can be solved very quickly when industries, present still in England, migrate to Scotland as also they prefer to stay in the EU.

c) "cover the financial void created by Brexit".  When EU import duty over the UK / English origin products is levied in accordance with WTO rules... this gap is covered before June of each year.

a) No. Scotland doesn't meet the maximum 3% budget deficit requirement. The deficit currently hovers around an astronomical 7-8%. That's Greece-class. 

b) No, it can't be solved very quickly

c) No, the gap is not covered before June each year.


I'm not saying that Scotland wouldn't be successful in remaining or re-joining the EU, I'm just pointing out that someone else will have to pick up the tab. As usual, when it comes to socialists.

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

But we already meet eu standards in all the areas you mention. Independence won't mean starting from scratch - we have decades of experience as part of the EU.

It is NOT important if all meets EU standards, but.. if these certificates, issued by British (English) autorities still will be accepted as final by the EU authorities and users ( Retail + industry). Remind: EU court rulings are of no value then in the UK. Means for me as EU food importer, UK certificates are as valid as these of CIQ ( China) or.... British Retail Consortium still valid, or.. the value of the paper it is printed on ? 

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8 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

a)Scotland has no deficit. The deficit you refer to is one run up by Westminster which it then blames Scotland for.

But you already knew that.


b)You can move a nameplate in an hour. 


c)You didnt answer his point.


Not having a go at you in particular Forethat but this deficit myth has been debunked thousands of times and yet it is still repeated as if its real.

Scotland currently has a budget deficit of 7%. The deficit of GDP currently stands at 7% (excluding oil revenue it's 8.6%).


I'm sorry, but that's not a myth, it's a fact.



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54 minutes ago, Brigand said:

Scotland has 5.4 million people... good luck making that work. Yeah, I'm sure you'll raise plenty of tax once business flees and the EU says it's 6 years before you can join if you do what you are told and adopt the Euro as that's a requirement now for new members. Wee Cranky couldn't care less and just wants to do the spiteful vainglorious nonsense... the SNP can't even run Scotland properly now, and that's with Westminster's help. A day after independence then house prices will plummet and hard working Scots will see their savings go "Poof" and the best Scotland can do is use the Scottish pound, lol (you do realise the rest of the UK will cut you off big time). Who will underwrite everything and guarantee stuff? Won't be the BoE as is now, it'll have to be Hollyrood... good luck with making the markets swallow that. However, you are welcome to your fantasies, but then again, the opinions of the TV crowd are woefully off often due to it just being a small bunch of trolls in many threads (especially in world news). The SNP has not issued any credible plans for anything post independence... all La La Land. Shame the rest of the UK can't have a referendum to eject the Scots as the stuck record nonsense is just BS.

As you say, opinions on TV are woefully off often.

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5 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

I will be the first fat b@st@rd to manually increase, brick by brick,  the height of Hadrian's Wall, its entire length, if need be! God Save the Queen!


And I will be your hod carrier , albeit only 4 bricks to the hod.

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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

The GERS figures are produced by Westminster but the Scottish government has to publish them by law.

Its sole intention is to make Scotland look like a basket case.




There are literally hundreds of posts outlining how the GERS figures are absolute nonsense. 

I guess we have to agree to disagree on that one and wish Scotland good luck. After all, I'm rather confident none of us wish to see any nation harmed.

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