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70-80 Thai workers returning from South Korea 'have fled quarantine'

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Search underway for 80 escaping Thai workers returning from South Korea


Authorities are searching for about 80 Thais who arrived, in a group of 200 on four flights, at Suvarnabhumi international airport yesterday after returning from working illegally in South Korea. They managed to escape from a restricted area as they were about to be escorted to Sattahip naval base for COVID-19 screening prior to being quarantined.


Deputy Public Health Minister Sathit Pitutaecha did not give details of how the returnees managed to escape, 


He said that all the escapees will face tough legal action in accordance with the Disease Control Act.





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70 - 80 Thai workers returning from South Korea have " fled Quarantine "

Well that statement in its self tells everybody that they have no idea at all, of exactly how many have absconded.

Added to this statement is the fact that it was reported this Morning in a Bangkok newspaper, that 60 people were sent to Sattahip Naval Base for Quarantine

59 people were transported by Bus,


1 lady followed later by Taxi !!!!!!!! What is that all about ?

Presumably she had to have her nails painted, get the hair done, and do some shopping prior to her 14 days Quarantine. :cheesy:

The Government are completely out of control over this Covid 19 threat - and that is what it is.

They have no idea at all on how to handle the situation, and they were voted number 6 in the World at the start of this Coronas Virus Outbreak in having the ability, and resources to cope with this Virus

What would be the rating now I wonder


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1 hour ago, sahibji said:

if people can escape quarantine from an army house, what are the chances of people imposing self quantaine?

Of course they will self quarantine.

Why do you think they won't do that?


I know of a Thai man who just came back from Japan. He didn't want to risk infecting his family and colleagues, so he checked into a hotel for 14 days and stayed away from them. Some people have responsibility!


Oh, I forgot to mention. He didn't exactly stay in the hotel room, but went out and enjoyed life on the town.


Yes, people need to be put in quarantine and controlled. 

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This is the only data I can find re: testing... from 7 March


There are 50 confirmed cases with the virus casing COVID-19. Among the confirmed
cases, 33 cases recovered and returned home and there has been one death. Laboratory results
of the other 4,316 PUI showed 2,553 negative results to the virus causing COVID-19 and results
are pending for 1,763 PUI. 




Which seems to indicate that there have been ~ 2,603 total tests (2,553 + 50) completed to date, with another 1,763 "pending". No clue if pending means they've started the test, or are waiting to start the test.


"persons under treatment" (symptoms but no confirmation on COVID-19) seemed to lurching up ~ 300/report, but only by 11 from 6 March (1,726) to 7 March (1,737).





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where are the SMART cars ?  or does it only work for farang ?


soon everybody a forced stay in chonburi ? 


nothing more near ?


afterwards, you get a free taxi ride home ?


government pay for your hotel ?


guess not

Edited by justin case
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29 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

They flee because they don't trust the authorities. Can anybody blame them?


Neither Thais nor farangs like or trust the Thai Authorities one bit.


And that is because Thai authorities are mainly cretins.

Yeah, but you missed out the bit, "With machine guns".........

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Laws are put in place by Governments for the benefit of the Populations. ( any Gov,t )

These laws need to be implemented, and Policed strictly, or anarchy prevails, and a situation whereby a total breakdown in Law and Order exists.

Thailand isnt in that situation yet, but is getting mighty close.


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2 hours ago, Card said:

It's not only Thais who are irresponsible drivers. I've seen loads of farangs copying their bad habits. Same with bribes and not learning a mutually communicable language. Hypocrisy comes to mind whenever I read people criticising Thais for what are, in fact, their own faults.

When in Rome ...

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Here's a beauty for you, i've just been told that to enter Thailand now i have to have a medical certificate from a local hospital in Malaysia at the princely sum of 130 Pounds !  To obtain a tourist visa through an agent, 100 pounds !  that includes the usual greasing of sticky little palms. I have to return to do my offshore medical and further offshore certs. What's happened to the guys with the little temperature guns ?   Typical Thailand, mess the foreigners around as much as you can and do as little as possible.......  <deleted> typical !   Singapore's looking good at the moment, you can wave around 80,000 bht away on this little number.....

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3 hours ago, Aussie999 said:

This is Thailand, journalists NEVER ask difficult questions.

Not just the journalists.. The airport personnel also seem to think that everyone on that plane of 104 should have been quarantined. Especially if their were 15 with high fevers.. 

It's only a matter of time now before the multitudes of this get sick with this virus and the gov tried to lay blame on others. 

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3 hours ago, hobz said:

Yeah, including the journalist who failed to ask why they didn't have a specific number. 70-80... Why are they guessing??! 5555 bunch a morons

Thais are taught from birth never to question. A bit of a handicap for journalists, hence the abysmal reporting standards.

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In some ways this is very Thai in some people. Total contempt for others.

They worked illegally, came back home when they saw a problem for themselves 

totally disregarding not only their loved ones but the general community.

Alas, many on the roads the same because if caught all they get is a slap on the wrists

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

How have these people been tested? Do you understand the nature of the diagnostic tests?

Based upon the characteristics of the SARS virus involved and the growth pattern it has demonstrated elsewhere, it is impossible that Thailand has so few infections. Thailand had an influx of hundreds of thousands of people from China. It is impossible that there were not carriers, because they did bring the illness elsewhere. The infection is here and has been circulating since December. I am reminded  of HIV when it came to Thailand. It didn't exist, no one admitted to it and then one day, when there was   full testing, kaboom hundreds of thousands were discovered to be  infected.

I am not a medic. I am not a tester of covid_19. I am the same as just about everyone here: no one and nothing. However, I watch aghast at times at the nonsense and bile that comes pouring out of some of the people here: much of it is shameful as I am sure you agree.


My point here is that the Thai government IS reporting having tested cases and it has done so in a place that, since I found it, everyone can find it: no one else seems to have done so. I claim no special powers for that!


I was asked earlier by someone who said something ridiculous to point to the figures I was claiming to quote from. I did not respond immediately because I am busy at my work and because I was waiting for a possible update this morning. So far, no update so the link I am providing now is to a graphic that is dated 8th March 2020 and I have little doubt that there will be TV warriors who will pour scorn all over it.


As to the methods they have used, I have no idea at all. 





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3 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

It is obvious from the current clown show that the Thai authorities are either clueless or have deliberately been misrepresenting the true figures. The graph above simply demonstrates that other countries have been far more honest and transparent. Given the huge numbers of Chinese visitors to Thailand it is inconceivable that there are not far more victims reported at this point.

I got your reply to my Hello, CoCo message but this system won't take me to that reply.


I wrote that message BEFORE you asked me for the link and because your comment was silly.


I responded in more detail to geriatrickid but the link you might be interested in is




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Just more incompetence by Thai authorities, how were they allowed to walk through the airport from the plane, pass pp control, & customs, without being held for isolation? absolutely crazy. 100% not in control was it 70,90, they have no clue. PATHETIC.

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