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Exclusive: Less than half of all Americans want Trump ousted post-impeachment - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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1 hour ago, Sujo said:

Happy you admit trump has done nothing.

Well, he has played a lot of golf on his expensive golf courses at his expensive resorts, all at taxpayer expense of course.

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6 minutes ago, rabas said:

Sorry, I see no actual data on the page, just the words daily tracking polls no link, lots of ads, and an article about AOC for president. ?


You need to wait a little bit for the graphs to show (at least with my tablet)

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6 hours ago, maprao said:

I think you will find there alot more than 8% with 401k plans! The stock market ensures they do very well.

Probably. And I think you'll find that all those people with 401k plans, IRAs and whatever else stock market ownership, only adds up to 8% ownership for the bottom 80% of Americans.

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31 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Unless you are greeting at Walmart or serving fries with Big Macs you have involvement with the market. Even those people benefit because at least they have a job.


Whatever my little sliver represents my  liquid net worth went up now 70% in two years, 20% since the impeachment hearings.


I don't need to be jealous other people have more. Instead of sitting around rotting and complaining on web forums I am taking the steps to crawl up that ladder. Without the top percent there wouldn't be a market of great volume for people like me to benefit from.


Aside from that everything in your life counts on the markets. Your cars, computers, clothes, phone, house, etc. Give all of those up before you start saying you don't benefit or the average person doesn't. Without the markets and the companies that drive them we would all be living in mud huts. 



I think you've got it backwards. If it weren't for all those people working there wouldn't be any rich people. And I don't begrudge anyone their wealth. I only begrudge that it has become so lopsided in America that the rich are relative deadbeats and that their wealth can buy them any laws they see fit to maintain that advantage. That's all going to change soon. I hope that change comes at the ballot box.

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5 hours ago, jany123 said:

You make as much sense as one of those them thar crazee “creationists”.... the first stock market started in 1602.... So.... I’m pretty sure “haves and have nots” preceded any stock market... building too, such that folk didn’t need to live in mud huts, preceded stock markets.


more importantly, business and innovation existed before the stock market. Business created the market... not the other way around


but hey ho, your doing well from President Obama’s continued legacy of good fiscal policy... good for you. 

So it was the Romans, not Obama?


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6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

I think you've got it backwards. If it weren't for all those people working there wouldn't be any rich people. And I don't begrudge anyone their wealth. I only begrudge that it has become so lopsided in America that the rich are relative deadbeats and that their wealth can buy them any laws they see fit to maintain that advantage. That's all going to change soon. I hope that change comes at the ballot box.

So what do you think needs to be done to make it less lopsided? 

What can be done at the ballot box?

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:

So what do you think needs to be done to make it less lopsided? 

What can be done at the ballot box?

I think income taxes need to be steeper at the high end, close many tax loopholes and institute a VAT tax that exempts food and other necessities.


At the ballot box I think you have to vote in nonstablishment candidates that put people's well being ahead of the demands of the market. People should not be defined by their economic worth.

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8 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

I think you've got it backwards. If it weren't for all those people working there wouldn't be any rich people. And I don't begrudge anyone their wealth. I only begrudge that it has become so lopsided in America that the rich are relative deadbeats and that their wealth can buy them any laws they see fit to maintain that advantage. That's all going to change soon. I hope that change comes at the ballot box.

He's caught up in stawk euphoria. Sounds a lot like the novice "investors" I knew back before the dot-com crash in 2000 and the real estate bubble and Financial Crisis in 2008. People thought they were smart about stocks then, too, got greedy, and then got vaporized in the selloff. He'll get vaporized, too.

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6 minutes ago, zydeco said:

He's caught up in stawk euphoria. Sounds a lot like the novice "investors" I knew back before the dot-com crash in 2000 and the real estate bubble and Financial Crisis in 2008. People thought they were smart about stocks then, too, got greedy, and then got vaporized in the selloff. He'll get vaporized, too.

I hope he does great but I find his constant association of all things to the market disturbing. People are people first. They may be economic actors as well, but they are human beings first and members of a society. Markets are but an artificial construct trying to assign an economic value to all things, which is a tremendously faulty way of viewing the world. The reason capitalism exists in oursociety is it has been determined it is the best way to serve people. We seem to have lost our way and got it the wrong way around now.

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22 hours ago, zydeco said:

Yes, because that rambling, incoherent reflection of senility was actually his masterful craft and stable genius at work, a demonstration of his great and unmatched wisdom.

Still don't get it?

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8 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Today's markets have little resemblance to traditional ones. They are entirely rigged. Trump and the Fed have literally jawboned the markets up since last December. Trump and his minions have gone out just about every day and talked about an imminent trade agreement with China. And after one year, he basically has nothing. If a private citizen did this, the SEC would investigate and put them in jail. Martha Stewart did real time for less. Meanwhile Trump is screaming for the Fed to cut rates and increase QE, which is now at record levels of injection. And they complied. Trump seems to think that the economy is measured like his golf score, the lower the rates the better. He is a criminal. And so are the bankers and billionaires behind the market manipulation. When it crashes. And it will. People will be roaming the streets looking for them to be put in stocks and worse.

I don’t remember anyone on the left squealing about QE back when it started. 

That said, I think it needs to end. 

But I’m not clear. The general consensus here seems to be that only the greedy rich benefit form the market. 

If that is so, will it not only be the greedy rich roaming the streets?


Is that not a good thing?

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4 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Today's markets have little resemblance to traditional ones. They are entirely rigged. Trump and the Fed have literally jawboned the markets up since last December. Trump and his minions have gone out just about every day and talked about an imminent trade agreement with China. And after one year, he basically has nothing. If a private citizen did this, the SEC would investigate and put them in jail. Martha Stewart did real time for less. Meanwhile Trump is screaming for the Fed to cut rates and increase QE, which is now at record levels of injection. And they complied. Trump seems to think that the economy is measured like his golf score, the lower the rates the better. He is a criminal. And so are the bankers and billionaires behind the market manipulation. When it crashes. And it will. People will be roaming the streets looking for them to be put in stocks and worse.


That's all news of the day but it's time to think much bigger about the kind of society people want to live in. Yes, Trump's an a-hole, but do you really think the neoliberal Democrat that might have been elected would do much different, aside from the grandstanding and vulgarity? It's time for people to think about the kind of society they want and most of the leaders on offer are no different than all the other ones that have managed the steady decline of this nation. Can you imagine? Richard Nixon was the last progressive president! Carter was a change agent from whom we chose to take a turn for the worse. Trump is a change agent as well. Hopefully we make the right choice this time, but I find most people are really really stupid and act as agents for those who work against their own interests.


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