Probably Sun Microsystems. I used to do contract work there pre-bubble burst. One thing I credit them with is they put a lot of resources into coming up with new protocols etc. A lot of them never made it to market but they did cooperate with their "enemy" companies (like MS) on developing stuff like wifi and Bluetooth. They are the ones who created Java which became Sun's flagship product, but everyone who worked there knew Java itself wasn't the revenue earner, it was those million-dollar servers that kept the lights on.
There was a lot of Mean Girls -style public banter between the CEOs, and when Ellison took over Sun their CEO looked like he was due for a pre-frontal -- both of those guys possess a "strong sense of who they are."
I shorted them but made a big mistake: I did it too soon, 1999 was the year the NASDAQ doubled.
As for the subject of the thread, be assured some of that investment is going into the Mar-a-Lago tip jar.
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