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What's with the loud exhausts?


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see them everday. Usually some youngish guy (18-30) driving a shoddy 50cc yamaha scooter, screaming along with a terrible sounding exhaust on the back. kinda like a high pitched squeal, it's so irritating. They pass my house regularly at 3am, waking me up.. also speed past me, sometimes with 3/4 on the bike, no helmets of course.. any else find this annoying? 


whats the deal with these exhausts? do they think it sounds cool or soemthing?

looks/sounds really pathetic to me when they drive along side me on my Harley fatboy ????

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31 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

It makes their little willy's feel bigger!

I have have a theorum being considered by a science council for recognition... "A Thai boys dick is inverserly proportional to the noise emitted from his motor exhaust"!!.... ????????????????????????????????

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47 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:
55 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

The irony.  Nothing more pathetic than the ridiculously annoying and irritating sound of a Harley.  

what do you ride then?

one of those electric mobility scooters i bet ????

Is it necessary to ride a bike to qualify for commenting on a noise issue? 


I don't ride a motorbike at all now but, if I did, I sure wouldn't ride a Harley.


Are you taking the p iss out of the disadvantaged that do use mobility scooters?  Shameful.

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18 minutes ago, DPKANKAN said:

I have have a theorum being considered by a science council for recognition... "A Thai boys dick is inverserly proportional to the noise emitted from his motor exhaust"!!.... ????????????????????????????????

I hope that your theory includes all Harley riders also?

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Watch a group of Thais talking, the alphas make the most noise, same with bikes and sound systems in cars (the kind that shake the walls as they go past).

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The young Thai lads who threaten you so much (while you sit there on your marvellous "Iron Horse") do so for the same reason that all those who ride with over-loud exhausts do:


So people hear them and notice them.


Maybe they like people thinking that they (whatever size, cost or make of motorcycle happens to be making too much noise) are a t***.


PS However I would not think that someone riding a Gilera 500 4c was a t***.





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A wise teacher once told me, "children would rather be praised than punished, but they would also rather be punished than ignored". Seems to be the same case here. The lads would rather be thought of as cool than as tw@ts, but they would rather be thought of as tw@ts than ignored.

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2 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

They pass my house regularly at 3am

So, you bought the house not rent?


Sorry, if I was to buy or rent any property any place in the world (which I have), I would investigate the place day and night before I put down my hard earned money. 

Noise is a big problem here. So, now you know. 



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7 hours ago, anterian said:

Watch a group of Thais talking, the alphas make the most noise, same with bikes and sound systems in cars (the kind that shake the walls as they go past).

"Watch a group of Thais talking, the alphas make the most noise..."

Why pick on Thais, why not use the word "people" instead when it's something that applies to every nationality?   Have you never heard a group of Yanks, Britons, Aussies, Scandinavians, Russians or Europeans talking?  Geez...

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8 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:


Their motorbike's engine is illegally modified so that it can accelerate faster. That's why it is so noisy. That's what one of my mechanics told me.


They get the trill of speeding.


A normal 50cc is actually very slow.


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2 hours ago, EricTh said:

Their motorbike's engine is illegally modified so that it can accelerate faster. That's why it is so noisy. That's what one of my mechanics told me.

Nonsense. They are loud because they changed the exhaust, simple as that. Tuning the engine for power wont make it louder.

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