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"Don't worry about coronavirus!" - Thailand's first virus patient praises Thai doctors for survival


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53 minutes ago, WhyamIhere said:

Not to worry...no big deal! Finally doing better "after spending nine days under the care of a large team of specially chosen doctors and nurses.  Doctors said she was in the hospital during the 14 day incubation period and had already been suffering from the virus for 12 days on admission." I wonder how much that would have cost her in a private hospital? 

You don't think it was an opportunity for the many medics to get first hand experience of dealing with a Corona virus victim, experience that might be sorely needed in the coming weeks?

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Had a chat with the neighbors wife yesterday.


Asked her if her family was worried about the virus and she said “No, Thailand has found the vaccine”. She looked at me with blank eyes when I told her that was not true.


These media stunts seems to work well. For sure, great for spreading it faster.



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3 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

TV is squeezing the corona virus story to the max, and up to now ONLY ridicule articles for Thailand and the Thai profesionals who are dealing with this dificult situation. 

Well one gets a bit suspicious when there are claims that the virus is now 100% under control, that Thai doctors have discovered a cure for ebola and AIDS etc etc but they are the only ones who seem to know anything about it???

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6 hours ago, englishoak said:

What an irresponsible stupid article to print... 

And yet, incredibly, it's almost exactly what most TV posters keep repeating, it's fine, no need to worry, I'll be ok, it's just a flu, why wear a mask....


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7 hours ago, petermik said:

ooh that,s reassuring news.......we can all breath much easier now.....:whistling:

..isn't it pathetic..next thing will be the Health Minister drinking someone's sputum sample.

Edited by tandor
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Don't worry is the wrong statement. She was lucky to be in the group of survivors. She probably got a good care too. But because she recovered (like most infected people) it does not mean to believe it can be fixed. The infection still kills and there is still no vaccine or cure. Clean your hands, wear mask and try to avoid infectious people.


Are you are playing lottery ? The chance for a big win is much much lower than the chance to die of corona.

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Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows



"The so-called R naught of the disease, a mathematical equation that shows how many people will get sick from each infected person...


Coronavirus = 2.2

1918 Spanish flu = 1.8 and killed at least 50 million people across the world...


World health officials caution that it may take months before the true R naught is known as more coronavirus cases come to light.


So, maybe more or maybe less than the Spanish Flu?


Oh, oh. ????



tenor (1).gif

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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I would be more concerned about the flu, look up how many people it wipes out every year, the numbers are frightening, but we don't hear about it in the news.

Don't worry this thing is going to beat any of your flu numbers hands down. And comparing one year against one month + whole thing is just starting tells everything. And no need to talk about intensive care this needs compared normal flu. If you mean influenca, which is different thing, we might be a little bit closer, but better to see where we end up by March. Prepare the worst, at least you will be not disappointed (win-win) 

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1 hour ago, AJS150654 said:

I read these posts with utter amazement, not about what is being said or orchestrated by the Government, which happens in most countries, it is the full on negativity and sarcasm by "visitors/guests" in this country. About time you returned to wherever it is you are from and think about why you came to Thailand in the first place. Personally I think the Thai's are doing quite well in what is a global health situation.

Yeah... Nothing to worry about really...




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Since this pretty good info link seems to have been lost in the noise I'll just bump it up again: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/



Coronavirus Cases:
of which 3,223 (13%) in critical condition



Lots of links on the pages, it's a good starting point for googling.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

"Don't worry about coronavirus!" - Thailand's first virus patient praises Thai doctors for survival

Good news she survived but I wouldn't be so quick giving the doctors a pat on the back... this was an isolated patient in a very large hospital.

The scenario could be a lot different  if the numbers ramp up like those in China... That very same hospital is near me and it has a reputation as being a nightmare... if it was dealing with multiples of patients it would go into meltdown very quickly!

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Jaimuay Sae-ing, 73, was interviewed on the Palang Pracharat Facebook page. The political party has strong links to the government. 

The most revealing fact in this whole article.  That combined with a lead-in mimicking the P.M. "Don't worry about coronavirus" tells you the government will stop at nothing to put a positive political spin on a very serious medical situation. It's also pretty revealing that this lady was treated 50 kilometers outside of Bangkok. That sure does sound like a "get her to a remote area just in case" scenario to me.  

Edited by kensisaket
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*  So stupid

*  Why is she  sitting?

*  Why no family around her?

*   Why not hugging doctors?

*   How much did her 9 days cost.              her? 

*    Who is paying her medical  bills?

*    Any permanent damage to heart.          or lungs?  

*     how many tourist day $ benefits to Thailand were wiped out for her medical care. 

*     a team of doctors you say?  Let's hear how many beds and patients that team and hospital can care for before care drops?  Did any government visit this hospital?


Dam I flew in December 26 from Shanghai.  I now know why they had temperature sensors up  and pandemonium  in the airport.  Would  my travel insurance have covered this? Geoblue

Will or have  travel insurance companies now added exclusions to countries?   

Maybe my sickness Jan 2-7 I posted about was a weak case?  

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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I'm guessing, just guessing, the Thais involved will be treated under their national health insurance for the most part.


It's the non-Thais I'm more concerned with.... and there's been ZERO info I've seen from the govt regarding just who is paying for all the hospital bills associated with suspected and actual CV hospitalizations...  thus far mainly pertaining to the Chinese tourists.


But if this thing keeps spreading, farangs are going to get pulled into this... Many don't have health insurance. Many have health insurance with substantial deductibles. Some have full coverage. It could mean a lot of hospital expenditures -- unless the govt were to end up covering farangs....  And I'd be surprised if they would end up doing that.



I have friends who had to pay the hospital 285,000 bht just to recover from dengue.

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