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Pollution: Abandoning Thailand to seek a better life in Vietnam?! Think again.....


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8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I will happily give up 2 years of my life and enjoy what I have left with the company of cute young girls.

The US is purgatory for older folks I would rather be here thanks.

Yeah, as long as they take the two years off the 'Zimmer frame' end, I'm OK with that too.

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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I was in Saigon last Songkran, the air was perfect compared to Chiang Mai and Bangkok.

Irrelevant. As Vietnam continues to grow air pollution will only get Obviously worse and that's what we are seeing now 

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9 minutes ago, madmen said:

But how can this be? Vietnam is being cherished as the promised land with thousands of expats recently fled there. 

With pollution worse than Thailand and now needing to do border runs every day 30 days viet would now be at the bottom of the expat list!! 

???? 30days Mad?  For many nationalities, it is 90 days.  US nationals get a year.  

The lack of visa hassles, lower alcohol prices and better opportunities just generates a better vibe than Thailand.   Thailand is standing still right now or going backwards.   Vietnam isn't.  China didn't.   Thailand will loose out in the not so distant future.   


Saigon's air pollution is lower than that of Bangkok:





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2 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

???? 30days Mad?  For many nationalities, it is 90 days.  US nationals get a year.  

The lack of visa hassles, lower alcohol prices and better opportunities just generates a better vibe than Thailand.   Thailand is standing still right now or going backwards.   Vietnam isn't.  China didn't.   Thailand will loose out in the not so distant future.   


Saigon's air pollution is lower than that of Bangkok:





You missed it? As of June 2020 EVERYBODY must do 30 day border hops. There were several threads on the topic 

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On 2/20/2020 at 1:17 PM, BTB1977 said:

A source that doesn't want to be named is not a source.  Totally made up BS usually follows such a statement.  


Well, if you would be a little more humble and more informed... you would know.


Hanoi has... a terrible pollution problem.


And it's not new.


Geography, and climate...


Last but not least : go to see by yourself...


I go to Hanoi (the most beautiful city in the whole South-East Asia) since 2001.


So yes, allow me to confirm this "rumor" and "unreliable source".


For once, Thailand is not number 1 !


Hanoi is worse than Bangkok.


So the idea to "retire" in Hanoi, to escape the Bangkok air pollution, is simply insane.


However, some people might argue : death is certain...


So better to die inside a beautiful and inspiring city : Hanoi (Bangkok has strictly no charm, no identity, no nothing : just a giant mess).


Or, like someone said... retire on the coastline (the sea wind is one of the key against pollution), around Danang... and go to Hanoi for pleasure.


Anyway, the winter is just plain horrible in the north... So a "pendular" schedule would make sense.

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On 2/20/2020 at 8:21 PM, DrTuner said:

Depends on the direction of the wind. Most field fires are in Cambodia so when it comes from east, Thailand gets smoked, when from west, it's cold smoking time in Vietnam. There's no winning.


Only hope is the current drought (Forgot about that? Check the reservoirs, many critical) lingers for years so there's nothing left to burn.

Go an hour outside Udon Thani you will see the fire and black smoke filling the sky to blot out anything lower than about 15000 ft it looks like a scene from a disaster movie ….and after a couple of days every one has this bad cough and a few more and I was spitting blood, I was on holiday but imagine if like people I know up there  you had just built a house.....  

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8 minutes ago, christophe75 said:


Well, if you would be a little more humble and more informed... you would know.


Hanoi has... a terrible pollution problem.


And it's not new.


Geography, and climate...


Last but not least : go to see by yourself...


I go to Hanoi (the most beautiful city in the whole South-East Asia) since 2001.


So yes, allow me to confirm this "rumor" and "unreliable source".


For once, Thailand is not number 1 !


Hanoi is worse than Bangkok.


So the idea to "retire" in Hanoi, to escape the Bangkok air pollution, is simply insane.


However, some people might argue : death is certain...


So better to die inside a beautiful and inspiring city : Hanoi (Bangkok has strictly no charm, no identity, no nothing : just a giant mess).


Or, like someone said... retire on the coastline (the sea wind is one of the key against pollution), around Danang... and go to Hanoi for pleasure.


Anyway, the winter is just plain horrible in the north... So a "pendular" schedule would make sense.

I’ve been to Hanoi twice and have to agree...it’s beautiful.  More character than any city in Thailand.  The first time was a little after Songkran and it was still cool with a light drizzle so I didn’t notice any pollution.  The second time however, the air was so bad that it burned my eyes and there was a truly toxic feeling, smell and taste to the pollution...(far worse than anything I have ever experienced in Thailand)....like they were burning tires and plastic.


It’s not the 2 years cut off my life that concerns me with regards to pollution...  It’s having to tote around an oxygen tank for the last 10 years.

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12 hours ago, madmen said:

Quality of life is fantastic when it comes to fit young girls. You won't get that in Kansas Dorothy 

Farang are big cry babies on social media 

I have 2 long term older mates, both in their eighties have been here twenty years still going strong in Bangkok , neither a TV member and good for them because according to TV they should be dead 20 years ago 

Are you guys just not well traveled?


The world is full of young, fit girls. 

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16 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Are you guys just not well traveled?


The world is full of young, fit girls. 

And many much prettier than thai girls but unwanted attention by 0ld men will end up In a... get lost creep... Comment however in Asia if you are relatively well off it can easy be the new wife 

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29 minutes ago, dcnx said:

It’s going to be more than 2 years. Most everyone I’ve met who doesn’t get bothered by the pollution is a smoker. At least half of them are also heavy drinkers. They make poor life and health decisions in general so it’s natural to not be bothered by terrible air pollution or any future risks.

I’m pretty much a non-drinker (a few drinks per year) but the air in Bangkok was so bad this year that I actually quit smoking cigarettes because of it.  Almost two months so far and feeling much better for making that choice.  Still bothered by the pollution however.

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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

So you sacrifice your health to live in a dirty old mans paradise? Seems a fair trade to me.


Of course we could move to the coast of Vietnam and have the best of both worlds.... if only they would quit messing about with the Visa.

I'm totally shocked I made it this far without giving my health a second thought 

No point changing now. 


Vietnam is off the table with the Phillipines threatening changes and Cambodia will follow soon enough, the doors are all closing 

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On 2/20/2020 at 8:25 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


If things keep going the way they're going, this site could well end up being renamed...


"VietnamVisa.com"!!!  :laugh:

If I may humbly suggest: VietVisa.com (except that someone already registered or grabbed the name, apparently, but hasn't put up a full website ... yet)



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My multi-device, air-purified bedroom in Bangkok - 2


Yeah, I could relocate to Vietnam, but I wouldn't evade the real bane of my existence in Bangkok: Motor vehicles, especially motor bikes/scooters





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I once met a Malaysian man (ok, he was of Chinese ancestry) who was crazy about fresh-water fishing.  He had a job that involved travel to other countries in the region.  He told me Kyrgyzstan has the clearest, most pristine rivers and streams he's ever seen -- unfortunately the water was so toxic nothing could live in them.



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19 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

They want old people to have money as they get stiffed by loads of them not paying their medical bills.

I had a Thai nurse a couple of years ago, gorgeous, I got stiff way before I got my bill. But, didn't stiff the bill. Worth every penny.

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On 2/21/2020 at 1:56 PM, Krataiboy said:

What are the beaches and bargirls like?

I dont know about the beaches but the bargirls can not be worse

over there.Cha-am is the place where old bargirls make a stop on there way from Phuket

to Isaan.

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Vietnam is the new China. It is has booming factories and pollution.


All over Asia there is a problem with vehicle pollution that lack catalytic converters. In Cambodia they get a new Lexus and first thing do is remove any pollution control!

It means you are always exposed to high levels of toxins.

Not to mention the food.


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On 2/22/2020 at 5:21 PM, madmen said:

And many much prettier than thai girls but unwanted attention by 0ld men will end up In a... get lost creep... Comment however in Asia if you are relatively well off it can easy be the new wife 

If you’re a sloppy cretin, you’re correct. You’re not going to be able to hook up with girls younger than your daughter.

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On 2/22/2020 at 5:44 PM, Airalee said:

I’m pretty much a non-drinker (a few drinks per year) but the air in Bangkok was so bad this year that I actually quit smoking cigarettes because of it.  Almost two months so far and feeling much better for making that choice.  Still bothered by the pollution however.


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Hanoi and Saigon have definitly bad air quality.

I felt worse in Saigon than Bangkok, mainly because there was no BTS.

Now I get used to it because I avoid main roads and peak time. The future metro will be a big plus when it opens.

But second tier cities like Da Nang are really clean. I was pretty amazed when I went from Saigon to Da Nang. I guess Da Nang easily beats Chiang Mai.


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33 minutes ago, El Matador said:

Hanoi and Saigon have definitly bad air quality.

I felt worse in Saigon than Bangkok, mainly because there was no BTS.

Now I get used to it because I avoid main roads and peak time. The future metro will be a big plus when it opens.

But second tier cities like Da Nang are really clean. I was pretty amazed when I went from Saigon to Da Nang. I guess Da Nang easily beats Chiang Mai.



Certainly better than BKK or CM, at least lately. All yellow or green. Nothing into the orange or red pollution categories, which is good!






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