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Anutin says he has no ill feeling towards foreigners, denies posting ‘dirty westerners’ Tweet


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1 hour ago, ParkerN said:
6 hours ago, Just Weird said:

He didn't say that.  He said that he didn't write the comment.


Well, in the absence of a Harry Potter keyboard (and I have the only one on the Southern hemisphere), that means someone else did. Presumably his account requires a login, which means that either he logged the person in and walked away whistling a merry tune, or someone else used his account with his knowledge. Which means he still bears the legal responsibility. So a protestation is pointless.


So we're back to the 'He's lying' option I suppose. Oh dear. Still, the average IQ in TL is less then 90 (recently exaggerated to be 91 by the Prayuth government who have a vested interest in it being higher than the actual score - neglecting the Flynn effect for the purposes of this post; so I'm sure there are lots of people who believe him and think he's wunnerful & stuff. Rotten foreigners.


Here's a thort.

"...that means someone else did".

Well done.  That's what I said.


"Which means he still bears the legal responsibility".

There's some "legal responsibility" with a Twitter account relevant to this person's account, is there?


"Oh dear. Still, the average IQ in TL is less then 90..."

Now, presuming that you consider yourself to have an IQ higher than Thais, and that you're not taking the mickey out of yourself, that sneering comment aimed at Thai people in general is particularly interesting when read in conjunction with these brilliant parts of your comment...

"...and think he's wunnerful & stuff".   "Here's a thort...".  


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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Because he posted them. The man’s an idiot and he’s in charge of the health ministry. Scary times. 

He is really on a par with the rest of the cabinet and the PM. It is very difficult to pick out a superstar with the quality of ministers to chosse from.

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17 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Fight racism with racism? That’s about as regressive and deplorable as it gets. 

Your average joe on here isn’t a health minister. When you tell the public that a certain race of people are dirty, implying they are the ones spreading the virus, that’s not only highly racist and abhorrent, it’s completely misleading, incorrect and extremely dangerous. 

I don’t hold the general public and their silly comments to any standard. I do hold people in power to very high standards, though. As we all should.


"I do hold people in power to very high standards, though."


Unfortunately with this lot the bar is set very low, and most of them consistently fail to reach even that standard.

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10 hours ago, keith101 said:

Australia just had 94 new Covid-19 cases in one day taking the total infections to 250 and Thailand is telling us there is only 82 in a country with such a huge population to me says they are just not testing enough or not releasing the real figures

In Germany we’ve had very low rising numbers initially, too. After 6 weeks it began to really take off. Yesterday it was 932 new cases. So, the numbers in Thailand will begin to rapidly rise, if they don’t within the next two weeks then you’re right. 

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11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Speaking to Thai media, Anutin, called on foreigners who don’t wear face masks “to be kicked out of Thailand”.

If I was inclined to wear a mask, where pray tell, would I buy one? Not at Makro, not at any drug store that I've been into lately. If one was the suspicious type, one might suspect hoarding and price gouging. Never happen with Anutin in charge though, he's right on top of things.

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3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"...that means someone else did".

Well done.  That's what I said.


"Which means he still bears the legal responsibility".

There's some "legal responsibility" with a Twitter account relevant to this person's account, is there?


"Oh dear. Still, the average IQ in TL is less then 90..."

Now, presuming that you consider yourself to have an IQ higher than Thais, and that you're not taking the mickey out of yourself, that sneering comment aimed at Thai people in general is particularly interesting when read in conjunction with these brilliant parts of your comment...

"...and think he's wunnerful & stuff".   "Here's a thort...".  


Can't help facts, which I posted as released by the Thai government, the deliberate mis-spellings were an attempt at humour. Sorry if they missed the mark, but I don't sneer, so what I wrote was not sneering, and I can't do very much to help the national IQ level, which if you're interested, is roughly on a par with the national average in the USA (2 points below if memory serves).


Apart from that, my only suggestion if you don't like what I write, is not to read it. See the little switch on your computer? The one marked on/off? It's the ultimate antidote to inconvenient truths. Try it - you'll see.


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1 hour ago, pattayadgw said:

As a Health Minister of a beautiful Nation.... you are as sad as they come.... a complete JOKE!!! Go find a new job with your obvious talents of zero!!


Dear God...


The Thai nation is the sum total of the geography (which Thais exploit and do not take care of), and the people and their culture (which latter I personally find unpleasant but YMMV).


There are many more people like Anutin than you might think. Give it a few years... wait and watch.



Edited by ParkerN
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12 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

If he has/had a Twitter account that he allowed others to control..... doesn’t that say something about his intelligence ????

not really.  all the biggies have facebook and twitter accounts that their staff handle.


what's telling is that he doesn't take responsibility for his account under his name run by his staff publicizing his comments.

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Result of Anutin behavior = negative AD for Thailand, and the image of the Thai people as racists. Yes, maybe some thais are so,, but lot of thais no. My thai girlfriend she said, many thais do not like government and she said: Anutin is stupid....

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Until the entire present governent get replaced by hopefully a non government, which maybe

someday, some year will be actually more democratic, and not so much like this

military attempt of a government, these, not so honest ministers, and top dogs will

try to get us and the Thai people to belive what they say.


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21 hours ago, misterjames said:

I think he's getting worried because Thai people are angry with what he said and are starting to circulate his quotes and picture mocking him for his racist remarks.




So they are now saying his team wrote it on his twitter? ???? even if that is true it still says a lot.

In a Western Democracy, the Minister would have been forced to resign. Who is responsible for the actions of his staff. The Tea lady? 

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13 hours ago, drbeach said:

My thoughts exactly. I have the feeling, given the poor quality of education in this country, the poor masses will take what he said at face value and could start attacking western foreigners.


On the other hand, we're probably still reasonably safe hanging out in areas popular with expats and tourists (even if there are currently few of the latter) since these areas also tend to be where the better educated, more affluent Thais who abhor this kind of behavior hang out and reside. In other words, downtown Bangkok may be a better place to be right now than some small village in Isarn.

oops I live in Ubon am I safe lol? I dont think this minister really knows the consequences of what he said. Might as well say its the "Dirty Farangs fault" because of the virus. Thais believe this and might take matters into your own hands and get rid of thoses dirty farangs. An eg how easy these Thais believe.The Soi dogs who by the way have bitten many a people because they are starving They are becoming wild dogs. The Thais wont take action against these dogs because the Buddha religon says you cannot destroy life. Its ok for the dogs to starve to death but killing them in humane way no way. Does that make sense?

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Yes same attitude here in China. Xenophobia at its worse.

Some people need reminding where this virus came from and why.


It is a Chinese originated disease due to the fact they eat dirty animals and have poor hygiene. I wonder what the minister or his staff (if you believe that) has to say about that.

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If the people have not showered, that will help with effective distancing? As long they washed their hands for 20 seconds regularly with the appropriate soap.


The mask thing with him seems strange, the masks only have a limited usage period, if you keep wearing the same mask all the time would it not become a hazard in it's self?  You would need sufficient stocks to rotate, make sterile or renew. If you are not having symptoms, you may not want to squander the resources you have.


Would any energy they have not be better put to suggesting short period cleaning of door handles in public places etc, the automatic doors at 7 etc are great things.


Luckily there are many clever, honest, educated people in Thailand , but they are probably finding it difficult to restock with Alcohol hand gel and replacement masks also....????.


The chap I saw n Tesco the other day, near the food hall, luckily at 30m+ distance, of assumed Thai appearance, Coughing and sneezing, not a hanky, no attempt to contain himself, (and no mask). I turned to the close by escalator went down and exited the mall, stuff the shopping. He may not of had Covid, but you don't want to catch anything else, and then come into contact with covid, bad combination...Maybe that chap was not Thai, maybe a westerner, from somewhere you could cycle to, maybe the tweet was for them?

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On 3/15/2020 at 8:21 AM, keith101 said:

Australia just had 94 new Covid-19 cases in one day taking the total infections to 250 and Thailand is telling us there is only 82 in a country with such a huge population to me says they are just not testing enough or not releasing the real figures

Another oracle on on epidemiology and virology mouths off.Thailand is not claiming there are only 82 cases in the country as you incorrectly suggest.There are no doubt many more unreported as there are in every country including Australia.Thailand does however have a number of advantages in dealing with the coronavirus threat not least lessons learnt from the SARS epidemic, sensible travel restrictions, a decent public heath system together with very wide awareness of the need for social distancing and appropriate hygiene.There is also a worst case contingency plan in place.Since Thailand was one of the first countries to be affected after China, the current infection figures look manageable and unlikely to be on the same rate of acceleration as many countries in Europe.

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