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300-400 suspected new coronavirus infections investigated in Thailand every day


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15 minutes ago, ukrules said:

There is emerging evidence that this COVID19 was around in at least November last year.


A Sky news video interview has recently surfaced (yesterday) with a guy named 'Connor Reed', he lives in Wuhan working as a teacher and became ill towards the end of November.


Now it's highly unlikely he was the first person to catch this virus in Wuhan so it's anyones guess as to how long it was around before this guy became infected, his infection was confirmed, last year in Wuhan. It's now March.


The Wuhan quarantine came at the end of Janauary so it was 'in the wild' for at least 2 full months.


Source, article with video interview dated today : https://news.sky.com/story/fighting-coronavirus-one-of-the-first-british-sufferers-describes-his-ordeal-11950631


In all fairness, I saw nowhere in the story that doctors "CONFIRMED" that he had COVID-19, you know like a blood test as such, coincidence, well, I don't know.


Connor recovered from his illness and a few weeks later doctors realised he had suffered from the virus that was now spreading across the province, which would become known as COVID-19.


I mean I have felt like that with a severe chest infection in the past.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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I generally don't go for conspiracy theories, but here is a study from Harvard U. that casts doubt on the official numbers from Thailand and several other SE Asian Counties:



It's now more than a month out of date, but it's an interesting read, especially this graph:



If we extrapolate from this data, we can see that Thailand should have at least 4x as many cases as Singapore. Yet current figures are 130 for Singapore and only 48 for Thailand.  I suspect that 130 x 4, or 520, is probably closer to reality than the official figure.


BTW, other Harvard studies lauded Singapore as having the best organized response to Covid-19 of almost any county in the world, so their figures are probably more accurate than most.


Edited by otherstuff1957
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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

and in the northern Gyeongsang province, to comply strictly with the 14-day self-quarantine measure, otherwise they will be sent to state facilities for confinement.


To ensure strict compliance, he made clear that the returnees from South Korea will not be allowed to confine themselves at home, but at locations in the vicinity of their homes and under the supervision of health volunteers and local officials.

That's perfectly clear then....????  jump in a mini bus go home but don't go home and tomorrow????

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"A stitch in time, saves nine". The Government never lost control simply because it was never in control. However, they had an opportunity to slow and control this virus, learning best practices from other countries, now this will cost them Hundreds of Billion of Thai Baht .... more than the measly Chinese tourist revenue ever contributed. When the general population starts to suffer - sickness, job losses, etc, it might even cost them an election. Let's see how this rolls as it going to get ugly.

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My Japanese friend just sent me an article (it's in Japanese, so use google translate although it's not a perfect translation) which was dated March 4th, 2020.  


The main point was that AOT has sent 3 individuals of having a Wuhan virus symptoms to the hospital directly from the airport.


1.) Indian man arriving at Don Mueang Airport from Narita.  He had 37.7 degrees. 

2.) German man arriving at Phuket Airport from Singapore.  He had 38.6 degrees with cough and a runny nose.

3.) Japanese woman who was scheduled to depart from Suavarnabhumi Airport back to Japan.  She had 37.1 degrees with cough and a runny nose.  


My guess is that they are under the famous PUI.  



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I think it's unlikely the bloke who came back to Oz from a trip to LOS caught the virus in Soi 6 - he is 81 y.o. (that being said, my dad is 98 and still likes to get his leg-over occasionally). Two deaths now in Oz. Worse, an idiot doctor aged 73 came back from USA with what he "thought was the flu" and went back to work and treated over 70 patients in a posh suburban clinic in Melbourne, before it was confirmed he had the 'big' virus.  Another health care worker has infected patients in a nursing home - all old folks. Somehow, I suspect the Thai govt is not being completely honest about the real numbers in LOS !

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44 minutes ago, kwak250 said:

I like it when they say "Deep Clean"

This is a term that has found its way into the English language in recent years, it's an excuse for not cleaning properly, when you complain to "cleaners" they state they will "deep clean" instead of just doing the job properly in the first place! I had to deal with a few companies who were fond of this "term"

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If it’s fair to assume Wuhan Lab virus (aka COVID-19) has governments worldwide underreporting mild cases, then one can also surmise the WHO’s stated mortality rate of 3.4% is also inaccurate.   And China controls all of their virus data.  So we can only guess at these numbers.

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

Thais being tested free was introduced this week when it was added to the free healthcare plan and to qualify you must be in your home province


OK not 0 but very low 


There was a graph posted on TVF about 10 days ago showing VP cases over the last 8 weeks - it went from being very low to a sudden exponential rise in numbers to over 3000 over about 3 weeks time period


Link? I do nto think that was a graph showing all the cases of viral pneumonia in the country. More likely a graph of cases under investigation for COVID-19.


Note that changes in # cases under investigation can be due to changes in investigative criteria, to interpret them you need to know if the criteria have remained constant or changed.


Even number of confirmed cases can suddenly seem to spike due to a change in diagnostic criteria, as happened in China when the adjusted the requirements to allow based on CT alone. the sudden apparent spike in cases included many old cases that were retroactively classified as COVID=19.

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48 minutes ago, MikeyScars said:

My Japanese friend just sent me an article (it's in Japanese, so use google translate although it's not a perfect translation) which was dated March 4th, 2020.  


The main point was that AOT has sent 3 individuals of having a Wuhan virus symptoms to the hospital directly from the airport.


1.) Indian man arriving at Don Mueang Airport from Narita.  He had 37.7 degrees. 

2.) German man arriving at Phuket Airport from Singapore.  He had 38.6 degrees with cough and a runny nose.

3.) Japanese woman who was scheduled to depart from Suavarnabhumi Airport back to Japan.  She had 37.1 degrees with cough and a runny nose.  


My guess is that they are under the famous PUI.  



I thought a runny nose was not an indication of this particular viral infection. 

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Article clearly says "testing" says nothing about "confirmed cases"

WHO (world health organization) has thailand at 47 confirmed cases people. 

Chill out

North America went from 2- 220 on the WHO website in 3 days

Thailand has gained maybe 10 cases in 2 weeks. 

No outbreak here

Enjoy your life


Life goes on (until it doesn't)

Peace ✌️

Live long and prosper

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On 11/24/2019 at 9:45 AM, ubonjoe said:

Why would it include insurance. It is not required for an extension of stay based upon marriage.


4 hours ago, christophe75 said:


Obviously Thailand has decided to go another way, like USA.

Apparently Vice President Pence's solution is to pray. At least Thailand is not that stupid.

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6 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

Have the lackluster Thai government been shamed into actually doing something because of the virility of posters on Thai Visa I  wonder???

Not sure about that because TV omitted posts when we were pointing out what actual numbers should have been ... 34 on an 8 week cycle when borders were open and flocks of Chinese etc were in and out of the country ... unreal

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1 hour ago, kwak250 said:

I like it when they say "Deep Clean"


So they go over with a mop slightly harder?

 And the reality is that mops achieve very little just spread whatever across the floor, nothing more.

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