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Thailand reports 32 new coronavirus cases, brings total to 114


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3 hours ago, SunsetT said:

It is a sign of maturity to realise that everyone has a differing sense of humour and that no one's is superior to another. Also, sadly, some seem to have no sense of humour at all so can only sneer at others and not laugh with them.

Yes, and it´s also a sign of maturity to grow out of pee and poop games before starting to post on TVF.

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9 minutes ago, les1 said:

Does anyone know how many Foreigners have been diagnosed positive with Covid-19? Following the outrageous comments from the Heath Minister a few days ago. It would be interesting to know because I have not heard of any.

 If you mean foreigners OTHER than Chinese, the last official government report, I believe, indicated only a couple... 1 Singaporean, 1 Brit... not sure beyond that.


But now Thai cases are popping up all over the place, including from government officials self reporting, and many/most of those have yet to make it into the Thai DDC's daily official tallys.



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Thailand’s private hospitals are charging a fortune to test for Covid; no it’s not profiteering, it’s much worse

March 16, 2020

When Florian Witulski returned from South Korea to Thailand, he self-quarantined and tried to get tested for Covid-19 as any responsible person would.

To his shock, several private hospitals would not test him at all while the testing kit at Samitivej Hospital cost $750 US.

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Here's a BAD sign.... a comment from the popular Thai singer who's just announced she tested positive for CV....  She's one of the social elite, a celebrity, and she's having trouble finding a hospital bed???



Lydia also commented on the lack of available hospital beds, saying that she has been in regular contact with the Public Health Ministry about when a hospital bed would be available for her.



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Of course the spreaders are foreign, the virus came from China.  Now, plenty of Thais are spreading it around as well.  It’s funny how they say they know exactly where people got the virus because you can have it for weeks without showing symptoms, or maybe just a cough and runny nose.  The fearless leader sounds a lot like Trump.

Ignorance doesn’t work so well with viruses 

Edited by Redline
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2 hours ago, Toany said:

I agree.  We need to not panic.


But facts are not available in Thailand

Facts are in limited filtered supply in Thailand but some can be found too. Some can even be found in this forum, but probably more difficult to find in all the other nonsense. 

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4 hours ago, sup3r1or said:

I have read them stating they built a hospital specifically for this disease.... Wait for it... It houses 100 beds. A 100? They sure are optimistic 

What i read is that this refers to a new 100-bed hospital that was already purpose built to house elderly patients, in Samut Prakarn i believe. They are now obviously looking for ways to scale up available space for the expected load and it sounds like they will re-purpose this hospital, at least as an interim measure, along with other facilities from the army and other hospitals.  

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Five got infected after hanging out at entertainment venues. The Public Health Ministry has ordered them to close and start cleaning for at least three days.


Nine got infected from the Lumpinee boxing stadium, which has now said it will bar spectators from attending bouts until the end of the month after two fans posted on Facebook that they had contracted the disease.


Three people -- an Immigration police and two restaurant employees in Suvarnabhumi Airport -- got infected from a tourist.

So how about closing CW immigration? No sense in potentially exposing oneself to the virus in a crowded room full of hundreds of (filthy foreigners) just to do a stupid unnecessary 90 day report.


Can 90 day report be done by post? - (before you ask, mine is one that refuses to work online and Roadrunner aint setting foot in Immigration CW!).

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2 hours ago, Mavideol said:

do you know this guy is an infiltrated Chinese propaganda spreading agent, can't believe anything he posts

i don't know either of you, but the poster you referred to quoted factual info that can be checked online, whereas you posted a derogatory personal comment. Who of you both do you think gives a more credible appearance?  

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36 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

As of the Thai DDC's official report thru the 15th, yesterday, they've now blown past more than 2000 patients in hospitals under investigation for CV for the first time.... and now a backlog of up to nearly 2400 patients awaiting test results on CV.


[see image above]




The latest EN version of this update is only available thru March 13, now 3 days old.

It seems they do not translate on the weekends. Again note that for every report since March 2:


Hospitalized PUI + at home PUI - positive PUI under care =  PUI "pending results".

Today  2233 + 232 - 76 = 2389 PUI pending results, exactly.


IOW, 2000+  PUI under care, many for weeks, are never reported until they are cured and leave. Thus there is no record of their status while under care.  ?

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39 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Here's a BAD sign.... a comment from the popular Thai singer who's just announced she tested positive for CV....  She's one of the social elite, a celebrity, and she's having trouble finding a hospital bed???




Ok, so that is starting to pop up. The manuscript is proceeding just as it has in other countries. For some reason, it was delayed in Thailand. I think I'll join the "it's the weather" group, but that just means it's delayed, not eliminated. Could "flatten the curve" a bit which would be a blessing, but on the flipside Thai hospitals are often full even without any epidemics: https://www.krungsri.com/bank/getmedia/587ccdaa-91a8-4305-a86f-30ea43558f0b/IO_Private_Hospital_190624_EN_EX.aspx


Social distancing folks, stay home and binge netflix.

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2 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

The commie mouth piece has arrived. 

What is the point of your post? The info given can be verified online if you cared to look. Of course the Chinese regime used this build as an opportunity to convey 'power' and 'control', but still an achievement. Can you see Thailand or the UK build a hospital in 10 days? 

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20 hours ago, NCC1701A said:



anyway the unmentionable place is showing photos of Thai panic buying now. 


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Sunday appealed for calm as escalating fears over Covid-19 are driving people to stockpile food and other daily necessities.





Panic buying is also happening in the UK . My son emailed me to say supermarkets shelves were empty of toilet rolls , tissues , bacterial wipes ,hand gels , antiseptics , soap , many canned foods , pasta , frozen foods etc etc . Hospitals having their hand gels stolen and one instance the gel container was torn off the wall .

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10 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

So how about closing CW immigration? No sense in potentially exposing oneself to the virus in a crowded room full of hundreds of (filthy foreigners) just to do a stupid unnecessary 90 day report.


Can 90 day report be done by post? - (before you ask, mine is one that refuses to work online and Roadrunner aint setting foot in Immigration CW!).

Yes, I have successfully done 90 day by post 3 times. Mine also will not work on line since I got a new passport. The only way to get the new PP to work is exit and re-renter the country. So, I printed 2  years of 90 day applications and required photos. I just enter the date and mail it. 


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56 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Here's a BAD sign.... a comment from the popular Thai singer who's just announced she tested positive for CV....  She's one of the social elite, a celebrity, and she's having trouble finding a hospital bed???




she has the sniffles and has been tested ... doesnt sound much like she needs a hospital bed to me ... the last thing you are doing when you are really sick is fannying about on the internet or looking for publicity 

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5 minutes ago, CraigInBangkok said:

she has the sniffles and has been tested ... doesnt sound much like she needs a hospital bed to me ... the last thing you are doing when you are really sick is fannying about on the internet or looking for publicity 

She has tested positive apparently for COVID-19, I think the absence of beds is a true issue, and tells more than the numbers we have been given suggest.

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10 minutes ago, CraigInBangkok said:

she has the sniffles and has been tested ... doesnt sound much like she needs a hospital bed to me ... the last thing you are doing when you are really sick is fannying about on the internet or looking for publicity 


Her husband, the leuk kreung actor and boxing promoter, was already sick and hospitalized, and may well have been the source of a cluster of infections among people who were exposed to him, including his wife. She's not out looking for publicity.



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3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

She has tested positive apparently for COVID-19, I think the absence of beds is a true issue, and tells more than the numbers we have been given suggest.

She may well have it and there is a good chance you are right about the numbers but I would still say they would be silly to give out hospital beds unless you really need one... If she was in a bad way, pretty sure they find a bed for her .. can you imagine the public uproar if they let one of their celebrities die 

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4 minutes ago, CraigInBangkok said:

She may well have it and there is a good chance you are right about the numbers but I would still say they would be silly to give out hospital beds unless you really need one... If she was in a bad way, pretty sure they find a bed for her .. can you imagine the public uproar if they let one of their celebrities die 

Of course...There would be a new song sung by all the famous singers recreating "We Are The World" trying to raise funds to feed the now homeless because the COVID-19 economy ruined lives

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23 hours ago, Timwin said:

The simple fact is that R0 of this virus is a lot lower in hot&humid countries. That is why no mushrooming observed or at least it spreads much slower via indirect ways. That leaves mostly direct contact spreading. Hot season also came at a crucial time in Thailand.

Is that why now that it’s getting really hot in Thailand there is now an explosion of cases compared to when it was much cooler a month ago?

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59 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Is that why now that it’s getting really hot in Thailand there is now an explosion of cases compared to when it was much cooler a month ago?

There is no explosion of cases the similar way than in northern countries. This spread is consistent with R0 being lower to between 1-2, instead of 3-5 in the northern climates. It will spread but much slower and that is very good news.


Even countries like Finland and Estonia now have more cases than Thailand and all happened within few days. The optimum spreading temperature zone seems to be 5-11 C. Somebody else posted this link already: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3550308


Thailand has been exposed to the virus much longer because of many times more Chinese tourists and still northern countries are racing past and fast....

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8 minutes ago, Timwin said:

There are no explosion of cases the similar way as in northern countries. This spread is consistent with R0 being lower to between 1-2, instead of 3-5 in the northern climates.


Even countries like Finland and Estonia now have more cases than Thailand and all happened within few days. The optimum spreading temperature zone seems to be 5-11 C. Somebody else posted this link already: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3550308


Thailand has been exposed to virus much longer because of many times more Chinese tourists and still northern countries are racing past and fast....

So why Thailand is starting to shutdown everything, lockdown Buriram and postpone songkran and oddly did not give any update today? If you check Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia and Brazil their cases are starting to climb quickly. Even Singapore has a lot more cases and they have been a lot more proactive. Read between the lines. ????

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53 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

So why Thailand is starting to shutdown everything, lockdown Buriram and postpone songkran and oddly did not give any update today? If you check Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia and Brazil their cases are starting to climb quickly. Even Singapore has a lot more cases and they have been a lot more proactive. Read between the lines. ????

Even with R0 1-2 this is still very serious but not "All ICUs are full, please send HELP!"-serious. 


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5 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

Yeh like dragging people off to dump in mass graves and welding them inside apartment blocks. Breaking people's necks who wouldn't conform etc etc 

I have no sympathy for people that 'will not conform' to quarantines.  Violating it is akin to potentially negligent homicide and a quarantine effectively to Marshal Law (temporary suspension of rights).  Your rights end where you put other peoples rights at risk. 

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14 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

I have no sympathy for people that 'will not conform' to quarantines.  Violating it is akin to potentially negligent homicide and a quarantine effectively to Marshal Law (temporary suspension of rights).  Your rights end where you put other peoples rights at risk. 

I have no symphony for me either you can make up all the rules you like and you can try and use your guns to try and force me to comply with your silly little attempts to control me but you will fail.

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