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Thais need to lower their prices: Starbucks coffee more in Thailand than Berlin

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4 minutes ago, Pravda said:
1 hour ago, Chelseafan said:

I'm sorry but if you are referring to Cafe Amazon then they produce some of the worst tasting coffee I've ever had.


Every know and then, on a road-trip, I'll get suckered into seeing if they have improved and promise myself I'll never visit again!



Yep.... It's God damn awful. If you're going to bash Starbucks which on itself is not bad, just overpriced at least compare it to a decent coffee shop. 


Amazon, LOL


seagafredo coffee shops imo are a lot better than starbucks.  taste of authentic italy because it is blended and roasted in italy, just dont know if they tons of flavored coffee drinks, inconsistent with italian culture.


benjamit coffee in pattaya is as close as you will get in thailand to an "in italy" coffee shop though bangkok has some good boutique coffee shops.

banjamit is usually filled with italian expats

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8 minutes ago, alien365 said:

I have to laugh how when I first came here I was told seafood is expensive in land because it has to be transported. So I expected it to be cheap by the coast. No it's just as expensive by the coast if not more so because it is fresh.


driving a few minute outside of tourist zones = normal priced seafood and thai food in general


Hmmm... what a diabolically cunning idea..... lowering their prices to increase turn over? What will they think of next? TIT

  • Haha 1
7 hours ago, kotsak said:

Starbucks over here are for the hi-so and for those who wanna be seen as hi-so.



   Starbucks ,  far too exspensive . 

   Sick their hiso types,  where it hurts .



Thailand is so cheap that one spent more money in Thailand for the same as in europe. Food, drink, rent alle is the same costs or even more expensive. And the smole you got in the past has be lost a long time ago.


Also the production in Thailand is now the same ormore expensive then the european plant does we have exluding the transportation costs which made us as well that our competion also move production back to the west.


Pitty to conclude that Thailand could be today like South Korea, soon will by overtaken by vietnam or cambodja

7 minutes ago, bbbbooboo said:

Hmmm... what a diabolically cunning idea..... lowering their prices to increase turn over? What will they think of next? TIT

TIT ...


It's funny ... every one keeps on drumming on TIT ... but no one so far picked up and is talking the bigger picture

... as i.e. where all this evil <deleted> comes from and who is pushing it into the Asian markets?


Hypocrites, all of you 55555




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The only time I used to go to Starbucks was when I was craving a flat white. The local coffee shops in my area have no idea but I've finally found one that does.


I was amazed when I noted that a Starbucks in Pattaya was more expensive than in Changi airport.

Still I’m sure SB have done their research and got their target market. I very rarely buy a coffee in SB as there are many other quality coffee houses around that are lower cost. I guess the answer here is just vote with you’re feet.

28 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:

Thailand is so cheap that one spent more money in Thailand for the same as in europe. Food, drink, rent alle is the same costs or even more expensive. And the smole you got in the past has be lost a long time ago.


Also the production in Thailand is now the same ormore expensive then the european plant does we have exluding the transportation costs which made us as well that our competion also move production back to the west.


Pitty to conclude that Thailand could be today like South Korea, soon will by overtaken by vietnam or cambodja


10 minutes ago, kevinmartyn said:

Not only in Berlin. Its more expensive than Paris!, New York and London Combined! FACT!


Root cause is High Rents and Greed!



What a load of....


Find me a big apartment in any european capital for the same price i pay here in BKK....impossible. 

The same i paid for a Studio with 30 sqm in Manhatten is what i pay for a penthouse in Sukhumvit...


1 hour ago, Jooss said:

Prices seem high for foreigners because of the exchange rate ! For who has baht as income, prices are only impacted by inflation.


Is that really so?  Sure the exchange rate has a big influence for some products. But not for other products. Imported products should get cheaper. But you still pay 2 or 3 times more for many imported products compared to my home country.



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5 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:




What a load of....


Find me a big apartment in any european capital for the same price i pay here in BKK....impossible. 

The same i paid for a Studio with 30 sqm in Manhatten is what i pay for a penthouse in Sukhumvit...


I don't think so 

8 hours ago, webfact said:

He suggested that Thais need to stop a slavish adherence to maintaining prices and make cuts based on the spending power of tourists these days in light of the baht strength and the world economy.

Thais have long believed that if you can afford to come here on holiday you are rich and have money to splash around... what they don't know is that many who come here it's a once a year holiday and they've worked hard all year to save up for it.

Now with the Thai baht strength and world economy as it is they've found other destinations where they can get  a much better deal including flights, hotels, food etc.

If restaurants/bars  want to keep the prices high then they are going to lose out more.

They've greedily kept the prices at a premium to squeeze the last baht out of a dying commodity.

And now pockets do not stretch enough to come here, especially with a family..... 


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You can sell 100 widgets at $5 or 10 widgets at $10 


Do the maths on profitability of total sales ....


Thailand really needs to wake up and admit they have a REAL economic issue in country and discard the "FAKE" news and everything is a "Rose Garden" in Thailand!

If you really want to find the real truth ask 250 young girls at random supporting their familys around Thailand how much their earnings have changed in the past 24 months! Do not be surprised to learn it has dropped over 67%

3 minutes ago, kevinmartyn said:

Do not be surprised to learn it has dropped over 67%

I never met a girl in Thailand who told me her earnings have dropped 67% 


But should it happen, I just grab a Starbucks with her ????


  • Haha 1
15 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Find me a big apartment in any european capital for the same price i pay here in BKK....impossible. 

The same i paid for a Studio with 30 sqm in Manhatten is what i pay for a penthouse in Sukhumvit...



Please don't compare Manhattan with Sukhumvit.


I am looking for a new condo in Bangkok. Bangkok is big. The BTS is expanding. Where do you have to live to say that you live in Bangkok? If you have to travel 60 minutes to go to the center of BKK you are living in a suburb and not in Bangkok. 90% of the people I know who say that they live in BKK actually live in a subsurb.


I see that most prices outside the center (suburbs) are comparable with what I would pay in the center of a medium size European city. 






8 hours ago, webfact said:

He suggested that Thais need to stop a slavish adherence to maintaining prices and make cuts based on the spending power of tourists these days in light of the baht strength and the world economy. 

I have been driving around the South, business is slow or very slow for some, when asking some of them (taxis, coffees shops/drinks/motorbike rentals and even rental places) to adjust their pricing based on the current lack of customers situation, ALL of them and I mean of the ones I spoke to categorically said NO lower prices.... have been in business for the past 45 years and when things were slow I always try incentives/discounts to lure more business, why is it to hard for Thais to understand basic business practices, they prefer to complain, sitting around smoking/drinking and waiting for Prayut to send some bonus their way.....

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

The people that set the pricing for starbuck products are under the impression that anyone who buys their product must be a well heeled type and can afford to pay they prices as there are million other places around to buy cheaper coffee should they choose to... 

Irrespective of price, WHY would anybody in their right mind even contemplate drinking Starbucks. It's disgusting coffee. IMHO the worst coffee I've ever tasted, and believe me there's some really bad ones out there.

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I never buy any Starbucks coffee, but I often see long lines of Thais waiting to be served.  I guess that they must have some special promotions for Thais.

5 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

BTW I think I have drank about every brand of coffee thailand produces. If you have a favorite post it up, I Certainly will try it if I have't already. 

Should we open a thread about coffee here? - Well, I start my day with about a litre of homemade drip coffee, and generally now get a French made one, which is available at Big C Pattaya Klaang, not sure it is also in other Big Cs: Casino, Pur Arabica, Expresso (red pack), approx. 150 Baht per pack of 250 g, and that the yield is 7 - 11 pots of coffee, each 0.8 dl, meaning approx. 20 Baht per huge mug of 0.8 l. 

To my taste buds that one is among the best in Thailand, for the category of price. 


Grey from Boncafé is about the same price, also fine. 


Btw, the steam of a simple DeLonghi coffee dripper machine for not even 2000 Baht will extract much more aroma from the beans, so you would need about a third less of beans, I believe ... 

9 minutes ago, Xonax said:

I never buy any Starbucks coffee, but I often see long lines of Thais waiting to be served.  I guess that they must have some special promotions for Thais.

No, that's not it!


The reason you see a long queue of Thais is because you are in Thailand.


If you would be ie. in Dublin, you would see a queue of Irish and if you would be in Amsterdam, a queue of Dutch etc.


Not so difficult. That place is popular around the world ... why do you think they can open store after store around the world?



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Cost of living rise is inflation, that is about 3% for the last 12 months.
If you live in Thailand, your basic expenses haven't risen significantly. But if you're an expat getting your income from abroad in € or $ (or any other currency), the rate of the baht made your level of living falling by 20% in the last 5 years.

But Thai economy will not support for long that rate that kills tourism and exports. Already recession and unemployment are hitting the country.
Let's bet than the baht will go back soon on a reasonnable level.


It may be strange to go and live in Thailand and continuing to be -volontarly ?- a custumer of Starbucks or McDonald... 
Nevertheless, you could be facing soon a bigger problem than the increase -in dollar- of the Burger with the real estate bubble explosion ; your house or condo, already difficult to resell, will be definitely (or for the next 20 years if you're lucky) unsellable.

Whatever the price !

How many muddy water cups is it worth ?


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