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Thousands rally at Kasetsart University against government, warn bigger protests coming to Bangkok


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4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

So according to you the students protest will fizzle out and Prayuth will be safe for ever more.


A little question for you. If what you say is true why are the army, the police and the rest of the hangers on panicking, quoting this or that problem. Why do they "suggest" that the protests caused by the students may spread of the corona virus?


Did you notice that it is only the student protests that are likely to spread the virus.


Working on those lines why hasn't the government shut down the Skytrain, the Subway, all forms of public transport, all the shopping malls, schools, all the international airports, ALL incoming flights from China etc, where there are also crowds of people crammed together?

They're scared, they're facing extinction and they know it, the people are sick of stuffed uniforms at all levels.......  The Corona scare will be a cheap attempt to quell the protests....... Cheap........

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:



King Taksin the Great had been an Ekatat servant and then was a leader in the liberation of Siam from Burmese occupation after the Second Fall of Ayutthaya in 1767, and the subsequent unification of Siam after it fell under various warlords.


He reigned from 28 December 1767 – 6 April 1782.


If you actually meant Thaksin Shinawatra, he was a far superior PM than anybody in this current lot could ever be.

While I agree with your statement re Thaksin being superior, that wouldn't be all that hard to achieve - you would probably be better  than little p ????- - -

however, saying the Thaksin would be better doesn't in anyway suggest that I think he (Thaksin) was good for the country. 

Edited by Artisi
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3 hours ago, tlandtday said:

So they want to ban student protests with the virus as reasoning yet they allow this??


Yeah but remember they're getting something for free playing action men.........And we all know how the locals like something for free.......

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On 3/1/2020 at 5:40 AM, rooster59 said:

Prayut Chan-o-cha dismissed the protests against his rule as a young generation driven by impulse

Impulsive people are unpredictable dear general. 

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On 3/1/2020 at 4:51 PM, Salerno said:

I don't see any keyboard warriors of any rank encouraging an uprising on "their" behalf. Care to point me to posts I have missed?



I have seen posts supporting citizens of a country looking to have a say in how it's run.

From the comfort of their armchairs,hiding behind the safety and anomonity of their keyboards.

Edited by kingdong
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6 hours ago, billd766 said:

Have you ever personally asked any student what they are protesting about?


Or is it only your personal opinion you are pushing as fact and trying to hide the fact that you have no idea why they are protesting?

Normally I wouldn't answer silliness, but actually I am a senior lecturer at Thammarsart University/Klong Luang,  so I presume daily interaction with students for many years, should answer your post.????

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7 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

Normally I wouldn't answer silliness, but actually I am a senior lecturer at Thammarsart University/Klong Luang,  so I presume daily interaction with students for many years, should answer your post.????

I,m up for a bit of "daily interaction" with any female students.

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9 minutes ago, kingdong said:

I,m up for a bit of "daily interaction" with any female students.

There are over 9,000 female students at Thammarsart and AIT, but unfortunately staff must be very proper and definitely hands off....but of course one can look and dream.

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On 3/1/2020 at 2:48 PM, faraday said:

Been done before though, hasn't it.

It didn't end well for the perpetrators though. Today things are different, Thailand, like all other countries, is wary of international condemnation, arrests, yes, ideal climate for such arrests, large public gatherings forbidden due to corona, shootings, no, nothing could be more damaging for the economy and reputation of Thailand. 

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This govt is completely out of touch with the people of Thailand.  Case in point is the ill planned never thought out plastic bag ban.  It has <deleted> off so many Thais with its authoritarian type implementation and particularly in the rural areas. There was no consultation whatsoever just one day the bully brigade says no more plastic bags.


I am for improving and maintaining the environment but how about first picking up all the garbage in the land and the sea and installing some bins and some anti dumping legislation and ENFORCEMENT. 


It's often the little things that sink a govt. 

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6 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

This govt is completely out of touch with the people of Thailand.  Case in point is the ill planned never thought out plastic bag ban.  It has <deleted> off so many Thais with its authoritarian type implementation and particularly in the rural areas. There was no consultation whatsoever just one day the bully brigade says no more plastic bags.


I am for improving and maintaining the environment but how about first picking up all the garbage in the land and the sea and installing some bins and some anti dumping legislation and ENFORCEMENT. 


It's often the little things that sink a govt. 

This could sink a lot of Gov's


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6 hours ago, tlandtday said:

This govt is completely out of touch with the people of Thailand.  Case in point is the ill planned never thought out plastic bag ban.  It has <deleted> off so many Thais with its authoritarian type implementation and particularly in the rural areas. There was no consultation whatsoever just one day the bully brigade says no more plastic bags.


I am for improving and maintaining the environment but how about first picking up all the garbage in the land and the sea and installing some bins and some anti dumping legislation and ENFORCEMENT. 


It's often the little things that sink a govt. 

I have some extended family that were involved with the 'plastics' revolution back in the time, it was suppose to be wonderful... but it has turned more to being a plague.   We are literally poisoning ourselves and the planet with plastics - it is flowing right through our food chain and it lasts forever in human terms.   Littering is one problem, plastics are another much more serious problem.  The implementation of the ban could maybe have been differently, but then this ban as is is no different than most western countries (for more than a decade). 

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On 3/1/2020 at 8:00 AM, Thailand said:

Pretty much rubbish. 

The next time if history repeats itself, no Generals in charge of departments and the military leaves the political scene, the last  revolution they agreed that generals could be heads of departments to save face , and this is were it's ended, back with a dictator and lives lost in vain.

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The geneals are building a bonfire with their corrupt ways. It is no coincidence that they may have added fuel, by gutting the choice of 6 million voters. The latest scandal brought up in parliment is where members of the PM's family are alledged to have received 600 million baht for some overpriced land, from one of the 5 families (Sino-Thai elite). Facing a vote this week on the scandal, with an agonizingly thin majority of one, the govt panicked. Thais are starting to realize that the right to vote is like food in the mouth. Steal it and there will be hell to pay.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/29/2020 at 7:06 PM, AussieBob18 said:

The lessons of history show that when the people are suffering is when they 'march on the palace' - I mean that figuratively. This Junta Govt has implemented policies that have dramatically lowered the living standards of the majority of Thais. They have taken the country in a direction that the people do not like - the best example of that is 'towards China'.  The Thais as a people do not like China or the Chinese - they are far more 'aligned' with most other countries and peoples in SEAsia than they are with China.  I dont mean the wealthy and the military and the elite - I mean the vast majority of ordinary Thais.  And there are many other examples of the Junta doing things that have made the people suffer.  Sure, they have done some good things like addressing (finally) some of the corruption of the wealthy and elite (illegal buildings/hotels being torn down etc.), but they have not succeeeded where it matters the most in a country where over 90% of the population are not wealthy/well off - for the ordinary people.  


This could grow and become a serious problem.  Sure the military could enforce martial law and clamp down, but the likely outcome of that action will probably result in international condemnation and reactions.  The Junta's false economic growth built on massive public works projects following the 'China economic model' (and mainly involving the Chinese wealthy) will come crashing down.  Perhaps that would be for the best in the long run - but I hope there is a better way forward.


Very insightful, but are the winds of change still blowing a month later? I'm traveling and have not heard...serious question!

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32 minutes ago, chama said:

Very insightful, but are the winds of change still blowing a month later? I'm traveling and have not heard...serious question!

No.  This virus and all the associated issues are on the agenda now - political dissent issues have now dropped.  The opposition has wisely put all their activities on hold too. The good thing is that the opposition can now do more planning for when they again raise the issues and fan the flames of discontent.  Next election is 2023 - plenty of time.  The Thai economy will now get worse quicker because of the virus - things are going to happen again - but not for a while.


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On 3/1/2020 at 7:47 AM, franzs said:

Sad, .....and again, they falling for a Billionaire,  remember: the red shirt movement? They were campaigning for Thaksin and called themselves "United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship" (UDD), I never understood that name. 

Campaigning for a dictator and call themselves against dictatorship.


...and the sad story behind: bloodshed, a burning city and the dictator on the run.


I hope they will not repeat the same mistake.


They should learn from history............   




Very sad

Very, very sad

I am of course, not talking about the overdue student led uprising..... but your ill informed post.

Tragically sad.

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2 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Perhaps - but we are in agreement that it has been 5 years of utter incompetence, and a geopolitical move towards China (away from independent), and that this is going to bite the Junta hard.  I agree that this time around real and serious change is going to happen - but I think that the political activists and opposition will fire up the campaign after the Covid19 pandemic has passed.  

Either way - I agree there will be change and that it is going to be big.

Do you really think so, after CV19 the usual apathy will return (unfortunately to the fate of Thailand) 

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Yes, that billionaire still has a lot of money to ill spent disturbing Thais, unfortunately. I was here (20 years already) and know a lot of (Thai) people as I speak the language. Believe me, the best thing that could happen to the Thais was what has happened. It is NOT democracy when the puja ban orders the village people to vote for someone, or face sanctions..... nor when you get 500-1000 Baht voting for the same man. Officially not allowing foreign election control. It is NOT democracy when you hand over free credit cards to poor people so they can spend money they not have. Result: lose their land to.... the same clan. Remember: I will make you all rich in 6 months..... while stealing Temple land to build a private expensive golf course. Or when your wife is the only allowed bidder for a huge expensive land in the center of BKK. Corruption allover from the beginning, when he was just a police officer in Chiang Mai and could deliver all (old but expensive) computers to the police with the help of his heavenly sponsored ministers, until the sale of his telecom empire that was setup in the same way as the computers story. Of course without paying any taxes on this sale. Since he requested to visit the games and could leave with planes full of undeclared merchandise he, of course never returned, to defend himself (sic). Just his lawyer got caught in court with a bag full of cash to hand over to........ Sister took over in the same way with a rice program costing the Thais billions, making some close friends disgusting rich... etc etc..... Shame he can still throw money around to convince some not so clever people (probably the same he would make rich in 6 months haha) to "move their ass" for him. Disgusting also to learn that even foreigners (not knowing / interesting to know the full story) shouting loud to walk the same dirty path.

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