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14 hours ago, rwill said:

I'm over 60.  I'm still travelling around Thailand.  Last couple of weeks in Bangkok and Ayutthaya.  Staying in Cha-am for a week in a few days.


I want to enjoy life not live in fear locked up over nothing out of the norm.  Over my lifetime on average more than 1,000 people die from influenza complications each day.  I never let that affect me before.  I am actually much more in fear of something happening when I am driving to the locations.  Far more dangerous.  But I don't let that stop me either.


14 hours ago, eyecatcher said:

I just dont understand the fear. Are you afraid to die or afraid of the unknown.

Just reading the stories of different individuals who have been through it, the overall impression is...

you experience a tightening/shortage of breath, a fever but no where near as bad as typical flu and bronchitus, and you suffer for 3 days. Apparently waiting for 3 negative tests takes longer than the symptoms.


It's not about ‘us’ healthy individuals who in all probability healthy enough to handle the virus in the same manner we handle a passing cold; if that is true. 


The main key is to prevent the spread rate so that those with weaker immune systems are not impacted all at once and the health care facilities become overwhelmed. 


Its fine if you don’t want to live in fear of your own lives, but it would be selfish to live without regard for the lives of others. Self quarantine and keeping away from busy areas is not about protecting yourselves, its about protecting everyone. You (anyone) could be a carrier without knowing it. 


So, selfish people who are brave and not fearful of catching this virus, do you want to be the cause of others dying? do you want to be ‘that guy’ ?? the one who carried it from one place to another? This is what all the fuss is about... about reducing spread.


Are you guys selfish enough to not care if you spread a virus that at the moment is proven to kill anywhere between 2% and 6.7% of people in the communities in which outbreaks have occurred?


During the Spanish flu pandemic it was discovered that patients who were put out in sunlight and fresh air did better than those who were kept inside.  Corona virus or not, I want me some fresh air so I'm flying south today.  Good luck everyone.  

On 3/14/2020 at 1:02 AM, Brightly said:

It’s worth it to stay home if you’re over 60.  Even if you’re healthy, consider staying home, letting others shop, wiping down the packages when they arrive.


Life is a gamble as well as an exercise in risk management. 


So what are the risks of Covid-19 as compared to other things that have the possibility of killing you?  I'll just mention 2, both of which should cause the weak of heart to shutter themselves in their homes hiding under the bed as they <safely?> wait for their world to end.

First, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illness.  Seasonal flu affects millions of people each year and kills hundreds of thousands each year many of whom are "over 60."
Is it time to hide yet?  Let others shop and wipe down the packages when they arrive?

Second, traveling on Thai roads.  When Thailand isn't at the top of The Most Dangerous Roads in the World, it's always near the top in the total killed and injured per capita.  Average daily deaths on Thai roads is 60 killed at the scene each day.  Those statistics don't take into account traffic fatality when the victim died on route or at the hospital. 
Is it time to hide yet?  That alone should keep those who live in a state of fear closeted inside their abodes. 


Is it possible that you'll contract Covid-19 if you leave your house?  Sure.  But it's possibly you'll contract seasonal flu and die and it's possibly that you'll be involved in a fatal traffic accident. 
"But I don't drive."  Ok, then my guess is that your chances of getting hit while crossing a Thai road while crossing in a zebra crossing is probably higher than contracting and dying of Covid-19.
But for those who chose to live in fear and shut themselves up in their home like someone suffering from Agoraphobia?  Go for it.  Pretty pitiful existence in my humble opinion. 



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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Its fine if you don’t want to live in fear of your own lives, but it would be selfish to live without regard for the lives of others. Self quarantine and keeping away from busy areas is not about protecting yourselves, its about protecting everyone. You (anyone) could be a carrier without knowing it. 

There are millions of selfish Thai drivers who slaughter thousands on Thai roads each year.
There are millions who contract and selfishly carry seasonal flu. 
The world's commerce doesn't stop, nor should it.

Those buying into the fear and panic are themselves victims already.  Those who don't buy into the fear and panic are then labelled "selfish" by those in the troughs of panicked paranoia - which is counter-productive.

There is actually a positive side to the hysteria.  Most people are developing a better awareness of simple personal hygiene.  Honestly, people sick with any airborne communicable disease from a cold to the flu should wear masks to protect others around them should they need to go out.  And given that currently many who are sick with seasonal viruses chose not to cover their mouths and noses, then it's up to the rest of us to take precautions.  But should everyone lock themselves up to limit the spread of viruses?  Sure, if imploding the world's economies is your goal - then go for it.  But a more rational strategy would be to exercise self-awareness and personal hygiene: cover your mouth, wash your hands, clean and wipe down surfaces regularly with a solution capable of disinfecting common viruses during cold and flu season.  If you get sick, take care of yourself and limit your exposure to others. The vast majority of people will recover.  Some won't. Welcome to The Realities of Life. 


Regardless of the paranoid banter that we are now deluged with, the Covid-19 numbers and statistics simply don't rationalize the panicked, over-the-top response such as a world lock-down.  Want to see a 'real', honest to goodness, problem - kill commerce.  Look at toilet paper.  Now when the world goes crazy and hoarding leads to food shortages, then you have a problem greater than the virus what caused the panic in the first place.  Be careful what you wish for.


To quote Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

  • Sad 1
1 hour ago, connda said:

Life is a gamble as well as an exercise in risk management. 


So what are the risks of Covid-19 as compared to other things that have the possibility of killing you?  I'll just mention 2, both of which should cause the weak of heart to shutter themselves in their homes hiding under the bed as they <safely?> wait for their world to end.

First, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illness.  Seasonal flu affects millions of people each year and kills hundreds of thousands each year many of whom are "over 60."
Is it time to hide yet?  Let others shop and wipe down the packages when they arrive?

Second, traveling on Thai roads.  When Thailand isn't at the top of The Most Dangerous Roads in the World, it's always near the top in the total killed and injured per capita.  Average daily deaths on Thai roads is 60 killed at the scene each day.  Those statistics don't take into account traffic fatality when the victim died on route or at the hospital. 
Is it time to hide yet?  That alone should keep those who live in a state of fear closeted inside their abodes. 


Is it possible that you'll contract Covid-19 if you leave your house?  Sure.  But it's possibly you'll contract seasonal flu and die and it's possibly that you'll be involved in a fatal traffic accident. 
"But I don't drive."  Ok, then my guess is that your chances of getting hit while crossing a Thai road while crossing in a zebra crossing is probably higher than contracting and dying of Covid-19.
But for those who chose to live in fear and shut themselves up in their home like someone suffering from Agoraphobia?  Go for it.  Pretty pitiful existence in my humble opinion. 



CDC figures for the US: Case Fatality for Seasonal Influenza for those in the 50+ age bracket is 10.6 per 100,000

Thats a 0.01% case fatality rate. Covid-19 with a case fatality rate (at current figures) of between 2% and 6.7% (Italy) is approximately 200x to 630x more deadly than seasonal influenza. 


Yearly road fatalities in Thailand are 32.7 per 100,000 people, 0.032%


It is wrong to compare Covid-19 to a virus for which we already have vaccines and has a case mortality rate which is extremely low. 


Of course, seasonal influenza and driving in Thailand are serious issues which also need to be addressed, but they are insignificant when compared to the seriousness of Covid-19.


Imagine Covid-19 with the same spread as Seasonal Influenza, but with the Case Mortality rate of between 2 and 6.7% - then work out how many people may die - its potentially 10’s of millions of people. 



42 minutes ago, connda said:

Regardless of the paranoid banter that we are now deluged with, the Covid-19 numbers and statistics simply don't rationalize the panicked


Nothing rationalises panic, panic is stupid, but so is ignoring the facts and pretending there is no risk. 


Connda - Do some maths... what figures do you come up with? 


Work out the case fatality rate of Covid-19

Work out the potential spread rate (i.e. how many people will become infected) based on previous illnesses of similar transmission rates (Note: MERS and SARS had extremely low transmission and are not comparable), try Swine Flu 2009 for an equivalent transmission rate 10-21%, or even Spanish flu in 1918 which apparently infected 27% of the worlds population.


It would be interesting to see what figures you come up with. 



46 minutes ago, connda said:

There are millions of selfish Thai drivers who slaughter thousands on Thai roads each year.
There are millions who contract and selfishly carry seasonal flu. 
The world's commerce doesn't stop, nor should it.

Those buying into the fear and panic are themselves victims already.  Those who don't buy into the fear and panic are then labelled "selfish" by those in the troughs of panicked paranoia - which is counter-productive.

There is actually a positive side to the hysteria.  Most people are developing a better awareness of simple personal hygiene.  Honestly, people sick with any airborne communicable disease from a cold to the flu should wear masks to protect others around them should they need to go out.  And given that currently many who are sick with seasonal viruses chose not to cover their mouths and noses, then it's up to the rest of us to take precautions.  But should everyone lock themselves up to limit the spread of viruses?  Sure, if imploding the world's economies is your goal - then go for it.  But a more rational strategy would be to exercise self-awareness and personal hygiene: cover your mouth, wash your hands, clean and wipe down surfaces regularly with a solution capable of disinfecting common viruses during cold and flu season.  If you get sick, take care of yourself and limit your exposure to others. The vast majority of people will recover.  Some won't. Welcome to The Realities of Life. 


Regardless of the paranoid banter that we are now deluged with, the Covid-19 numbers and statistics simply don't rationalize the panicked, over-the-top response such as a world lock-down.  Want to see a 'real', honest to goodness, problem - kill commerce.  Look at toilet paper.  Now when the world goes crazy and hoarding leads to food shortages, then you have a problem greater than the virus what caused the panic in the first place.  Be careful what you wish for.


To quote Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

I agree with a lot of this post...  with exception of the ‘stats don’t rationalise the panic’... but the stats do rationalise the world wise response and that unfortunately has caused panic in plenty of dumb and hysterical people. 


I also agree that one of the positive aspects of this virus is the awareness being developed world wide of personal hygiene. 

Another facet is the ‘culture changing impact’ will we meet and greet with a handshake ever again ??? !!!


The media has a lot to blame for the hysteria it has generated. Freedom of speech is one thing, but this comes with responsibility. 






I wish people would stop quoting meaningless statistics -

"There is X% deaths in X - who are those people ? Elderly ? Compromised immune system ? Respiratory problems pre-Covid-19 ?

Just saying that the percentage is X is completely, utterly, totally useless information without backup info listing who died, their health, etc etc etc

Those that keep on posting the "Same 'Ol Same 'OL" without any explanation are doing no one any good, just increasing the Fear and Paranoia for no good reason.

You should be ashamed of yourselves !




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2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

I wish people would stop quoting meaningless statistics -

"There is X% deaths in X - who are those people ? Elderly ? Compromised immune system ? Respiratory problems pre-Covid-19 ?

Just saying that the percentage is X is completely, utterly, totally useless information without backup info listing who died, their health, etc etc etc

Those that keep on posting the "Same 'Ol Same 'OL" without any explanation are doing no one any good, just increasing the Fear and Paranoia for no good reason.

You should be ashamed of yourselves !


As much as I would love to agree with you, the stats are the only thing we have to go on to understand the spread of this virus. The stats will assist us in being able to predict when the spread and impact of this virus may slow.


It would be extremely useful to have an age breakdown and of those who have succumbed due to increasing vulnerability due to chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, lung decease etc - this information would provide far greater insight into the risk we ourselves face. 


However, there still exists an issue of healthy people contracting the virus and passing it along to those more vulnerable than ourselves - thus, the statics are vital and most certainly not useless when evaluating the spread and risk to communities on a whole. 


The stats I have posted have come from CDC and WHO sources and are readily available. This is not to contribute to panic but to help us understand why the Covid-19 outbreak has been treated in a far more serious manner than other recent outbreaks (SARS, MERS, Swine Flu). 


Understanding the realities is not the same as being fearful, paranoid or spreading such. 


The governments world wide place value on the statistics collated by the WHO and CDC, and the information and understanding they provide - Countries do not make the decision to close down their borders lightly.


I hope the statistics are skewed and that a significant proportion of unreported cases mean the case fatality rates are grossly over estimated.







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14 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

It would be extremely useful to have an age breakdown and of those who have succumbed due to increasing vulnerability due to chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, lung decease etc - this information would provide far greater insight into the risk we ourselves face.

Then stop posting meaningless "statistics" as if this describes the situation.

Do you have such info ? I doubt it.

Does the WHO and CDC - unknown.

Until it is known, these contribute nothing to the situation - and only increase the Fear and Paranoia as I have stated above.


  • Sad 1
1 minute ago, canthai55 said:
18 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

It would be extremely useful to have an age breakdown and of those who have succumbed due to increasing vulnerability due to chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, lung decease etc - this information would provide far greater insight into the risk we ourselves face.

Then stop posting meaningless "statistics" as if this describes the situation.

Do you have such info ? I doubt it.

Does the WHO and CDC - unknown.

Until it is known, these contribute nothing to the situation - and only increase the Fear and Paranoia as I have stated above.

It is just me (and other posters) who evaluate such statistics on threads like this which upsets you (because it may upset others), or do you also object to the very same statistics being published by official sources?



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To be fair and unbiased, Statistics must show -

Age, prior medical conditions, where they live, income level (determines how much - if any - medical care they are able to access, Medical care available in the country, climate etc etc etc

Just to say that 10% died tells the rest of the world nothing to help them make an informed decision.

Did those who succumbed have a prior history - just one example, of Emphysema ? Lung Cancer ? HIV/Aids or other immune system related disease, smoker, you can go on and on.

Same as Thai road deaths - meaningless ...

Unless you include - age, drivers license or not, road conditions, speeding, drug or alcohol impairment, motorcycle condition (lights ?), and on and on and on ...

Show me some stats that are more than a "X cases, X% died - which as I have said - is meaningless.

Posters who do not - or can not - provide this info should refrain from attempting to instill Fear and Paranoia in others reading their posts.


  • Sad 1
On 3/13/2020 at 10:35 PM, ezzra said:

Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya
Oh, Lord, kumbaya (oh, Lord, kumbaya)

Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya
Oh, Lord, kumbaya (oh, Lord, kumbaya)

Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya
Oh, Lord, kumbaya (oh, Lord, kumbaya)

Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya
Oh, Lord, kumbaya (oh, Lord, kumbaya)


Better still   nuke 'em

  • Haha 1
21 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

To be fair and unbiased, Statistics must show -

Age, prior medical conditions, where they live, income level (determines how much - if any - medical care they are able to access, Medical care available in the country, climate etc etc etc

Just to say that 10% died tells the rest of the world nothing to help them make an informed decision.

Did those who succumbed have a prior history - just one example, of Emphysema ? Lung Cancer ? HIV/Aids or other immune system related disease, smoker, you can go on and on.

Same as Thai road deaths - meaningless ...

Unless you include - age, drivers license or not, road conditions, speeding, drug or alcohol impairment, motorcycle condition (lights ?), and on and on and on ...

Show me some stats that are more than a "X cases, X% died - which as I have said - is meaningless.

Posters who do not - or can not - provide this info should refrain from attempting to instill Fear and Paranoia in others reading their posts.



I think that’s a valid point, up to a point. I handle Thai Road Fatality statistics in much the same manner that you have suggested, automatically removing 76% of motorcyclists, plus other factors, night driving on dark roads out side of the city etc when evaluating the risk I take when driving. 


But, the covid-19 risk is to everyone, not just me. I’m already at piece with the risk I personally face with Covid-19, but I worry for my parents who are 80 and obviously at greater risk of serious complications should they contract the virus. 


So when considering the risks on a national or global scale, the aggregate numbers are what we are dealing with. Thus, when the statistics show the potential growth the numbers in global terms are quite overwhelming. 



When recognising these numbers I can understand why the governments are acting in the manner they are [closing borders].


It is for this reason I have felt compelled to contribute in this thread to counter the ‘brave’ souls who seem not to be worried about this virus and plan on travelling freely, they seem not to care about the risks they present to others, they seem selfish. 





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how long can you do that though. the virus may not just "blow over". it could become a second flu thats just always around until a vaccine comes out.

19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


It is for this reason I have felt compelled to contribute in this thread to counter the ‘brave’ souls who seem not to be worried about this virus and plan on travelling freely, they seem not to care about the risks they present to others, they seem selfish. 





So is the person who pays 40 or 50 baht for a cup of coffee selfish because they did not use that money for a meal for an under nourished person?  Or a guy selfish for buying 100 baht of beer because he did not use the money for 2 or 3 such meals?

  • Sad 1
1 minute ago, Bill97 said:
19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


It is for this reason I have felt compelled to contribute in this thread to counter the ‘brave’ souls who seem not to be worried about this virus and plan on travelling freely, they seem not to care about the risks they present to others, they seem selfish. 





So is the person who pays 40 or 50 baht for a cup of coffee selfish because they did not use that money for a meal for an under nourished person?  Or a guy selfish for buying 100 baht of beer because he did not use the money for 2 or 3 such meals?


Aww Billy... there are some great online courses to aid with reading comprehension....:blink:


This is about transmission of a deadly virus. 

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, fhickson said:

how long can you do that though. the virus may not just "blow over". it could become a second flu thats just always around until a vaccine comes out.


The hope is the spread can be delayed as much as possible so that vaccines can be developed and distributed, thus limiting the seventy of symptoms when people contract Covid-19, especially those in the high risk groups. 

Additionally, the idea is also to delay as best as possible inevitable outbreaks so that health care is not overwhelmed at once.

22 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

So is the person who pays 40 or 50 baht for a cup of coffee selfish

I would say stupid rather than selfish ........ I can make a cup of Nescafe 'red cup' instant for much less than that.

(red cup + 40ml Hong thong around 15bht)

On 3/14/2020 at 5:12 AM, daveAustin said:


OP: load of bollllox. This thing, in the great scheme of things, is so minuscule as to be irrelevant really. You, and most other folk focusing on media, are going way over the top as to treat it as the apocalypse.


Wash your hands all you want, isolate for 12 months etc, after which you'll get royally bitten on the bottom.


Going forward, most logical option would be for all to be exposed with a little bit to fire the immune system.

you mean like licking the railing on the baht bus lol..

On 3/14/2020 at 2:29 PM, richard_smith237 said:

Apologies, not idiots...  they’re just people who are choose not to avail themselves of factual information before drawing an opinion.... why let the facts get in the way of a bit of bravado?



I too was of the opinion that this was just 'hysteria driven hysteria’, I based my opinion on selective information and conformation bias. However, in keeping an open mind the more I have educated myself on past outbreaks and compared them to the facts (so far) from this current Covid-19 outbreak I have had to accept that my initial ‘they’re all panicking over nothing’ opinion was wrong. 


The statistics tell us what is happening, the experts use these statistics to analysis the potential of this virus and the potential is frightening. The video below outlines the exponential growth of this outbreak so far, at the moment do not know at which numbers the growth rate will start to drop off. 









i will use this for falling asleep at nights - thanks for that.

19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I think that’s a valid point, up to a point. I handle Thai Road Fatality statistics in much the same manner that you have suggested, automatically removing 76% of motorcyclists, plus other factors, night driving on dark roads out side of the city etc when evaluating the risk I take when driving. 


But, the covid-19 risk is to everyone, not just me. I’m already at piece with the risk I personally face with Covid-19, but I worry for my parents who are 80 and obviously at greater risk of serious complications should they contract the virus. 


So when considering the risks on a national or global scale, the aggregate numbers are what we are dealing with. Thus, when the statistics show the potential growth the numbers in global terms are quite overwhelming. 



When recognising these numbers I can understand why the governments are acting in the manner they are [closing borders].


It is for this reason I have felt compelled to contribute in this thread to counter the ‘brave’ souls who seem not to be worried about this virus and plan on travelling freely, they seem not to care about the risks they present to others, they seem selfish. 





Can you pls tell us what your plan is?


You're going to remain at home with no human contact for how long?

20 hours ago, canthai55 said:

To be fair and unbiased, Statistics must show -

Age, prior medical conditions, where they live, income level (determines how much - if any - medical care they are able to access, Medical care available in the country, climate etc etc etc

Just to say that 10% died tells the rest of the world nothing to help them make an informed decision.

Did those who succumbed have a prior history - just one example, of Emphysema ? Lung Cancer ? HIV/Aids or other immune system related disease, smoker, you can go on and on.

Yes, it would be helpful to know these things and I think the world medical community is trying to answer your questions.  It's such a new virus that no one has all the answers.  But you should appreciate that low-risk groups can pose a danger to those in the high-risk groups by being a carrier.  And it doesn't necessarily have to be age.  If someone has asthma or is diabetic or any any other type of condition that defies age, then they could be susceptible to a severe reaction.  I've read that young people in the US are becoming complacent because they think this virus can't hurt them.  But they can certainly pass it on to someone who's more vulnerable.  Anyways, I agree that society should not panic.  But I certainly don't want to catch it because I have no idea what it would do to me. 

  • Like 1
20 hours ago, canthai55 said:

So - no pre-existing conditions (from a very incomplete list of potential aggravating circumstances - 0.9%

I rest my case

My last word on the matter

Thank heaven for small mercies.

On ‎3‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 1:54 AM, Brightly said:



This is exactly what I plan to do.


If some super-virus comes along, killing everything in its path, well..then all bets are off.


But until then, let’s attempt to manage what seems manageable.


Things could change on a dime, but for now, social distancing and basic hygiene-plus seem like stellar tools.


I have a lifelong background in healthcare, so I’m not just screaming up a tree:


Everything I put forth is reasonable and doable.

"killing everything in its path," get some reality sense.

2 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Can you pls tell us what your plan is?


You're going to remain at home with no human contact for how long?


Absolute avoidance of human contact, no... 

Minimised contact with strangers, yes... i.e... Not hanging around in bars, shopping malls etc... applying a little common sense in attempts to avoid picking something up or spreading it in the event I did inadvertently pick something up. 


We’ve advised my in Laws to stay in and not to visit us (just in case we were to pass something on).


I also need to arrange a Plan B, just incase my Wife and I fall unwell and need someone to look after our son (knowing that he has probably been exposed). 


I also need to sort out if our Health Insurance is still going to cover us for Covid and not use Force Majeur to wiggle out of any hospital treatment should it come to that. 


This virus is unprecedented in recent history, it seems that many people are refusing to accept this and think the worlds governments and businesses who are advised by experts are over reacting. 

This is not the same as Y2K paranoia. 





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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:
On 3/13/2020 at 10:54 PM, Brightly said:



This is exactly what I plan to do.


If some super-virus comes along, killing everything in its path, well..then all bets are off.


But until then, let’s attempt to manage what seems manageable.


Things could change on a dime, but for now, social distancing and basic hygiene-plus seem like stellar tools.


I have a lifelong background in healthcare, so I’m not just screaming up a tree:


Everything I put forth is reasonable and doable.

"killing everything in its path," get some reality sense.

OK, to quote Canthai55’s statistic of 0.9% (because he doesn’t like the statistic from the WHO and CDC).


If this virus kills 0.9% of everything in its path... say 1 in 5 people contracts this virus - that’s about 12 million people dead world wide. Thats more than cancer (at 9.5million) more than Malaria (at 0.5million), measles (140,000 in 2018 - thanks anti-vaxers, it was 90,000 in 2016)... 


All these diseases and illnesses need serious attention along with Covid can be limited. Because it 3 out of 5 people get it (Germany’s prediction) or 4 out of 5 get it (UK’s prediction) the outlook is far greater. 


I really hope this is a global over-reaction. I really hope I am over reacting to the figures I am reading. But the worst thing to do in this situation is under-react, that doesn’t mean panic. It just means handle the situation intelligently and take intelligent precautions. 





  • Like 1
1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

 Because it 3 out of 5 people get it (Germany’s prediction) or 4 out of 5 get it (UK’s prediction) the outlook is far greater. 


These numbers are a joke, look at China, they have the numbers under control now. South Korea numbers are slowing down too.

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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

This virus is unprecedented in recent history, it seems that many people are refusing to accept this and think the worlds governments and businesses who are advised by experts are over reacting. 

This is not the same as Y2K paranoia.

Just so you know, Y2K was not a calamity only because companies and organizations committed millions of dollars and thousands of IT man hours to prevent it. 

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