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Road death toll jumps to 109 in first two days of safe driving campaign


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There is no surprises, the RTP still continue to drive stupidly, incompently, and with zero enforcement, sort that out we can then deal with the Public 

Yesterday saw the RTP driving with no seat belts, Ne Helmets and Riding the wrong way on a Road , the public only copy the enforcers. 

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8 minutes ago, Elkski said:

Did see police pulling over  for no helmets  yesterday but also man going through red light because  he can.   This am having  coffee at a sidewalk  stall  and man from a parked minivan for hire comes up and  gets  bottle of soap 20 baht.  I guess he implied he was with us  and we would pay. Barista even bagged it for him. Then as he drove off she asked if were with  him.  This is the thai  criminal  mind.  Imho.  This guy has done like this before.  He saw an opportunity.   

Again, please.

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1 hour ago, Just1Voice said:

They just don't care. 

Not only do they not care there is no spatial awareness and a difficulty to judge distance vs speed which is why so often  a car waits for you to get up close and then pull out of a soi in front of you it isn't until you are close there is the ability to calculate your speed and distance, or perhaps it is that they just don't care.


Happy and safe New Year and may it last 365 days and more.????????

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2 minutes ago, Almer said:

Not only do they not care there is no spatial awareness and a difficulty to judge distance vs speed which is why so often  a car waits for you to get up close and then pull out of a soi in front of you it isn't until you are close there is the ability to calculate your speed and distance, or perhaps it is that they just don't care.


Happy and safe New Year and may it last 365 days and more.????????

and  when  pulling  out  do  so  like  a  tortoise,  whilst  you  have  to   come  to  an  almost  stop

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It is going to take alot more than cardboard police car posters to stop the carnage on these roads. If the government was serious about this, and really cared, they would make sure the highway patrol did their jobs, and actually patrolled the highways, and pulled people over for reckless driving, and imposed some real consequences. Behavior changes, when there is a reason for it to change. Give them a reason! 

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9 minutes ago, Almer said:

there is no spatial awareness

Best observed with their  trollies in any supermarket as they park it in the  middle of anywhere inconvenient even though they see you  approaching it comes a s a "surprise"  when you want them to move it over.

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To be able to re-educate Thai's thinking regarding the need for driving tuition, awareness of road hazards whilst driving etc etc & a "mindset" that considers other people's lives will need miracle. Most Thai's are really stubborn by nature, trying to reason with someone is nigh on impossible here as they do not seem to be able to accept other people's point of view.

Culture wise I think we all know that there are "no go" areas when it comes to trying to persuade locals not to "risk life & limb", but their beliefs far outweigh the dangers that exist here. I stay out of trouble as much as I can, especially during holidays ........... by staying local, reducing my journeys & if it is at all possible stay home. Driving during peak periods is not recommended. I've learnt not to go out & get all my daily tasks out of the way before "rush hour". Driving is frightening here, at night there are too many bikes with faulty lights, daytime motorcycle riders take so many risks & I cringe each time I venture out to the shops. I have a 4x4 pick up with "bull bars" front & rear to give me the best protection available ....... plus wearing a seat belt is a must. There's no real health & safety laws here that are adhered to period. You have to be aware of your own surroundings at all times ........ I'm still confused & bewildered after 20yrs of living here, as daily I witness locals on motorbikes, pedestrians walking blissfully unaware that they are putting themselves at risk, hence any advice you attempt to give will be totally ignored ...... fact.

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3 minutes ago, Chazar said:

Yes thats  right as the  USA  has  exactly the same  number of  people in it as  Thailand right and virtually the same size as  well I  guess?

Irrelevant. I used the figures as an example how numbers can be used to support any agenda.

Does the US have the same proportion of two wheeled vehicles as Thailand? Of course it does not.

What is the comparison of deaths per passenger mile travelled?

That, in my opinion, is the only figure relevant. The same as they use for aircraft. 300 hundred people can die in one plane crash but it is still the safest form of transport statistically.

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4 hours ago, thasoss said:

why does this country do nothing to stop this carnage? Is it just put in the "too hard basket"

Or is it a buddha thing.............reincarnation,so why bother everyone comes back anyway?

This was their effort this year


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1 hour ago, madmitch said:

Isn't every road in Thailand a high risk area?

Where we live we have to travel on about a 2 km stretch of a rural road in order to get to the main highway to Chiang Mai. The road passes through, including our own, four villages. Virtually all of it is governed to a 40 kph speed limit. and for the most part is marked as no overtaking. 

There are the usual schools, markets, and temples, all of which attract at certain times of day many people and therefore should slow the traffic down even if the official speed limits are ignored. Selfish, parking is common, sometimes right on a blind bend, completely ignorant of the potentially dangers that this may cause. It should be a completely benign stretch of road but hey this is Thailand. In the ten years I have lived here the fatalities are now well into double figures, and there have been countless accidents and injuries. Ambulance sirens in the distance are a very common sound. 

The saddest reality being that this small stretch is almost certainly no different from most, if not all Thai rural roads. 

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we were on the road on the weekend, the so called "no police blocks " to slow down traffic was a total load of garbage, we had to converge into a single lane several times(on 2 major highways) with traffic backing up and what made it worse was there was no warnings & no lighting, we nearly cleaned up a couple of them in the early hours when the traffic thinned, easy to see people smashing into them as they are not visible till the last minute. There were lots of police cars/trucks with flashing lights near towns especially at u turn areas, none on the roads. The biggest problem were all the loaded pickups, trucks and buses that were hogging the overtaking lane and driving below the speed limit, they had cars backed up for miles(so much for enforcing this), the police efforts were pathetic but again thats not uncommon here

Edited by seajae
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29 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Its no surprise that motor cyclists get killed ,yesterday i signaled right  to turn into our road , a motor cyclist overtook on the inside at about 40mph ,missed him by inches , if most of them had another brain cell they would be a plant .

Same scenario happened to me 3 times in as many years, two times after dark (invisible in the rearview mirrors) and the imbeciles riding bikes at warp speed without lights (invisible in the rearview mirrors).

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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Putting this into perspective, Uk road deaths is about 3 a day for roughly about the same size population. So over a months worth of UK death in just 2 days. Pathetic.

And remember that there are many more cars on British roads than here which further puts this awful situation into even greater perspective 

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4 hours ago, thasoss said:

why does this country do nothing to stop this carnage? Is it just put in the "too hard basket"

Or is it a buddha thing.............reincarnation,so why bother everyone comes back anyway?

Maybe because the money being made?

By police, hospitals, temples, vehicle repair shops, etc. etc.etc.

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one would expect that all the deceased drunk drivers would, over the years, reduce the death toll in a cumulative way...this clearly does not happen, on the contrary, which can only mean no respect for their nor other people's lives... 

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