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Poll shows backing for Thanathorn to hold political rally


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Nida Poll indicates most people agree with Skywalk rally




Most respondents to a recent Nida Poll, by the National Institute of Development Administration, agree with the political rally, held at the Pathumwan skywalk on December 14th, by the Future Forward party.


When asked whether they agree or disagree with the rally, 27.8% said they fully agree, because it was a peaceful demonstration to demand justice and liberty, and 20.75% said they somewhat agree, on the grounds that it is the people’s right to express political opinions.


On the other hand, 28.35% of the respondents said they completely disagree with the rally because it did not help national development, while 15.35% said they somewhat disagree because they are bored with protests and would like the protesters to fight using the legal process.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/nida-poll-indicates-most-people-agree-with-skywalk-rally/


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1 hour ago, nobodysfriend said:

IT looks like Thanathorn is well on the way to become a " symbol " of freedom ( of speech at least ) , in Thailand .

He promises a future to the younger generation , and this is exactly what they need and want .

And he dares to publicly oppose the government and it's corruption . It was about time somebody did that . Many people are tired with the governments new laws and decisions which make life more difficult for everyone .

Thanathorn symbolises hope for a more democratic future for Thailand .

If they decide to put him in prison or kill him , it will provoke some violent reactions , so they better do not .






A violent reaction i think is an understatement. Look at what the yellow and ree shirts did over their 2 parties to each other and now both red and yellow both side by side saying military out thanaton in. Takes his money plus the sinuats and not to mention if this keeps growing othet huge finical people like central owner and so on and they all bond together to get them out. Especially if all of the biggest finicial people here made a pack over this to up and leave including their businesses over seas if this military government dont go. It would come to an end soon. Nearly all malls would be gone accept their buildings 100 of millions of thais withiut jobs 10s of billions of baht leaving thailand. Especially if cp left then the food industry such as restaurant would take a huge hit since cp is a main food supplier for restuants here. The military would basically have 2 choices leave or losr about 80% of all thailands money. And at that point the king would also be put in a position to either use his powers to remove the current government and hold and all new election with all previous candidate minus the military for pm or watch thailand lose everything. Thailand would never recover if all of them banded together and left thailand and took their companies with them leaving all buildings empty. And keep in mind cp owns all 7elevens in thailand. So 7 eleven would no longer exist here as well. Let the owners of big c and tesco also pull out closing their malls here too. All auto manufactures leave and nevee do business with thailand again. Then the only cars left here would be the ones currently here. Thanatom has the money and influence to standup to the militaty and thr currage. Im sure other big names like cp want to as well but are too scared to do so. Oh and lets not forget companies like shell esso and so on leaving caueing the only fuel to remain in thailand be whats currently here. Thus cars planes boats motorbikes soon wouldnt be able to be useable anymore here. And all flights to thailand would end boats and so on too thus no more tourists and those living jere quickly leaving and all thais that can be gone too. 

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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

Um, the military aren't going to be happy.  I think this guy needs to lay low.


It seems the military has nothing to worry about.

More than a quarter of those responding to a poll supported the political rally organised by Future Forward Party (FWP) leader Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit

That means that three-quarters did not support it.

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It is hard to fathom which is more depressing - the pretence that Thailand now has a democratic government or the willingness of the majority of Thais to go along with this delusion.

Edited by Krataiboy
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3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

The numbers would be quite higher in favor of Thanathorn if the poll was done correctly.


Nonsense. You have no way of knowing that unless you conducted your own poll and can share the methodology and results with us.


Similarly can you share your analysis of the polls quoted methodologies and your analysis which leads you to the conclusion they weren't sound.


The headlines here are as usual misleading. A majority of those polled did not support the rally. And some farangs, as usual, making sweeping statements based on popular opinion rather than fact.



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4 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

It is hard to fatho which is more depressing - the pretence that Thailand now has a democratic government or the willingness of the majority of Thais to go along with this delusion.


Perhaps they look at the so called Western democracies and their current state - US, UK, France, Australia, Canada, and see what a crock-of-<deleted> they are!

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9 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

The article headlines with: Most respondents to a recent Nida Poll, by the National Institute of Development Administration, agree with the political rally, held at the Pathumwan skywalk on December 14th, by the Future Forward party.


And then it goes on to list the percentages garnered from the massive sample of 1,277 people in a country of nearly 70 million to show the highest percentage supporting him - as in supporting non-violent free expression - is 30.


Since when is 30 percent 'most'? 


I agree with your comments on misleading headlines - which seem to be the world's medias habit these days.


But, you need to research statistical sampling sizes before commenting on such.

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There are three Thai groups in my view and farangs also fit into these three groups:


1) The fascists and their supporters.  This groups are the devout royalists, military, a large amount of civil servants, business people and people who believe in crushing voices to keep things unchanged. Farangs in this group don't really care about change in Thailand. They are partnered with fascist Thais probably connected in some way to the civil service or other institutions through marriage or business.


2)Those who openly want democracy, free speech and human rights. These are the human rights protestors, people who post about human rights and participate in ways they can, and it includes some political groups who don't partner up with the fascist political groups. Farangs in this group talk a lot about human rights in conversation and try to inform others of Thailand's state through social media or directly to the people to encounter in everyday life and work. They don't hide their values to protect their friendships with Thais in the other groups or to protect their opportunities.


3)The masses who are apathetic or quiet and cowardly. This group is the largest group full of people who don't want to think about things, have given up, don't care, or are willing to put their values aside for a peaceful threatless life. This will do what the fascists make them do. They'll participate in regime activities without much thought or out of fear of problems. The foreigners in this group will ignore their western values to protect their happy lives and opportunities in Thailand. They won't post anything that might cause their Thai fascist friends to rethink their view of them. Thais and foreigners in this group shut up about some of the values they may hold for personal opportunity.


All the groups are mixed with wealthy and poor, urban and rural.



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