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Biden snags Texas in Super Tuesday sweep, Sanders has edge in California

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1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:

Still amusing how little respect they have for the elderly. 

I am not so young. Maybe fit into the  category  of  "old" but I  prefer to deny  it. Regardless I  have sympathy  for those  that demonstrate any  loss of faculties at any age. But I have no reason to  "respect" anyone who in a delusional state assumes some superior status aided and abetted  by others who manipulate that situation to own short term advantage. 

IMO self declarations of stable genius status  or the demonstrations of confusion in perceptions of reality on the part of any political contender should be cause enough to cause genuine concerns regardless of  party/partisan affiliations !

It should be but rarely is "respect" is due to everyone.

Political systems in general deny that overall.



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8 hours ago, Ventenio said:

Bloomberg really did GREAT!!!!  


He could have saved 932749204732943489324324 poor families or got 7 electoral (?) votes....  I'd take that 7 any day!!!!  


He should go and spend 10 billion on commercials and go watch them at church with friends from the slums of Detroit.  



He accrued delegates, which are fungible, as was his aim.

6 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

As a European and not knowing much about US politics I ask myself if the Donald on the one and Biden on the other side really are the best, the US have to offer.

To me it seems as Biden was a bit mentally disabled. Sometimes not knowing, where is is, confounding his wife with his sister, believing he made climate agreements with Deng Xiauping and pretending he was imprisoned when he wanted to meet Nelson Mandela.


Biden's not mentally disabled in the least but he does have public speaking deficiencies. He plays alot better from ahead than from behind. His biggest issue is he's got a lot of political skeletons in his closet. He needs to turn the page and make this election about the future and that requires a VP choice from the next generation of leaders that will make everyone feel good about succession issues. 





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10 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

How do you vote for a guy who doesn't know where he is most of the time, makes up 

weird facts, thinks his wife is his sister, confuses Thursday with Tuesday, sniffs young kids and sees nothing wrong with his son accepting huge sums of money from a financially beholden foreign power?

lol @ sniffs young kids

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


I believe you have been watching too much M.A.S.H

No sir I haven’t I rember what trump says and does 

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4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Massive rally in stocks, healthcare in particular now that we know Comrade Bernie is basically DOA.

Rally factoring a Biden win next election. MAGA could be officially DOA by then. 

16 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

How do you vote for a guy who doesn't know where he is most of the time, makes up 

weird facts, thinks his wife is his sister, confuses Thursday with Tuesday, sniffs young kids and sees nothing wrong with his son accepting huge sums of money from a financially beholden foreign power?

A Biden versus Trump playing field is closer to level. Well, the American voters are having their say. Too bad. A reply akin to 2016 with the same political calls with the exception of those wishing a return to preTrump years where the same conditions which brought Trump into office will be at play.

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16 hours ago, sirineou said:

All the botox , formalgahide and cool sunglasses , can't hide the ravages that time  has inflicted on Biden, if he wins the nomination trump will have a good time with him. 

Agreed. The playing field is now more level with Biden versus Trump. Only thing going for him is rejection of Trump not addressing the core underlying issues that brough Trump to office in the first place.

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6 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Massive rally in stocks, healthcare in particular now that we know Comrade Bernie is basically DOA.

Because, after all, that is what is most valued in the American society $$$.

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15 hours ago, zydeco said:

Biden can't even keep his false teeth in his mouth during debates. He's a disaster. That's why I believe he will bail out before all is said and done. He will simply keep embarrassing himself into oblivion. Someone will come out the convention, but it won't be Joe.

After watching that speech, I hope you're right.

  • Confused 1
1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

If Biden does get the nominee, the November election will pit decency, dignity and empathy against immorality, loveliness, degradation, abhorrence and pitilessness of the Trump’s presidency. Liken good over evil. 

True ... and leave the underlying issues which brought Trump to office not addressed.


Any clue as to who all the family members are that trooped up to stand behind Bernie at his "victory speech" yesterday? I thought he didn't have any kids or grandkids younger than 50

1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

If Biden does get the nominee, the November election will pit decency, dignity and empathy against immorality, loveliness, degradation, abhorrence and pitilessness of the Trump’s presidency. Liken good over evil. 



As John McEnroe would say "you cannot be serious!"


Biden - decent? Guess you see nothing wrong with young Hunter's or Biden's brother raking it in while he was VPOTUS then? They'll cash in even more if he gets elected. But as long as they're all left wing, that's o k because it's their norm.


Trump - lovely? Oh well, each to their own!

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8 hours ago, sirineou said:

I hope so.

I always liked Biden , I still like him, but IMO he is past his"sale by date. " he had his chance and he gave it up to Hillary. I listen to him carefully and I don't hear any plan for the future by him, all I hear is that he will bring dignity back to the office (which he will) and that he can beat trump. I like both things but they are not enough for me. Trump is not the only problem we face, we also face other middle class existential problems that need to be addressed.  We cant wait another 4-8 years.


Dignity - like lining up Hunter for even more lucrative "roles" when POTUS? Is that the sort of dignity you mean?

14 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

True ... and leave the underlying issues which brought Trump to office not addressed.

Healthcare, immigration and the economy were extensively covered by Biden in the primaries and I am sure that will be his focal points in his presidential campaign if he is nominated. All these issues seem to hit a sandbar currently. Will be good fodders for campaigning. 

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23 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yes, but he's a Democrat so all is good. Just the sort of easily led and controlled POTUS the DNC and their backers want.

Enough with the bogus DNC conspiracy theories. Biden is currently the democratic party's VOTERS choice. 


These it's all rigged stories serve the purposes of Putin and 45.

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17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

How do you vote for a guy who doesn't know where he is most of the time, makes up 

weird facts, thinks his wife is his sister, confuses Thursday with Tuesday, sniffs young kids and sees nothing wrong with his son accepting huge sums of money from a financially beholden foreign power?

OK then enlighten me as to how Americans with the choices of:  Sleepy, senile and decent loses to trump fatigue?

17 hours ago, Ventenio said:

Bloomberg really did GREAT!!!!  


He could have saved 932749204732943489324324 poor families or got 7 electoral (?) votes....  I'd take that 7 any day!!!!  


He should go and spend 10 billion on commercials and go watch them at church with friends from the slums of Detroit.  



Two part plan. Mike to continue as the attack dog and leave Biden to act Presidential.

  • Confused 1
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