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UK's Johnson plans full border checks on EU goods - Telegraph


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2 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

With the EU having a population of approximately 500 million and the UK only 66 million, I'd say that the UK doesn't have a very strong hand. Brexit is going to cost every single person in the UK more; can't say the same for the EU, which doesn't need the UK market nearly as much as the UK needs the EU market.

Poppycock! The EU exports more to the UK than vice versa.

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2 minutes ago, jesimps said:

You obviously missed all the threats coming from the EU then? I think Boris is just trying to counter them. Quite right too.

Yes, I agree it's the macho stance before trade talks commence. Just to let each side know the other has balls.  Now that Brexit has occurred, I would be seriously disappointed if johnson doesn't drown the UK hook line and sinker in favour of embracing higher med costs and chlorinated chickens from trump.


As for the EU - who are they to dare challenge the wave-ruler over fishing rights? Imprison the lot of them, withdraw their access to the UK, and let us kick both Scotland and Ireland out of the Union. As for Wales - encourage them to breed more hormone, anti bacterial sheep for migrants' consumption, before sending the job-stealers back to where they came from, accompanied with a high transitional newstyle Coronavirus caused by contaminated mutton.


Ah, yes, the glory days when we ruled the world under the English flag are just at the beginning of the beginning, as johnson voiced yesterday - or was it the day before? 


Let's rejoice fellow posters. Brexit means brexit. 



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2 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:
2 hours ago, TheDark said:

Before joining the EU, UK was called as the sick man of Europe. 


2 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

Yes really. From the very wiki article you have just quoted:


'Throughout the late 1960s and 1970s, the United Kingdom was sometimes condemned as the "sick man of Europe", first by right-wing foreign commentators, and later at home by reactionary critics of the third Wilson/Callaghan ministry, because of industrial strife and economic performance compared with other European countries'.

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2 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

And before the UK was in the EU it seemed they were able to  manage reasonably well.   Boris Johnson will get it sorted....on way or another. 

You didn't have the market power from the EU then, China and India weren't big market players, so a complete different scenario.

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3 hours ago, baansgr said:

More like convince European companies to move to the UK...your glass always seems half empty rather than half full.

You missed the point that a lot of companies already left the UK. Why should somebody move from a 400+ market to a much smaller one, makes no sense at all.

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3 hours ago, baansgr said:

More like convince European companies to move to the UK...your glass always seems half empty rather than half full.

I see that BMW has stopped the upgrade to the Mini....can't think why unless they will stop investing in Hams Hall and take the production to Germany, next step will be relocation of Rolls Royce.

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3 hours ago, TheDark said:

I'm confused

We have noticed that quite a lot from you. I guess it is not being British and understanding what leaving the EU means to the UK people.


2 hours ago, TheDark said:

EU was the cure for UK

I can tell you hat you are more than confused quite delirious.

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Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

We have noticed that quite a lot from you. I guess it is not being British and understanding what leaving the EU means to the UK people.


I can tell you hat you are more than confused quite delirious.

We shall see, the huge market block EU is still sorting the playing cards while the fat lady is singing in the background. It would seem, according to Bloomberg, that American industrial activity is slowing down, so no cavalry to the rescue.

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So, Brexit is done & successfully split the UK into bits.

The PM has quickly jumped on the customs & excise bandwagon without discussions with the EU of waiting until the "probation period is over"

The only reason Brexit was voted for was the Immigration issue which is now up for review.

As to a trading Nation  I cannot see the "Great" ever being in front of Britain again

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4 hours ago, Orac said:

I don’t understand why this is worded as a ‘threat’ since this is the default position if there is no agreement anyway. We have left the EU and when the transition period ends then, without a deal, goods from the EU will be treated the same as goods coming from any other country.

As will goods from the currently named United Kingdom to the EU

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3 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

which doesn't need the UK market nearly as much as the UK needs the EU market.

Certainly needed the UK input of money to keep the EU afloat - that lost money has to come from somewhere.  Who's going to stump up that extra cash now the UK has left/leaving? Greece ? Italy ? French retirees going to delay retiring at 50 to pay for it ? You think an independent Jocko land coming cap in hand to the EU will be beneficial to them ?You think EU citizens will be happy to add another 1% on tax to pay for it ? The EU are shooting themselves in the foot as much as anybody 

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One thing for sure one of the first things to go will be the "for personal use" customs allowance on fags and booze from the EU, many hardened smokers who rely on under the counter cheap fags wont forgive the Tories for this.  

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41 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Poppycock. Much more important is how many exports you are prepared to jeopardise by not negotiating in good faith with Boris. Total percentages over 27 countries mean nothing when the export reductions are going to be concentrated in Germany and the low countries.

45% of UK exports go to the EU.

6.6% of German exports go to the UK.


exports to UK.png

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11 hours ago, Orac said:

I don’t understand why this is worded as a ‘threat’ since this is the default position if there is no agreement anyway. We have left the EU and when the transition period ends then, without a deal, goods from the EU will be treated the same as goods coming from any other country.

That is Jonhsons way to make from a defeat a victoty explanation ...you dont know ?

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7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

... I guess it is not being British and understanding what leaving the EU means to the UK people.

Not all UK people; there are still 48 % of UK people who didn't want to leave

victory, yes, but not big victory 

in fact, I am "neutral", I am not British 

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