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Buriram: Savage dog attack leaves three year old girl dead


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Thais seem to have a "don't care less" about their own dogs. Few seem to be trained at all, and allowed to run free causing all sorts of trouble. I have no idea of the statistics, but it would seem dog ownership is quite high... I am surprised it is tolerated as it is.. perhaps it's just a part of Thai culture whatever the downsides..

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What a tragic painful way to die, very sad indeed. My condolences to the family.

On similar posts I have written about the soi dogs where I live...but there have been additional pups since then. They chase motor cyclists, cars, cyclists and there have been a couple of accidents but no one does anything.

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1 hour ago, P Funk said:

Instead of buying the latest Ferrari, maybe a few of Thailand’s better heeled could start a fund to pay for spaying and neutering the stray dogs. That is true Taam Boon!

But will that help them to bed a junior Lakorn starlet?  You seem to have misunderstood the priorities of the Thai elite.


Proper stray animal control is long overdue, but unfortunately a tragic incident to a young village girl will not change the spending priorities of those people with spare cash.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The alleged owner of the dog has refused to accept responsibility


5 hours ago, webfact said:

A tearful Phinit, 50, told Daily News that he and his wife cared for their granddaughter after her parents split up and her mother went to work in Bangkok. 


5 hours ago, webfact said:

Tenggwa - displaying the innocence and characteristics of a small child - wandered off.


And we'll read the same story over and over again in this dysfunctional society. And let's not have the 'it doesn't only happen in Thailand' comments. This is a forum about Thailand.

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19 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

why are these dogs so aggressive?

Because they are beaten from an early age;
beaten up by kids who have fun like that;:crying:
beaten by adults too.
They are therefore afraid of humans and if the female dog carried cubs in her belly she had a protective reflex if the kid made a crooked gesture.

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5 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

We usually have about 2-3 dogs that are not ours. But we have had some bad ones that received village justice.

The two living here are assumed to be ours though, Mother in law brought them here as pups. I have nothing to do with them other than scratch their heads, as a good person does.

But it is typical of the family who look after a dog then claim its a stray and doesn't belong to them when an incident happen like this. It should be the responsibility of the village head to see that all dogs have a collared with the owners name on it.

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Very sad indeed reminds my of 'the Dingo got by Baby' tragedy in Australia  Thailand has to do something to eradicate and limt the stay dog population.  Any dog responsible for the death and harm of a child should be put down.   Make shure you Rabbis shots are up to date.  soi Dogs carry diseases. 

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18 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Because they are dogs, just that some are more aggressive than others, they are you 'friend' as long as you are feeding them


26 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

Because they are beaten from an early age;
beaten up by kids who have fun like that;:crying:
beaten by adults too.
They are therefore afraid of humans and if the female dog carried cubs in her belly she had a protective reflex if the kid made a crooked gesture.


I dont understand....male the dogs get aggressive too so its not a female thing.

If they're afraid of humans they should stay away from them not attack.


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

He said that the owner of the dog denied any responsibility saying that the dog was not theirs. 

Ah, no responsibility, what country are we in?


5 hours ago, ireckonso said:

3 things, kill the dog, beat hell out of the owner and kick grandma in the ass for letting a 3 year old roam.

I think that is guaranteed

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The alleged owner of the dog has refused to accept responsibility and has claimed it is a stray. 

Usual cop-out, it's not my dog it's a stray, but they feed it scraps everyday to keep it around as free security!

He needs to offer some compensation, the dog should be put down and as far as Grandmother she'll have to think about her actions until she's gone.

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a tragic heartbreaking story, poor little mite.

Long past time something was done about all the soi dogs here, sadly all we ever get is talk, but no action.

Yes Colin, Thailand, and of all talk, no action, and 24 hour crackdowns.

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3 hours ago, phetpeter said:

I have one , sure she can be stuck up, but, loyal and a great snake attacker. She watches over my daughter and wife (wife hates her and they run round the cars my wife chasing her) But the dog is never far from them looking out) She is also loyal protector of the neighbors gardens (her area) and will always join the kids playing. The have small mouths but, very sharp teeth. Lives in the garden, Barks at strangers, moves on soi dogs, who run past her area, except lead dog who visits once a day, they greet each other and moves on. And howls a warning on snakes, and attacks them if they hang about. But, I agree any dog that attacks people is swiftly dispatched, own or not! The other dogs ain't stupid and become aware of what will happen if they do, otherwise they do a great service in keeping vermin both 2 legged and 4 legged versions out of the area. Mind you our village doesn't have many simple folk living in it! Finally if our dog ever bit/attacked a person to cause injury, We would have her put down. 

I thought vets won't put dogs. cats etc down for religious reasons.

Edited by possum1931
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It's a terrible story. And everybody who was going around somewhere on a push bike could tell about the horrible incidents with dogs. 

I can remember that there was a plan (as always) to tax the owner of dogs. 

This would create responsibility and a good job for dog catchers.

RIP little girl 

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a tragic heartbreaking story, poor little mite.

Long past time something was done about all the soi dogs here, sadly all we ever get is talk, but no action.

Maybe the latest political gatherings may address this soi dog issue.

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A prime example of 'couldnt care less'

I walk my dog every morning,she is leashed.. I carry a stick, basically for her and my protection,

A certain individual, rides a bicycle, with his 2 dogs which are unleashed, and are a nuisance...

On one occasion, one of his dogs, growled aggressively at my dog, and was poised to pounce,

so I pointed my stick at the dog, and warned this idiot, after I battered his dog, he would be next ...

He shrugged his shoulders, and said "Mai pen rai", with that,I pulled my shoulder back, fortunately the dog backed off

and ran home..


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5 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Apply tax and insurance on all dog owner, which will take away the ones that do not care and make the ones that pay care more.

nonsense, the idiots  will still "take care" throwing out krap food  in plastic  bags for them, I  might add anywhere they feel like it littering at the same time ...........  the real issue is ANY dog  not  on a lead rounded up and destroyed. 

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40 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

This would create responsibility and a good job for dog catchers.

it  simply  wont,many of these  dogs are thrown food daily  by IDIOTS who drive past them daily and stop to feed  them, most by me  just throw out old rice  still in the plastic  bag. Many by me do this  daily and i  live in the country.

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