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Are you an underachiever?


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"Underachiever" by whose standards are we basing this on?

The way society is structured by those in 'command" we are only high achievers if we are working hard for our employers or making ourselves rich and famous, yes I have underachieved!

But, I am content knowing I am an underachiever as I detest the standards that society has set for us to be called otherwise! 

You have to be happy with yourself and have a huge list of excuses for "underachieving"

Need anymore - I have plenty? ???? 

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19 minutes ago, CGW said:

"Underachiever" by whose standards are we basing this on?

The way society is structured by those in 'command" we are only high achievers if we are working hard for our employers or making ourselves rich and famous, yes I have underachieved!

But, I am content knowing I am an underachiever as I detest the standards that society has set for us to be called otherwise! 

You have to be happy with yourself and have a huge list of excuses for "underachieving"

Need anymore - I have plenty? ???? 

I suppose my only concern is that the muppets in the government will continue to increase the financials and additional rules. It is the unknown that I worry about, not current times. ????

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3 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Not at all.

But, If I was in my 60's and did not have 800,000 b to put in an account, I would feel like more then an underachiever.


I have the money and then some. It is the unknowns here in Thailand and the moving of the goal posts that is unnerving.


I wish to try for residency, but get the usual 'cannot' when I visit my local immigration. Have to move to CM or Bangkok to even get started on the  procedure. IT is things such as this that give us pause for thought. ????

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1 minute ago, thequietman said:

It has its advantages & disadvantages, but as the years progress, I need something a little more concrete. ????

nothing is for certain here. the powers the be could change their mind regarding the foreigner at any time. I would not put it past them to start shipping us all out soon. they seem to be looking increasingly inward which in turn can only mean bad things for the minorities that live here.

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1 minute ago, CGW said:

Why bother worrying about something you have no control over, plan accordingly, you can do no more :wai:

That's true - but, a move to Europe gives me a clear set of known rules that are consistent and can be measured. LOng term plans can be made in a situation like that, in Thailand, the opposite is true. ????

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1 minute ago, Liverpoolfan said:

nothing is for certain here. the powers the be could change their mind regarding the foreigner at any time. I would not put it past them to start shipping us all out soon. they seem to be looking increasingly inward which in turn can only mean bad things for the minorities that live here.

Hence, my uncertainty about a future here. ????

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1 minute ago, Nakmuay887 said:

The opposite of what you described if anything. I have done more, accomplished more, been more motivated and more driven than I was in my home country. I moved here to box and help people and have been incredibly successful with both. 

Great, but long term ??

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3 minutes ago, Nakmuay887 said:

 I moved here to box and help people and have been incredibly successful with both. 

sounds like you will end up as a dive instructor soon enough . Don't overstay your visa now or the BMW smart cars will be right up yer backside!

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4 minutes ago, CGW said:

The rules are clearer in Europe I guess, there will be changes everywhere, Thailand will stay in step, just as they have done here.

I have been here for 31 years with very little planning and am content, imagine what you could achieve with a plan!

So, one can assume that you don't have pension, is that correct?


If so, how do you navigate around that, or are you ridiculously wealthy. ????

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3 minutes ago, thequietman said:

So, one can assume that you don't have pension, is that correct?


If so, how do you navigate around that, or are you ridiculously wealthy. ????

If you like the 'Dell boy' activity as stated earlier .. Why retire in the classic sense at all?  As long as you try and stack the odds in your favor regarding your health ... No saying you have to stop until you eventually drop ?   

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12 minutes ago, CGW said:

No I don't have a pension, I set myself a goal in life early on and that was to have enough money to say <deleted> to the world, I managed that by the time I was 58 which wasn't easy, but needs must!

Bear in mind that when you have a plan you have to be willing to adapt, my plan was to make enough money in five years, it took 35 years, had to regroup a few times along the way, alcohol and the delights that the female form offers helped along the way and kept me focused!

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I always felt the purpose of life was to have sex with as many fertile women as many times as possible.

Although I do understand some men think the purpose of life is to gather as much money and toys as possible.


If you want money and toys, Thailand is not the place for you.

If you want sex and the chance of reproduction, it most certainly is.


By only managing to reproduce 5 times (that i know of), I do feel I have underachieved, and if I could do it all again, I would spend less time earning, and more time banging.


As Attila the Hun used to say,

"There is no greater reward in life than lying with the wives and daughters of your recently dead enemies, and riding their horses"

With the seemingly considerable amount of time that you have spent having sex in your life , you just dont seem satisfied . 

  Have you ever considered that you may not be doing it right or theres something missing ? 

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1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

I think we all knew that. However writing what you mean is an achievement. So by definition...


If one is not from Thailand then being able to sit in a bar here all day is an achievement. 

over or under achieving could be construed as how one approaches adversity or how one reacts to opportunities placed in from of one. Many are called but few are chosen.

Not for me. Thai bars not that interesting. Buy beer from 7/11. Spend most days walking around looking at stuff. I sit in the room.


I drank enough in my 20s to last 3 lifetimes.


I think most older guys drinking are drowning their sorrows. They mainly looked bored.


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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

With the seemingly considerable amount of time that you have spent having sex in your life , you just dont seem satisfied . 

  Have you ever considered that you may not be doing it right or theres something missing ? 

Why more kids got me

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6 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

I think most older guys drinking are drowning their sorrows. They mainly looked bored.


spot on mate. thats exactly what i see all the time. trying to have a decent conversation with anyone in a bar these days is like pulling teeth. 

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14 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

spot on mate. thats exactly what i see all the time. trying to have a decent conversation with anyone in a bar these days is like pulling teeth. 

You dont have friends outside bars? Rather talk to a massage girl or the 7/11 girl.

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what is an underachiever? if you sat in front of the tv all day ,did sod all but were as happy as larry until the day you die ,then you achieved all you wanted .

on the other hand if you always wanted to be a millionaire ,with a private jet and a 20 bedroomed house ,but ended up in a 3 bed semi with a ford capri and you died unhappy ,then you were an underachiever.

myself i realized early on that i was never going to go down in history and make billions so went for things i could achieve ,in my life i was also very lucky went to London in the swinging 60's was lucky mixed with people most of you have only read about ,took up a hobby/sport that made me fairly well known in my circle ,had great girlfriends and wives,even if some did not last that long  and now am married to a fantastic wife ,have two great kids who have both done well in life .

had enough money to live quite comfortably ,so in my mind no i'me not an underachiever.

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