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The iPhone obsession..


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7 minutes ago, elgenon said:

It sounds like your confusing iPhones with smart phones in general.


Yes, I did adjust that further back. I used iPhone meaning internet phone, so can be any brand. The thread is about obsession.


When I go to the gym, guys there spend more time fluffing about with pages than working out, doesn't matter where I am folk are buried in a phone. Though never a swimmer............ yet...????


One things for sure, there are posters here that have been taken over by their gadget, and will defend their addiction.  ???? 

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

Yes, I did adjust that further back. I used iPhone meaning internet phone, so can be any brand. The thread is about obsession.


When I go to the gym, guys there spend more time fluffing about with pages than working out, doesn't matter where I am folk are buried in a phone. Though never a swimmer............ yet...????


One things for sure, there are posters here that have been taken over by their gadget, and will defend their addiction.  ???? 

I pretty much agree with you. I have seen social benefits though I hate admit.


I saw a group of three girls. 2 were having a conversation. The left out girl entertained herself with her phone allaying the embarrassment of being left out.

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23 hours ago, transam said:

In the week I went to Tops Supermarket, nice shop, wondering round I saw a team of ladies working on fresh produce to be put on display, one lady had a knife in one hand and an iPhone in the other, I thought, I wonder if that iPhone has been into the toilet with its owner...????

Walking round Dohome, zillions of staff standing around with heads buried in their iPhone, don't their managers instruct the staff to actually work...????

Yes, terrible thing.


maybe have no friend real life. All the time social media. Make them crazy. Bad fashion.


thankyou for 61,000+ post.

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11 minutes ago, transam said:



One things for sure, there are posters here that have been taken over by their gadget, and will defend their addiction.  ???? 


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49 minutes ago, transam said:

Yes, I did adjust that further back. I used iPhone meaning internet phone, so can be any brand. The thread is about obsession.


When I go to the gym, guys there spend more time fluffing about with pages than working out, doesn't matter where I am folk are buried in a phone. Though never a swimmer............ yet...????


One things for sure, there are posters here that have been taken over by their gadget, and will defend their addiction.  ???? 

I love my phone combined with Bose blue tooth headset. I stream all my rock / hard rock music to my headset and have a great aggressive workout.  I also use the phone to record what I did so i can see if there is progress or not and make the occasional picture. 


I also use the phone as a timer so I don't have too long a wait between sets.

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3 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

We lived differently using, for ex, the postal services ... and it worked very well.
New technologies including the internet were said to simplify everyone's work and / or remove obsolete staff;
in fact it didn't do any of that.

When I arrived in Udon in 1996, I was (ttbomk) the only American in town with a computer, and the only American who was connected to the internet.

I visited an older friend one day and he said he was having problems with social security.  He said he had written to the Social Security Administration about his problem.  I asked what SSA said/did.  He said he hadn't heard back.  I asked when he sent his letter.  Six months ago, he replied.  I explained how email worked.  Before long, he bought his first ever computer........it took a while for him to overcome his fear of blowing up the house by hitting the wrong key on the keyboard.  

For all the downsides to computers/smartphones, I wouldn't trade mine for the world.  Living in Thailand, on the other side of the world, is so much easier because of those connections.

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1 minute ago, kokesaat said:

When I arrived in Udon in 1996, I was (ttbomk) the only American in town with a computer, and the only American who was connected to the internet.

I recall (as someone working in IT) rather naively asking an American tourist visiting Bangkok in 1996 for his email address. I recall his dumb-founded reply: "What's that?"


We've come far

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6 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

I thought it was only me and Assur. that despised these things .  Why oh why do a couple go to a restaurant then spend their time looking at a little screen instead of each other ? Then they cut their food up into spoon size bits so they have a free hand fot the ipod/app/phone thing. I agree isaanbiker it must be an addiction . Oh I too have a Nokia , oh how I get stares when I whip it out after going off in my shorts.  I phone folk and they phone me on the Nokia that is all I need .

Mrs.Trans keeps on at me to get an internet phone, I say in no way am I going to turn into phone robot, my internet stuff is all done at home, when I am out I do what I want to do, which does not include burying my head in a phone looking at what folk are eating for dinner....END OF...????

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4 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

Ye gods sir !   Is that life size , how do you press the keys ?

I had one. Great phone. Never a problem finding or pressing the keys (yet my gf says "OMG, your fingers are so big").

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17 hours ago, SteveK said:

Technology of today is not always a good thing.


I remember the good old days when nobody had internet or a phone, only landlines, and not everyone had one of those. I feel that life was much more enjoyable then. Now you're always contactable, can always be given stress or hassled, when before you could sit on a bus or train and read your book in peace. You could sit on a park bench and eat your lunch in peace without your boss hassling you for the month's figures. Now they can get you anywhere.


Plus now, because kids know they have all the knowledge in the world inside a piece of plastic in their pocket, they don't need to bother remembering anything. In the UK particularly, kids just don't actually seem to know anything anymore, except how to use Instagram and Facebook.


As technology has advanced, the new generation have become so dependent on it that if it failed they would be up sh*t creek without a paddle. I wonder how many 15 year olds know how to look up a book or journal in the library? I suspect I wasted hundreds of hours doing that when studying for my exams. Now they just punch it into google and get their answer immediately. Technology has advanced but intelligence levels definitely seem to have declined.

Good comments.  Made me wonder if libraries are on the wane.   Do kids read books any more , I mean how can they maintain their concentration when expecting their phone to ring any second.  When I were a lad about 100 years ago we had the first phone at our end of the road.  Made my mother fume when locals needed to use it , so often there were strangers in th hall using the black phone. By the ''60s it was changed fro a two tone green one , oh and the number was 4325.

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On 1/18/2020 at 12:55 PM, transam said:

Let's put it this way, my thread is about users being taken over by their hand held computers...????

In 1895, Bayer marketed diacetylmorphine as an over-the-counter drug under the trademark name Heroin. It was developed chiefly as a cough suppressant. However, heroin would soon have one of the highest rates of addiction among its users...

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On 1/18/2020 at 6:41 PM, mike787 said:

Nope!  Not overtaken. No rocket science.  Iphone is a great piece of hardware.  Just that simple.  Makes life efficient.  

Yes there was his friend asking him what did you buy your daughter for Christmas

he replied an I phone

what about your young son?

an I pad

and what about your wife?

an Iron.

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On 1/18/2020 at 1:05 AM, robblok said:

I see no reason why one cannot use a phone instead of looking straight not doing anything i can play with my phone. Great entertainment as long as your not with someone or have a job to do.

Your last statement is the real contrast I always see between my American life and my Thai life. 


Go into any store in Thailand and half the staff can barely be bothered to look up from their phone to help you.


In most US business' cellphones are not allowed to be used at work. 


I work for Delta Airlines where we are strictly forbidden to take cellphones outside of Op's on to the active ramp area.


Last year when leaving Khon Kaen airport, before we left every ramp agent I could see, prior to the pushback was on their phone.


There ain't nothing on your facebook that should take priority over safety at an airport!

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On 1/18/2020 at 3:27 PM, transam said:

Was thinking about the iPhone obsession, seems like some sort of a brainwashing thing, a habit, or craving. 

On the news this morning; phone or social media obsession ( one is not possible without the other )  is now a recognised psychological disorder.

If my child was getting upset by on line bullying I'd stop them using the phone, but seems to me that parents are too gutless to take the phones off their children now. Leave it till they kill themselves.

It's getting to the point a whole generation are having their lives ruined by on line addiction. Apparently kids are not sleeping or doing school work so they can go on social media.

How bad does it get till parents start taking responsibility? We are breeding a race of phone zombies that do nothing but go on line. Be a shock to them if WW3 starts and they are all called up.

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I call these 'Smartphones' the grownups dummy!. I would like to see the reaction from a day when the internet stopped working for about 6 hours, I can imagine that the psychiatrist couches would be inundated with clients suffering from withdrawal syndromes. Where did the art of conversation go to, it's DEAD!!! I regularly go into restaurants and see couples who NEVER speak a word to each other throughout the meal and are texting all the time whilst they eat. If you are using this for business or for urgent reasons then I can totally understand using them, but not this incessant need to check the blxxdy things every 20 seconds; are you that important??

I would like to see somebody; who has got the guts to set up a restaurant, that has a Faraday Cage where it blocks all mobile communications and I think I would call the place 'Let's Talk' - worth a try for somebody brave enough to test the waters out I'm sure. I'm sure that this place would garner the middle to older age clientele who would like to eat in a nice quiet environment, come on you entrepreneurs give it a try!

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I hate to admit it but phones are just so damn convenient.

I remember days when you collected your pay from the pay clerk, went shopping, wandered all around town paying the bills, took your film to the shop for development, went to the library to check out different things, lined up at the phone booth, off to the travel agent to buy tickets, and waited for the postman to do it all over again tomorrow.

That takes 10 minutes on a phone now.

Surely that gives us more free time to look at our phones.

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