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Beyonce and Jay-Z 'disrespect the flag' as they sit during Super Bowl National Anthem

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6 hours ago, JimmyTheMook said:


And here is the difference, where one ppl are legally forced and the other represents honor.


Those clown in the photo are people w/o any honor.






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This is such a small thing. Prior to WWII nobody ever dreamed of standing for the national anthem. It was created by the guys who were in charge of recruiting for the war, in an effort to drum up patriotism. Most, like Trump, would never even dream of fighting for their country, if the need arose. Imagine him leading his troops into battle, akin to Henry V, at Agincourt? Easy to declare war, when there is nothing personal at stake. And it is easy to hide behind the flag, and claim patriotism. Much harder to demonstrate it, if the real need arises. 


Just like with the whole Kaepernick episode. Not standing for the anthem is NOT a show of disrespect. Pretending you are a patriot, when in reality you have nothing on the line is.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:


Can you share a link? 

Then they should have knelt to be clear it was about a protest. 


They made they're point without a knee on the ground. BTW, has that colin K. guy found any employment since he pulled his stunt?

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, allenberg said:

They made they're point without a knee on the ground. BTW, has that colin K. guy found any employment since he pulled his stunt?

I really don't know but I think if that was a political protest and not just a-hole-ery that someone could point to a link showing a statement about that. 


No Colin Kaepernick although clearly a superior athlete to a number of working quarterbacks has not found work and wont because the owners have obviously black balled him because they think that the controversy wouldn't be worth it. That is their right as business owners but it's pretty damn sad. 

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Nationalism, so over rated.


Sit, kneel, stand, have a beer. Who cares. Stand and sing if it means that much to you. Just realise others do not have to share your views.


I cant remember the last time I stiid for my anthem, and sure as hell have never bought a flag. I dont like what my country has become so wont be returning.


Lucky I have 3 passports.

  • Haha 1

When somebody walked into my office room visiting, I made it a point to get up my a*ss from my chair to greet the visitor, even if the person was junior to me.


In public transport, when I see an elderly person, with or without a cane, I stand up and give up my seat.


When I meet a person with a title say like an ambassador, I will adress him as "your excellency" even if he is a perfet a**ho**. and I do not approve of their national politics....and so on


Noting to do with country, over reacting, patriotism, Trump, America...just a matter of elementary politeness, protocol and civil behavior in society. But perhaps this notion is unfamiliair to many. You do not respect a nation's flag and anthem ? Well chances are that the next time you may not respect me either....

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1 hour ago, observer90210 said:

When somebody walked into my office room visiting, I made it a point to get up my a*ss from my chair to greet the visitor, even if the person was junior to me.


In public transport, when I see an elderly person, with or without a cane, I stand up and give up my seat.


When I meet a person with a title say like an ambassador, I will adress him as "your excellency" even if he is a perfet a**ho**. and I do not approve of their national politics....and so on


Noting to do with country, over reacting, patriotism, Trump, America...just a matter of elementary politeness, protocol and civil behavior in society. But perhaps this notion is unfamiliair to many. You do not respect a nation's flag and anthem ? Well chances are that the next time you may not respect me either....

My grandfather was gassed in the Somme in the First World War on returning to civvy life he was plagued with health problems for the rest of his life and worked sporadically with very little help from the state that sent him off to war wrapped in the Union Jack. He never spoke about the war, refused to go to any reunions or buy the poppy so traumatised was he by his terrible experience. Some may have superficially judged him had they not known the true reasons for his attitude and behaviour. I am in no way comparing his experience with these of two modestly talented pop stars but when there is a herd instinct to wave the flag and trumpet nationalist anthems my instinct is to side with the recusants not the shouty holier than thou plastic patriots. It takes a braver person to make a stand than to simply stand up. 


What you wish to do in your civil life is a matter for you and you alone and no-one here would seek to ask you to justify your approach or reasons for so doing. It would then only be reasonable to ask that these two are similarly left alone. Up to them as they say here, up to them. 

  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, URMySunshine said:

My late mum used to regale me with tales of playing the British National Anthem at the end of a movie in the cinema and there was a gadarene rush to get out of the movie before the credits ended so they wouldn't have to stand. Free people in confident nations with self-respect don't feel the need to wrap themselves needlessly in the flag and nationalism to be proud of their country. 

Well stated sir and found it very interesting to read your comments about the UK movie theater.  No doubt many of the people loved the country, and meant no disrespect, they just wanted to get on with their business.   I as an ex military person that signed on the dotted line to protect the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic echo the same feelings. 

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11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Had their ancestors remained in Africa, do you think they would have been very rich entertainers now?

You are aware that america is comprised entirely of immigrant populations with the execption of the indigenous nations?


Not one single person of european ancestry would be who they were without emigratIng at some point.


The fact that many did so willingly and not under extreme duress doesnt really do credit to your argument either.


This thread has stirred up afestival of ugly nationalism.


Frankly I owe no country or song respect, I may stand out of courtesy but I most certainly dont deny anyone their right to expression, especially in a country that has branded itself as the land of the free and basis this claim on a core tenet that guarantess the right to free speech and expression.


Get over yourselves you boring  hypocrites. 

  • Thanks 2
11 minutes ago, ianezy0 said:
22 hours ago, soistalker said:

America: We're Number 1.

It’s ‘we are’ actually if you want to use Our language ????

ah... but it is okay as it is a parallel of the use of, for example (it's, for it is) - versus the (its, that implies ownership)  


This question is what was explored in TNG; comparing vernacular differences between Data with Lore



unless, you are a Fan of television series LazyTown...

14 minutes ago, tifino said:

ah... but it is okay as it is a parallel of the use of, for example (it's, for it is) - versus the (its, that implies ownership)  


This question is what was explored in TNG; comparing vernacular differences between Data with Lore



unless, you are a Fan of television series LazyTown...

Is this from an Aussie perspective ????

But of course, you are correct Sir.

Have a great day.

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