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Pattaya: Yet more adverse effects on tourism - but a "beautiful" Walking Street future awaits


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4 hours ago, TaaSaparot said:

I guess this an admission that Beach Road will not be finished by Feb. 2020 LOL


They have only reached the Hard Rock so far.


This Walking Street work will definitely drag into next years High Season.


Still the Avenue Guys and their project will surely be happy?

True they may have reached Hard Rock, however, they still haven't completed the construction work opposite Mike's shopping mall. According to Google Maps that's 1.5 km of  incomplete construction work. A real eyesore. The side walks are a complete mess with people bumping in to each other. 2 days before News Year Eve I got nailed by a Chinese tourist through no fault of mine or his. It was dark and we  were both trying to navigate through the cracks in the sidewalk. What can I say, not my country.  Welcome to Thailand

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2 hours ago, Salerno said:



Short time pain for long time gain. Adverse as in it will be a pain in the proverbial while the works are underway but long term WS will be more aesthetically pleasing.

If the work goes anything like it did on Koh Samui, it has taken nearly a year to do the drainage, let alone bury the cables and then they do about 10kms at a time, just to cause maximum disruption to the Island's traffic!

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17 minutes ago, riverhigh said:

True they may have reached Hard Rock, however, they still haven't completed the construction work opposite Mike's shopping mall. According to Google Maps that's 1.5 km of  incomplete construction work. A real eyesore. The side walks are a complete mess with people bumping in to each other. 2 days before News Year Eve I got nailed by a Chinese tourist through no fault of mine or his. It was dark and we  were both trying to navigate through the cracks in the sidewalk. What can I say, not my country.  Welcome to Thailand

You got "nailed"...? Did you walk backwards...? Naked...? ????

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Never in almost 40 years have I seen the streets of Pattaya in such a state of chaos, i.e. roads being closed off when there is no work at all being carried out. I some cases it is almost a case of "You can,t get there from here" ! and it remains the only city that I have ever seen having a roundabout that is not used as such ???? My bet is that in 10 years there will be just as many, if not more, cables stretched in along every street in amounts that defy belief.

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I understood that all the properties built over the beach in walking St. are "illegally sited" and must be removed, so am surprised to read of the upgrading of the street ?

Perhaps the brown envelopes have been slipped into the right pockets ?

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Too much Hong Tong with these officials! Guess too much time and money on their hands they are starting to believe the B.S. they put forth each day.


When the work is done they will prepare a new budget then the work starts all over again. This City and Country is truly a place the lights are on but no one is home!

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25 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Too much Hong Tong with these officials! Guess too much time and money on their hands they are starting to believe the B.S. they put forth each day.


When the work is done they will prepare a new budget then the work starts all over again. This City and Country is truly a place the lights are on but no one is home!

The Thai officials are just stuck in the past. 


Most of them are old, wealthy, corrupt guys, continuing on with what made them rich in the past, despite a changing world, and despite a changing tourism industry in the region.


The days of doing things their way are over. 


Tourists have genuine options in the region now, and for a nicer, cleaner, safer, and cheaper holiday.  Same goes for an expat lifestyle in retirement.


These old guys are presiding over the slow death of Pattaya. 


Edited by Leaver
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They have been doing klang more than 2 years.

Just on 3rd road now.

What a dogs breakfast it has been. 

Billions of baht literally dropped into holes in the ground. 


God knows what will happen if the light rail transit system is ever implemented. 

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11 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

3 months ? Covering what area ? Take 3 years 

definitely not just three months. a year at least. why? because the allocated money will vanish half way and then they will wait with open road for the next years budget... Let's see if the red light mafia will agree to loose income...

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17 hours ago, natway09 said:

This happened in lower Sukhumvit, Bangkok & we all lost our cable TV.

Cable Co " I cannot afford their ridiculous costs to use their undergound ducts &  (or) recable Sorry."

I wonder who was the lucky friend of a friend who got all the copper cable

Cable......is not a copper cable

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..this will turn out to be a big mess during the rainy season, how do you bury cables when the streets are flooded, the trenches they will dig will be collapsing too, am I right that it won't be anywhere near completion by Dec., Jan?

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13 hours ago, cracker1 said:

I understood that all the properties built over the beach in walking St. are "illegally sited" and must be removed, so am surprised to read of the upgrading of the street ?

Alternative plans have been on the table for some time now.

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Great, we can have all these cable fires the town is known for going on underground! Plus I don't see how burying the cables will make the place 'beautiful'.... it can look good at night but that is just the neon doing that job, try taking a ride through at 10am and see another side of it. 

Edited by jacko45k
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11 hours ago, Leaver said:

The Thai officials are just stuck in the past. 


Most of them are old, wealthy, corrupt guys, continuing on with what made them rich in the past, despite a changing world, and despite a changing tourism industry in the region.


The days of doing things their way are over. 


Tourists have genuine options in the region now, and for a nicer, cleaner, safer, and cheaper holiday.  Same goes for an expat lifestyle in retirement.


These old guys are presiding over the slow death of Pattaya. 


You are right but these old guys don't care the reason they put puppet man in charge who now has a Swiss account loaded with a billion. Whenever anyone challenge the system they are crushed the question will the new billionaire kid be in the same boat? 


Thailand is really a good and decent place to live but its leader has a 3rd world mentality and that is to keep the masses down provide them with just enough to keep them silent and brainwashed which they have no idea it is being done to them " This is Thailand " 


Slow death they stand up and act if they care when they don't it is all about money reason they sleep with the Chinese by the time they figure it out all these old guys will be dead but meantime Sabai I got mines that is all that matters!

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The massive influx of Chinese tourists, parading down walking street, following the guy or gal with the flag, does not help Pattaya, nor walking street, one iota. They do frequent 7/11, and they do buy some food here and here from the street vendors. But they do not visit the night clubs, the go-go's, or the bars, and they rarely ever bar fine a gal. How much actual money they spend in Pattaya is anyone's guess, but it does not appear to be much. Low class tourists, and lower middle class tourists from China and India are definitely not the answer to Thailand's tourist woes. Larger numbers simply create discomfort, a lower quality experience for all but the Chinese and Indians, who are used to jostling with massive crowds, more air pollution, more traffic and congestion on the roads, in the airports, and on the ground. The TAT. Dumb and dumber.

Edited by spidermike007
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20 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Was in Pattaya for New Years seeing  a customer who was vacationing there.  Everyone was so well mannered.  Had a great time.  Funny, the wires are not part of my memory.   The main problem, from my point of view, in Pattaya is the filth on the beach and in the sea.   If they want more tourists, allow for 60 day visa exempt.  Many of my Thai friends also moved there, as it seems to have more opportunities than Bangkok now, according to them.  It seemed freer than Bangkok.

beaches all over Thailand are littered with plastic and other trash.

I pick a few bits up when returning from a swim,buttttt there are hardly ever bins to put it in.

Why not get the Army to have a clean up every week, saying that the beach I picked up rubbish from was run by the army----

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30 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The massive influx of Chinese tourists, parading down walking street, following the guy or gal with the flag, does not help Pattaya, nor walking street, one iota. They do frequent 7/11, and they do buy some food here and here from the street vendors. But they do not visit the night clubs, the go-go's, or the bars, and they rarely ever bar fine a gal. How much actual money they spend in Pattaya is anyone's guess, but it does not appear to be much. Low class tourists, and lower middle class tourists from China and India are definitely not the answer to Thailand's tourist woes. Larger numbers simply create discomfort, a lower quality experience for all but the Chinese and Indians, who are used to jostling with massive crowds, more air pollution, more traffic and congestion on the roads, in the airports, and on the ground. The TAT. Dumb and dumber.

THE ANSWER: According to the enlightened ones is to give Indians and Chinese free visas.

the Chinese are controlled by the tour guides who only take them to pre- arranged Chinese Thai owned venues, they do nothing for LOS in general, as you say.

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