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World Bank lists steps for stalled Thailand to become high-income nation


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9 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Enough of the Thai bashing, this could be said of many governments in the world.

True, probably why Thailand is so accepted on the "world stage" they have the same agenda as all the other "super powers"! ????

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20 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I have some experience translating the gobbly-gook of WB reports.


"Thailand; unless you reform your Education System greatly, you will forever remain a backwards, low-growth country that perpetually envies more advanced places. And, all of your neighbours (beginning with Vietnam) will surpass you over time (including Burma). Period."


The key to this report, although they don't say it plainly, is that the growth of productivity requires a well-educated workforce. And, a well-educated workforce requires massive, massive reforms in all levels of the Thai Education system.


Step 1. Enter the Headquarters building of the Thai Education Ministry and fire everyone working there. Immediately. Literally everyone. These people created and perpetuate the current hideous, child's brain-killing monster.


Step 2. Enter the office of every Provincial Education Ministry office in the land and fire the top ten staffers. Immediately.


Yes, this might sound dramatic, but it is a serious proposal. These are the people who created the current, unsustainable, Frankensteinian-working mess and there is no doubt in my mind that they are unable to fix it. Fire them today, literally today.


Step 3. A massive audit of how Education System monies are spent to catch all the theft. Fire at will. Fire thousands. Then fire another thousand or two 'pour encourager les autres'.


Step 4. Make each Head of School responsible for the grades of their students and unless more than 50% of students pass the standard test each year, fire them. Immediately.


Then, begin the real reform of the Education System. With a chain saw.


I am completely serious about every word in this post; it is only the blueprint to getting started...




Exactly!!! The educational system is totally out dated and unfortunately the “normal” Thai student attending the public school system cannot compete with other students in other countries because of lack of knowing how to collaborate; share ideas and to question things; and being computer savvy with research.  It is sad to see such inquisitive minds at a young age be “programmed” not to be inquisitive but to only memorize what the teacher writes on the board. —And at most schools students are automatically passed on to the next grade level despite the lack of completing assignments.  Look at the Philippines- despite its poverty, its educational system produces great graduates that get jobs in their “expertise” overseas. They must be doing something right. 

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1 hour ago, kiwikeith said:

As someone posted there are good schools.

The problem is you have to pay for them and most Thais can not afford to send there kids there.

There is only a small amount of room at the top and  the elite get all those jobs.

The elite are happy to have a poor standard of education at the low end income working people, as they don't need pressure on their own.

Saying that, they will pounce on children who are genius level and provide them with scholarships and jobs.


It is similar world wide with many coming out of university with law degrees and end up working in supermarkets as no room at the top for them unless they are connected.

Very sad world we have these days.

A little pessimistic- if you have a good relevant degree you will be very sought after . My UK educated Thai stepdaughter with a 1st in economics and her English partner (1st in Chemistry) took one interview each to land their respective jobs in the City of their choice so they could live together.

The more highly educated population you have will similarly generate business and work to match. Singapore is a great example.

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34 minutes ago, Okis said:

Corruption committees that consist of proven corrupted MP's? Sounds great


Read the news and you'll see that great aria are being made to ago things like under the table money to enter schools, paying for good grades etc.

Tell me one country that doesn't have corrupt MPs?

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37 minutes ago, toenail said:

Look at the Philippines- despite its poverty, its educational system produces great graduates that get jobs in their “expertise” overseas. They must be doing something right

No, it doesn't. Only 6 years of education are mandatory.


Their universities are <deleted>, most doctors i know from PH study in bangkok at mahidol.

Thailand actually has good universities, it's the lower level education that is really skrewed up. 


yes i know tons of well educated filipinos, but the same can be said about thais. It's the ones in villages that don't have money for decent education that are really lacking behind, same in PH. On the other hand you have really decent schools in Udon Thani and co - but they are expensive.


There's a lot of great research coming out of thai unis, especially medicine. You seem to be biased against Thailand here.


According to the Philippine National Development Plan, “the number of higher education institutions in the Philippines is ten times more than its neighboring countries. The Philippines’s lackluster performance in producing innovators, researchers (81 researchers per million population versus 205 in Indonesia and 115 in Vietnam) and knowledge producers (28 out of 777 journals, or 3.6 percent are listed under Thomson Reuters, Scopus or both) indicates that the country has lagged behind many of its Asean neighbors in producing researchers, innovators and solutions providers needed to effectively function in a knowledge economy.”



Doesn't sound good at all. 

Edited by ThomasThBKK
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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Enough of the Thai bashing, this could be said of many governments in the world.



"Enough of the Thai bashing". It sounds very much like you don't think it's well-deserved. It sounds like you may be a fan of Thai buddhism. They stole that too.

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4 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

No, it doesn't. Only 6 years of education are mandatory.


Their universities are <deleted>, most doctors i know from PH study in bangkok at mahidol.

Thailand actually has good universities, it's the lower level education that is really skrewed up. 


yes i know tons of well educated filipinos, but the same can be said about thais. It's the ones in villages that don't have money for decent education that are really lacking behind, same in PH. On the other hand you have really decent schools in Udon Thani and co - but they are expensive.


There's a lot of great research coming out of thai unis, especially medicine. You seem to be biased against 



Doesn't sound good at all. 


Indeed it doesn't. It's a cultural issue in the Philippines, same as it is in Thailand.

I had the opportunity of speaking to a Mahidon-educated Thai doctor some months ago. He was proud of Mahidon until I asked what it's world ranking was. Then he went very quiet.


Thailand does not have good universities, Thailand has a few good universities for Thailand. But they have claimed cures for Ebola, Dengue fever and AIDS (I presume they mean HIV). All of which have gone very quiet, none of which has been adopted by the medical community, and all of which should therefore be assumed to be BS.

Edited by ParkerN
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31 minutes ago, ParkerN said:


"Enough of the Thai bashing". It sounds very much like you don't think it's well-deserved. It sounds like you may be a fan of Thai buddhism. They stole that too.

Why are you here if you don't like Thailand?There is no such a thing as Thai Buddhism. 

I've been on Buddhist retreat in Suan Mokh and assure you it is as the Buddha taught. Maybe the Buddhism to have studied is different.

Strange thing to say, did the Dalai Lama also steal it, or the Chinese?

Did Americans steal Christianity?


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22 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I have some experience translating the gobbly-gook of WB reports.


"Thailand; unless you reform your Education System greatly, you will forever remain a backwards, low-growth country that perpetually envies more advanced places. And, all of your neighbours (beginning with Vietnam) will surpass you over time (including Burma). Period."


The key to this report, although they don't say it plainly, is that the growth of productivity requires a well-educated workforce. And, a well-educated workforce requires massive, massive reforms in all levels of the Thai Education system.


Step 1. Enter the Headquarters building of the Thai Education Ministry and fire everyone working there. Immediately. Literally everyone. These people created and perpetuate the current hideous, child's brain-killing monster.


Step 2. Enter the office of every Provincial Education Ministry office in the land and fire the top ten staffers. Immediately.


Yes, this might sound dramatic, but it is a serious proposal. These are the people who created the current, unsustainable, Frankensteinian-working mess and there is no doubt in my mind that they are unable to fix it. Fire them today, literally today.


Step 3. A massive audit of how Education System monies are spent to catch all the theft. Fire at will. Fire thousands. Then fire another thousand or two 'pour encourager les autres'.


Step 4. Make each Head of School responsible for the grades of their students and unless more than 50% of students pass the standard test each year, fire them. Immediately.


Then, begin the real reform of the Education System. With a chain saw.


I am completely serious about every word in this post; it is only the blueprint to getting started...




I agree with you. 

Thailand doesn't need to invent themselves again but just look around and copy systems used in Singapore or Hongkong.

Following the PISA survey there is a good guide line how to improve education. 

However........ who should start? To establish or maintain power the ruling grabbing elites need uneducated stupid voters. 

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Read the news and you'll see that great aria are being made to ago things like under the table money to enter schools, paying for good grades etc.

Tell me one country that doesn't have corrupt MPs?

Tell me one country whose MP are all corrupt... Thailand is in a league all of it's own

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32 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I feel your pain. After I decided to start executing the get the hell out of dodge plan, first thing I did was to move the kids from a bilingual school to a true international school to get their IGCSEs (after briefly thinking of relocating to SG to do the same). They were top of their class in the old school, the first exams showed the truth: barely average results. It's now been 1.5 years and they've climbed back up, but needed to work truly hard to get into the real game. Still 1.5y to go and then we can pull the trigger, once they have creds that are accepted outside Thailand. I recommend you do the same if you can.

Tells a miserable but common story don't it? The one thing about fora like TV is that (whatever the Thai-o-philes say, and each of those usually has a particular reason or benefit in mind for having their POV), not everybody is stupid and not everybody will be wrong. Very rarely is there smoke without fire.



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21 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I feel your pain. After I decided to start executing the get the hell out of dodge plan, first thing I did was to move the kids from a bilingual school to a true international school to get their IGCSEs (after briefly thinking of relocating to SG to do the same). They were top of their class in the old school, the first exams showed the truth: barely average results. It's now been 1.5 years and they've climbed back up, but needed to work truly hard to get into the real game. Still 1.5y to go and then we can pull the trigger, once they have creds that are accepted outside Thailand. I recommend you do the same if you can.

A bit of a gamble for most, spending 500k baht plus for each kid per year, then they decide to hang out with the spoiled brats that go to that school and end up drug addicted self entitled brats.

But good luck!


The best thing about the expensive schools my kids go to is the networking, they should be ok in the future due to cronyism. They want to study in the UK for university. IMHO, Thai schools at OK of to spend lots of time educating your kids yourself, like responsible parents should do.

One thing to be aware of is not to make your kids feel like their Thai half is inept, this can lead to severe psychological problems, and I've seen many cases.


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4 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Chill down the China connection.  The weekly Yuan/USD inversion on the Baht is killing Thailand’s reputation as a safe haven for investment.

Then why is everyone buying baht and pushing it up?


It's got nothing to do with China. The RMB is pegged to the USD.

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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Why are you here if you don't like Thailand?There is no such a thing as Thai Buddhism. 

I've been on Buddhist retreat in Suan Mokh and assure you it is as the Buddha taught. Maybe the Buddhism to have studied is different.

Strange thing to say, did the Dalai Lama also steal it, or the Chinese?

Did Americans steal Christianity?


Oh dear, oh dear oh Dear.


I didn't say I don't like it here, I don't have a high regard for thais, kindly don't make assumptions which only confirm your own prejudices and do nothng to teach you anything about anything.


Thai Buddhism is Teerevada Buddhism, Naturally it's a fake, as is most religion, and only teaches about the virtue of obeying your seniors. Yes. I know you've been on a buddhist retreat, I can spot a bigot at 60 paces, and you have no idea what the Buddha taught, you only know what somone else has told you Buddha taught, which makes you gullible as well as whatever else you might be.


Of corse the Americans did not steal Christianity. Like any well-meaning frauds, they invented their own. The average American has no conception of Christianity, they only have a conception of bigotry and believing what someone else who knows nothing about it has told them. Like most Buddhists in fact.


Please don't tell me about religion friend, however much you think you know, it isn't enough. Plus, I've seen the Buddha Issara up close and that told me all I need to know about Thais and their rather odd idea of religion.


Anything else? No.

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6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Enough of the Thai bashing, this could be said of many governments in the world.



6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Enough of the Thai bashing, this could be said of many governments in the world.


I kind of resent people like you and here is why!  First if you haven't woken up and smell the coffee let me break the news to you!  I know " this could be said of many government in the world " this is a given very simple is it too much for you to handle we are talking about "Thailand" which is what I responded to I do go online back home in the States and bash the B.S. that goes on there too!


See!  this is how it works for me!  Regardless of me living in Thailand for close to 15 years when I step foot it doesn't mean I stop or forget who I am and what made me!  Sure we don't have the freedom to speak out here as we do at home we need to find a time and place for everything but I will speak my opinion even against Thailand even if you so narrowly and cowardly don't when you can! Thailand wants to be part of the world they accept funds and help through many world organization like a lot of other country when that happens they are open to criticism!


I speak out and help when people can't help themselves it is no different than home, if I could do more I would even here I'm not here sucking up hoping everything stays the same so I could just wake up each day and get happy over the poor and disadvantage. 


People like me back home speak up I'm sure guys like you who don't and that is your choice benefit from those who stand up and be counted. So instead of saying bashing try to grow a backbone before you expire!


To the moderator, I responded to a statement a personal attack it deserve a straight forward answer just because a poster doesn't like what is being said it is " Thailand Bashing " we should all stop! even if we are within the rules of the forum.

Edited by thailand49
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2 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Oh dear, oh dear oh Dear.


I didn't say I don't like it here, I don't have a high regard for thais, kindly don't make assumptions which only confirm your own prejudices and do nothng to teach you anything about anything.


Thai Buddhism is Teerevada Buddhism, Naturally it's a fake, as is most religion, and only teaches about the virtue of obeying your seniors. Yes. I know you've been on a buddhist retreat, I can spot a bigot at 60 paces, and you have no idea what the Buddha taught, you only know what somone else has told you Buddha taught, which makes you gullible as well as whatever else you might be.


Of corse the Americans did not steal Christianity. Like any well-meaning frauds, they invented their own. The average American has no conception of Christianity, they only have a conception of bigotry and believing what someone else who knows nothing about it has told them. Like most Buddhists in fact.


Please don't tell me about religion friend, however much you think you know, it isn't enough. Plus, I've seen the Buddha Issara up close and that told me all I need to know about Thais and their rather odd idea of religion.


Anything else? No.

This guy is entitle to his opinion the problem he doesn't like what is being said so he say it is " Thai bashing " or better yet these are the type of guys who don't like something and wait until someone else feels the same then urge or benefit from others to stand up and protest.

This is the type of guy who is like a closet racist, not saying he is in the true sense. But where I come from whenever they see or hear something they don't like they bring up " why are you here "  same as why don't you go back to where you came from! 


I just return from another thread, it is a generalization but it pretty much confirm to me why he has the opinions he isn't alone in his thoughts. Lives in a gated community good school for his kids etc etc. he has no idea or even cares about the Thai people he got his and that is all that matters! I bet he can't even squat or clean himself off with water?

Edited by thailand49
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To all the nasty retards that chronically post to Thai Visa:  Why are you <deleted>ting on Thailand because the economy is projected to grow 2.7%?  The USA economy is projected to grow 2.0% in 2020.   https://www.thebalance.com/us-economic-outlook-3305669

The UK economy is projected to grow only 1.0% is 2020.


Do you think this is because the UK has such a terrible educational system?

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