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'Nobody likes him' - Hillary Clinton bashes Bernie Sanders

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Just now, Kelsall said:

More evidence Bernie needs to accept his lot in life which is he will once again be screwed out of the nomination.  Right now he's holed up in the Senate, unable to campaign.  Hillary's getting in a little more practice kicking him while he's down (not that she needs the practice LOL!).


Makes no difference anyway.  No one can beat Trump.  MAGA 2020 guaranteed.

Oh please.

He didn't get screwed out of the nomination last time and whether he will win this time is not yet determined but there is no evidence that he's being "screwed" this time either. I realize that it's 45 cult of personality fake news propaganda to suggest that the timing of the impeachment trial is all a Pelosi conspiracy to suppress Bernie but that is obviously total B.S. But I get the 45 cult of personality goes along with any and all fake news that works for their agenda.

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6 minutes ago, yokat said:

I used to think Trump was a plant to give Hillary the last election, but then she still managed to lose. Maybe the multiple videos of her "not having a seizure" during the campaign didn't help either.

It's been well documented that even 45 himself didn't expect to win. Did you watch his acceptance speech? 

He would have been better off to lose. Then he could have started a right wing propaganda media empire and his business brand and family empire would be less scarred. 

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3 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

From the mouth of the most despicable woman on the planet, reviled by all and evil to the core

I never was a great follower of American politics although now that this corrupt clown is president I have taken more of an interest, but what has been of great interest to me is why Hillary is hated so much (no this is serious, I really don't know) and for someone to be described as despicable and evil to the core, then she must have done something very wrong.........what may I ask.

As for Bernie, well I do believe he is too old to be elected and he seems too far left (for me) as well as open to fits of ranting and raving.

So without taking up too much space (bullet points will do) why is Hillary despicable and evil to the core?

A little off track perhaps, but in some ways related to Bernie's situation.

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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What are you talking about?

If you mean the electoral college that can only be changed by a constitutional amendment which would be almost impossible to pass.

and why should it be changed

5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Ask someone else because I'm not interested in a hopeless cause. 

i'm asking you because you seem to believe hilary was cheated because she received more votes.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, thasoss said:

i'm asking you because you seem to believe hilary was cheated because she received more votes.

Go bait someone else. I didn't say that.

2 hours ago, yokat said:

I used to think Trump was a plant to give Hillary the last election, but then she still managed to lose. Maybe the multiple videos of her "not having a seizure" during the campaign didn't help either.

I'd forgotten about that, but it was a pretty big hit and did anyone at all believe it was because of dehydration?

Bernie should never have come back after his heart attack. It doesn't matter how fit he is now, it'll be used by all his opponents as a big stick to beat him with.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Check out Whitewater on the internet, then check on how she treated the women that accused her husband of treating them badly.

Check out the Clinton Foundation during her time as secretary under Obama.

Follow that up with her (in)action when an American ambassador was murdered in Libya.

Finally, did you watch her during the election campaign and those revolting pants suits?

Calling millions of Americans deplorable probably didn't help.

Well I have checked out everything that you have stated in your post, on many different websites and information sites, and on just about every one, she has been cleared of any wrongdoing, and one of them by a investigative committee of Republicans!!


I find it incredible, absolutely incredible that folks like you have taken to "hating" Hillary Clinton for things of which she has been cleared many times over, yet you have this dumb clown in office who you support, and it is WELL KNOWN about his thousands of lies, his bankruptcies to save paying the everyday working American, his denigration of American war heroes, the employing of illegal immigrants and, more importantly being FOUND GUILTY of illegal use of charitable funds........using funds donated to charities for his own use.


ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE, and I think there's a clue in your post when you mention "revolting pantsuits", because I believe you hate the woman because of what she was (a powerful woman), and perhaps you have the same deep-seated misogynistic tendencies that your beloved president harbours.


There is however, someone who fits the description posted by "Sticky Wicket" (the most despicable woman on the planet, reviled by all and evil to the core) and this poor excuse for a human being is called trump. 


Follow FYI..................


Neither Bill Clinton nor Hillary Clinton were ever prosecuted, after three separate inquiries found insufficient evidence linking them with the criminal conduct of others related to the land deal. 

But ultimately, none of the many investigations into Whitewater — including, most famously, one by independent counsel Kenneth Starr — found that the Clintons did anything criminal. The conclusion was that it's likelier they were victims of Jim McDougal's malfeasance than that they were co-conspirators. 


After a series of lengthy investigations into the matter—led most famously by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr—the Clintons were never formally charged with a crime. Although, several of their Whitewater associates fared quite differently. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/whitewater-scandal.asp

Sept. 20, 2000 -- Independent counsel Robert Ray today filed his long-awaited report on the Whitewater investigation, clearing President Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton of any criminal wrongdoing.

The official report, sent by Ray to a three-judge panel, is not expected to be finalized for several weeks. But Ray released a six-page statement today that concludes neither the president nor Mrs. Clinton intentionally violated the law in the botched Whitewater real estate deal. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=122883&page=1

The Clinton Foundation.
Beginning in 2015, the Foundation was accused of wrongdoing, including a bribery and pay-to-play scheme, but multiple investigations through 2019 found no evidence of malfeasance.

Wikipedia……………CNN reported in January 2018 that the FBI is investigating allegations of corruption at the Clinton Foundation in Arkansas. Sources said that federal prosecutors are checking to see if foundation donors were improperly promised policy favors or special access to Hillary Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state in return for donations and whether tax-exempt funds were misused by the foundation's leadership.[28] The Washington Post reported in January 2020 that an additional Justice Department investigation into the matter, initiated after Donald Trump took office in 2017, was winding down after finding nothing worth pursuing.

An old hoax about the Clinton Foundation resurfaces on Facebook. https://www.politifact.com/facebook-fact-checks/statements/2019/dec/09/viral-image/old-hoax-about-clinton-foundation-resurfaces-faceb/

https://www.charitywatch.org/charities/clinton-foundation gives the Clinton top rating. 

Benghazi attack…..Wiki
Despite persistent accusations against President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice, ten investigations — six by Republican-controlled congressional committees — did not find that they or any other high-ranking Obama administration officials had acted improperly. Four career State Department officials were criticized for denying requests for additional security at the facility prior to the attack. Eric J. Boswell, the Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security, resigned under pressure, while three others were suspended.[22] In her role as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton subsequently took responsibility for the security lapses

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1 hour ago, DoctorG said:

Why am I thinking more and more that she is launching a late run?

Now that would be fun to watch.

It will be a disaster... but this is the current politics in America right now. I don't support Trump, he is a Zionist shill as far as I am concerned, but these clowns in the Democratic Party will create the best Monty Python episodes ever.


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1 minute ago, mogandave said:

Looks like Bernie’ being thrown under the bus...

He really is... and again!! IMO, it is now all set up for Hillary... unbelievable. Two time loser. Trump will be president again for sure. 

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46 minutes ago, Tounge Thaied said:

It will be a disaster... but this is the current politics in America right now. I don't support Trump, he is a Zionist shill as far as I am concerned, but these clowns in the Democratic Party will create the best Monty Python episodes ever.


I'm the same I don't like Trump but I loathe the clown Dems more.

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9 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:


says the woman who couldn't beat Trump in an election :cheesy:




She won the popular vote Clueless 

  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

Love him or hate him... Trump will be re-elected for another four years. Imagine, the Democratic Party is so inept right now they have to trot out Hillary Clinton again!? How many times has she lost again?

Well she Won Popular Vote , why are you in Denial, it’s Cult -like

  • Haha 1

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