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Thousands rally at Kasetsart University against government, warn bigger protests coming to Bangkok


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3 hours ago, fakser said:

They must be insane to gather together in a crowd of thousands like there was no Coronavirus  infection risk.

In the photos I've seen most have been wearing masks. Funnily enough that'll mask your identity too in case they decide to go full on commie like the Motherland in HK.

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15 hours ago, ezzra said:

Was to told be a thai friend in the know that the winds of discontents are gathering momentum and young people had enough with the the current leadership and that much more will be coming... 

Like Hong Kong had before the virus young people not happy let's see where it goes in Thailand. 

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57 minutes ago, aspenbkk said:

Like Hong Kong had before the virus young people not happy let's see where it goes in Thailand. 

Most Thai students have no idea whats going on..it's follow the leader type of mentality (for these protests). If you asked 100 students what they are protesting about and why, then 80% wouldn't have a clue. Some would say democracy, but most of them have no idea what that really means.

The bad thing is with 'follow the leader' types is they are the one's that may eventually get hurt.

Edited by couchpotato
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The nation is being led by an army that is not only tone deaf but has dramatically lowered the quality of life for all but the top 5%. Moving again the FFP was a colossal blunder, reaking of hubris, arrogance, an insatiable thirst for power and wealth and it amounted to a declaration of war against the common Thai. One can only hope the thousands grows into millions and the hapless army is shown the door. In a perfect world the top 200 generals would have their wealth and properties confiscated and turned over to the state and they would be stripped of their citizenship and permanently exiled. One can dream. 


The army is on its way out. Just wait. They have abused the trust the people have shown them. 

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1 hour ago, SupermarineS6B said:

I've just seen on Facebook something that cannot be shared, the Police/Army have gone mob handed into a school and dragged a load out..... Looks as though the game's on ......  Censored off Facebook already....

Just seen the video myself, in the description in Thai it explains that it is an old clip where 14 students were taken to court, and one ended up in hospital as he was trampled by police/army who acted on orders of NCPO.


It also explains that the situation is still going on as of today



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18 hours ago, franzs said:

Sad, .....and again, they falling for a Billionaire,  remember: the red shirt movement? They were campaigning for Thaksin and called themselves "United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship" (UDD), I never understood that name. 

Campaigning for a dictator and call themselves against dictatorship.


...and the sad story behind: bloodshed, a burning city and the dictator on the run.


I hope they will not repeat the same mistake.


They should learn from history............   



This happens when disenfranchised people become desperate. It had to happen and it will happen again. People have become fed up with this Prayuth and his lot.

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17 hours ago, bluesofa said:

That recent purchase of the Armoured Personnel Carriers will come in handy.

These military 'toys' weren't bought with the intention of defending the country, but for use in suppressing its own citizens.


But they must consider the leanings of the crews that man them. It could all backfire.

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11 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

But they must consider the leanings of the crews that man them. It could all backfire.

Please.... the army have all the gear, but the orders are given to troops who may know their families, their experience of being in the army, their feelings for a better future all cry out that they should say 'No, we will not do as you ask!'

And probably not all the army bosses agree with each other.

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12 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

It still remains to be proven;

and that is not what has been written many times;

to know that it is the owner of the places who ordered a few thugs to set it on fire and thus recover his money , thanks to insurance. :post-4641-1156693976:

Thats a new theory, but very hi-so Thai to me.

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18 hours ago, bluesofa said:

That recent purchase of the Armoured Personnel Carriers will come in handy.

These military 'toys' weren't bought with the intention of defending the country, but for use in suppressing its own citizens.


That may be but we should all remember the these vehicles are driven by the ordinary dis satisfied citizens of this lovely country and when you are behind the gun what is an order against feelings.

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10 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

You might just see a swing within the Army........That's maybe why a scale down has been suggested...... It'll come from within....... 

I did read that there is someone waiting in the wings waiting for an opportune time.

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2 hours ago, Huckenfell said:

I can only talk for 14 years, but have to agree with you. In his day everything was throbbing and 'go ahead' conditions were improving all the time the economy was getting stronger and he did some good things for the poor. A lot of his imaginary crimes were cooked up by the opposition. The land deal with his wife for example was not fixed, she tendered with 3 other companies and produced the best offer. Of course he signed off on it Nobody else could, as he was the PM. So it was all a big opposition lie. Yes he was the best ever PM for the people of Thailand and if he had remained i am sure that Thailand would be one of the best countries in SE Asia today instead of the Military Basket Case it is.

Wow, another re-write, nowhere near accurate:


- The several corruption cases well proven but some yet to come before the course but won't because of the statute of limitations.

- The land case with his then wife; "...Of course he signed off on it Nobody else could, as he was the PM..."  That's totally incorrect and very misleading, in fact the law (and it exists in every country' says that he the PM CANNOT sign such documents where family is involved. And the said law exists for very valid reasons.

- And more... 


But all way off topic, which is about 'thousands of students rally at kasetsart uni against government........................


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The question is, how far will things go?  Hundreds of thousands blocking the streets, rail lines, sit ins, then of course when you get thousands crowded together, tensions run high, violence, riot, as has happened in many cities around the world, Thailand included.  Dissolving political dissent goes deep into intellectuals mind set

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17 hours ago, soalbundy said:

YES... pop goes the Baht (selfish I know). I foresaw this sometime ago, one has to wait for the students to march then the rolling stone becomes an avalanche, it's the same all over the world. Politicians should pay heed when student bodies start murmaring, it never ends well for the politicians.

Or many of the students unfortunately. Cannon fodder they used to call it

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3 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

The question is, how far will things go?  Hundreds of thousands blocking the streets, rail lines, sit ins, then of course when you get thousands crowded together, tensions run high, violence, riot, as has happened in many cities around the world, Thailand included.  Dissolving political dissent goes deep into intellectuals mind set

Some truth in your comment, but students / all citizens have the right to protest in some form, where they believe that: current statements, values, actions etc., by the government, the police, the judiciary are immoral and unethical and wrong, and in fact breaking the intent of the law and don't support the development of equality and equal opportunity, education and therefore the building and improvement of a civil society.


How to protest is obviously a complex question but that doesn't and cannot override their right to protest. 



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On 3/1/2020 at 7:00 AM, Thailand said:

Pretty much rubbish. 


The UDD had non elected appointed leaders payed by Thaksin. The same Thaksin who stated democracy wasn't his goal. He wanted a kletocracy with the Shin family running the show. Suppressed free speech where he could when in power etc. etc


Now it's unlikely that we'll ever know if FFP and it's leader are simply another PTP/TRT and Thaksin. Seeking to cement themselves at the head of the trough - or genuine agents for real change.


What's interesting here is the younger people supporting them, and not a paid for and coerced bused in group. Young people and people actively interested in politics, in change, in democracy and in stopping the blatant graft. Information is much more widely accessible now. Education has and is improving. Real change could be on the horizon! 

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

Some truth in your comment, but students / all citizens have the right to protest in some form, where they believe that: current statements, values, actions etc., by the government, the police, the judiciary are immoral and unethical and wrong, and in fact breaking the intent of the law and don't support the development of equality and equal opportunity, education and therefore the building and improvement of a civil society.


How to protest is obviously a complex question but that doesn't and cannot override their right to protest. 




Peaceful protest, the right of free speech (not censored by any part of the political spectrum), and the right to meet and discuss, are basic rights all should enjoy.


Impeding, assaulting, insulting, others aren't.


Ghandi was the master at this. Peaceful protest. Far more powerful and effective.

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14 hours ago, moe666 said:

I do not think Taksin was a dictator when he started, plus he offered the disenfranchised a place at the table.



King Taksin the Great had been an Ekatat servant and then was a leader in the liberation of Siam from Burmese occupation after the Second Fall of Ayutthaya in 1767, and the subsequent unification of Siam after it fell under various warlords.


He reigned from 28 December 1767 – 6 April 1782.


If you actually meant Thaksin Shinawatra, he was a far superior PM than anybody in this current lot could ever be.

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