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70-80 Thai workers returning from South Korea 'have fled quarantine'

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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Sure but its basicly a numbers game and the more visitors from the original host country , likely the most cases . The fact is that countries that have had far fewer Chinese visitors have had far more reported victims , logically that doesn't add up.

Flawed logic. You have assumed the infection rate was spread evenly across the whole Chinese population which is not the case.

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57 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Here's a beauty for you, i've just been told that to enter Thailand now i have to have a medical certificate from a local hospital in Malaysia at the princely sum of 130 Pounds !  To obtain a tourist visa through an agent, 100 pounds !  that includes the usual greasing of sticky little palms. I have to return to do my offshore medical and further offshore certs. What's happened to the guys with the little temperature guns ?   Typical Thailand, mess the foreigners around as much as you can and do as little as possible.......  F%$#@g typical !   Singapore's looking good at the moment, you can wave around 80,000 bht away on this little number.....

What country are you coming in from? Malaysia?
Any other countries with the same entry screening?

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21 hours ago, sirineou said:

I see a lot of Mortality  Rate statistics reported and cited.

    It is important to know, that no one really knows what the mortality rates are and will not know until the dust has settled .


All deaths are investigated as to "cause of death" but not all illnesses are investigated.

So it is fair to assume that a lot of mild cases do not even require treatment so are not reported and counted, and that do to a shortage in test kits and political reasons , a lot of more severe cases are not tested, ( test kit availability varies for country to country) .

  I am willing to bet that when the dust settles the mortality rate will be somewhere between 1-1.5%  remove from that the elderly with underlying  medical conditions, and the mortality rate decreases considerably. 

  So, Not time to panic yet. 


 I certainly agree with not panicking, but personally at age70 and in excellent health I still choose to limit myself to only the most essential trips into town for groceries and of course beer.


There is simply no reason to take avoidable risks at this point in the game. I'm probably safer here than I would be in America, especially with four airports between me and home. 


It's really a limited form of self- quarantine. My Thai lady, age 46 agrees. We're pretty much home bodies anyway and live well outside of Huahin, so no big deal. We'll just sit it out for now. 


We got some fabric N95 washable masks and wear them when we go out. I refuse to believe, if used properly, that they offer no protection. It's simply unreasonable to think they are useless under any circumstances. 

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Just goes to show that they can't even set up a separate guarded secure area for arrivals from infected high risk area's,where they can check them and control a group of people's movements! TIT.

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26 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

 I certainly agree with not panicking, but personally at age70 and in excellent health I still choose to limit myself to only the most essential trips into town for groceries and of course beer.


There is simply no reason to take avoidable risks at this point in the game. I'm probably safer here than I would be in America, especially with four airports between me and home. 


It's really a limited form of self- quarantine. My Thai lady, age 46 agrees. We're pretty much home bodies anyway and live well outside of Huahin, so no big deal. We'll just sit it out for now. 


We got some fabric N95 washable masks and wear them when we go out. I refuse to believe, if used properly, that they offer no protection. It's simply unreasonable to think they are useless under any circumstances. 

You must be more qualified than the head of the IATA and the W.H.O. to make that statement.

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23 hours ago, Yinn said:

How many people you know die from coronavirus or pneumonia in thailand last two month? 

Nobody right? 

Classic. Answer a question with a different question when you don’t like answer you have to give to the original question.


i actually appreciate the balance you give to some topics Yinn, this type of manoeuvre demeans you.

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2 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Flawed logic. You have assumed the infection rate was spread evenly across the whole Chinese population which is not the case.

True, but a lot of people from Wuhan were in Thailand, several flights a day from that city. So your point is right, but it likely means that it’s even more suspicious that so few infections have been reported here.

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There are agencies that arrange for girls to go to South Korea and work in massage parlours using tourist visas.  My wife personally knows two girls (actually women as they are in their thirties) who have done this.  They usually go for three months at a time and have done it several times.  They have also been to India using the same agency.

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3 hours ago, todlad said:

Yes, I have just done so ...

You have replicated the official Thai figures , the ones that we are all already aware of and are the base of our scepticism. If your arguement is based purely on parroting the official line then its worthless.

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2 hours ago, RocketDog said:

 I certainly agree with not panicking, but personally at age70 and in excellent health I still choose to limit myself to only the most essential trips into town for groceries and of course beer.


There is simply no reason to take avoidable risks at this point in the game. I'm probably safer here than I would be in America, especially with four airports between me and home. 


It's really a limited form of self- quarantine. My Thai lady, age 46 agrees. We're pretty much home bodies anyway and live well outside of Huahin, so no big deal. We'll just sit it out for now. 


We got some fabric N95 washable masks and wear them when we go out. I refuse to believe, if used properly, that they offer no protection. It's simply unreasonable to think they are useless under any circumstances. 

We find ourselves in a very similar situation. We are in the US but we were planning in coming to our home in  Thailand this spring (we still will if things improve) , but having to get in a plane, a minimum of  a 4 of airports, travel insurance not covering the virus, and perhaps not being able to return to the US once in Thailand. We are staying home. I am almost 63mWe are also self Quarantine to a degree, (limiting exposure as much as possible) which is easy since we are home bodies also. We live in FL, and I have appointments, for a heart stress test and an echocardiogram the 28th of this months in NYC, I was planning to drive there (16 hr trip) but I am seriously thinking of canceling , and scheduling a few months later. 

  Good luck.    

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3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Flawed logic. You have assumed the infection rate was spread evenly across the whole Chinese population which is not the case.

I assumed nothing of the sort . Replace Chinese ( which I agree was sloppy ) with residents of Wuhan and sorounding regions , my point is completely valid.

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BKK CCTV... how did the 70+ escape?

Had a bad encounter once with a taxi at BKK. But didn't have taxi number or driver's name.

The Tourist police, with help of CCTV, were able to find and track me from Immigration, (including stopping by 7/11 for a beer) right through the whole airport terminal (including collecting baggage) to the exact taxi I took and subsequently caught and fined the guy.

The CCTV covers virtually everywhere in and around the airport.( inside toilets excepted).

But they lost them.?


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6 hours ago, Parsve said:
On 3/8/2020 at 4:10 AM, sirineou said:

All deaths are investigated as to "cause of death" but not all illnesses are investigated.

So it is fair to assume that a lot of mild cases do not even require treatment so are not reported and counted, and that do to a shortage in test kits and political reasons , a lot of more severe cases are not tested, ( test kit availability varies for country to country) .

  I am willing to bet that when the dust settles the mortality rate will be somewhere between 1-1.5%  remove from that the elderly with underlying  medical conditions, and the mortality rate decreases considerably. 

  So, Not time to panic yet. 

Hm, so you mean that eldery people and or sick people who die should not been recon as dead. Is this some new inventionof reincarnation?

I don't understand your reply, why would i mean any of the above. 

All i said is that in most countries all deaths are reported and  receive a death certificate, with a "cause of death", Where not all illnesses are reported or certified , so there is a disconnect in the reporting  of the death/sickness relationship, 

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6 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

The supposition is that the Thai authorities have been keen to keep Coronavirus cases and deaths low.

There appears to be a spike in viral pneumonia cases and subsequent deaths , hence the possible connection.

I have not seen that spike reported., 

  It is possible that they misdiagnose  cause of death to keep the numbers down.

So I did some "Googling" and this is the most relevant, time sensitive (Mar 2, 2020

report on the subject

it does seem to be in the typical range that could be expected for this time of year in a country of Thailand’s size. "


Do you know of any other reports that seem to contradict this?


Do you know of any other reports c

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3 hours ago, Jimbo53 said:

You must be more qualified than the head of the IATA and the W.H.O. to make that statement.

I wear a mask when using spray paint to prevent airborne droplets from entering my nose. Droplets are droplets, regardless of what they contain. 

Common sense. 


If you read their statements closely they qualify by saying that masks cause people to touch their face more often, don't need a mask unless around infected people, don't use mask properly,  etc. 


I clearly stated "when used properly".  Again, it's just common sense. 


Up to you.


I also said I avoid taking risks when I can. Wearing a mask is simply not an onerous burden to me. 


And finally : no, I do not trust official statements from any 'authority' at face value. Trusting your life and welfare to 'officials'

is simply naive.


But thanks for trying to make me look foolish. 

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

So I did some "Googling" and this is the most relevant, time sensitive (Mar 2, 2020

report on the subject

it does seem to be in the typical range that could be expected for this time of year in a country of Thailand’s size. "



Nucleus Wealth.


Seriously, that's the best you could "google"?


Move along.








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1 minute ago, mtls2005 said:


Brilliant retort.


I bow to your vastness.


That Wealth Nucelus was GARBAGE. Amazed such a thing is even allowed here.



I said "that's all I could find on the subject"  If you disagree post other links and info or shut up.  I could had said more but forum rules prevent me.  

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