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Pattaya: Keep the beer bars open! We are open air and less risky, says desperate bar rep

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7 hours ago, Fancyzancy said:

The good from this is the girls will become Freelancers and you won't have to pay bar fines 555

happy days for all the desperate prostitute users.

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7 hours ago, Sharp said:

If its all about isolation of sorts its madness to let them all go back to their Villages there will definitely be a spike in cases and unfortunately the Older family members back home will suffer I would say the entertainment staff already contracted the virus and recovered a kind of 'herd immunity' if you will and then it died down.My thoughts anyhow!

Total sense, thanks

4 hours ago, morrobay said:

And with all the above risky nationalities all over Pattaya in the last few months in buses   taxis, hotels, restaurants... There doesn't seem to be any cases in Pattaya? 

yeh,,, utter nonsense... I read earlier that they charge 2500 baht to be tested! well as I remember there are very few local people / families who can afford that. so they wont even know how many there are.

4 hours ago, Guderian said:

The biggest worry is definitely the service staff who handle your beer, glass, ice and lemon. There are so few customers in my usual bar now that I often have it to myself and there's never any problem staying six feet away from other customers. if one of the service staff has the virus, though, and is shedding it then you're screwed.

good point, you may be able to keep your distance but the bar girl is doing all the mingling for you.. buy some beers from the supermarket and stay home.

55 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

 And whose fault is it that her association has no Plan B? The government, or her?


 And another big one is crowded public transport, but I've seen no suggestion in Thailand, unlike other countries that have intelligent people in charge, for people to only go out if absolutely necessary. Other countries are telling people not to go out, and some like Spain have police patrols to make sure no-one breaks the rules. In Thailand it's carry on as usual, including letting hoards of Chinese in every day, even now.

No hoards of Chinese are coming. If they do they will be quarantined for  14 days on their return having just completed a month at home anyway. It's not worth it.

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4 minutes ago, Nicebus said:

Ever wonder why NO ONE under 10 years of age has died from this virus. ??

Why 82% of deaths have been elderly males with pre existing conditions !!


Just wondering. Please dont have a hissy fit at me.

Don't expect any replies to a sensible question!

If you want replies try working in a few stock phrases to rile the "experts" & stir up the Malice, there's plenty of it about ???? 

3 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

'No Plan B' she says.  In 13 years here i've never met a Thai that has a Plan B; the 'future' is only today and sometimes even tomorrow !

The consequence of a poor country, they are too poor to plan. Live today and worry about tomorrow,,,, tomorrow. even when they get opportunity and some money the same mindset remains.

3 hours ago, whooshbang said:

Eating any animals at all is probably a bad idea.

I am genuinely starting to see the logic in this,, but not a debate for this forum..

8 hours ago, webfact said:

Closing the beer bars will cause a further mass exodus of bar staff and bar girls to the countryside. 

which bus station should I be standing in?

Surin? Korat? Khon Kaen?


  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

There must be a classification somewhere that indicates which animals "are meant to be eaten" and which "aren't meant to be" and who decides, where is that or do you have the list?

none are meant to be eaten

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Ebumbu said:

Can't they have takeaway and delivery? 

speaking directly about spreading a virus.....takaways and delivery's is a marvelous concept, except when the 'food' arrives.  I used to really enjoy eating leftovers...until I watched 3 guys eat the same 'food' in less than an hour.  The takeout boss suggested I try it because it is new, 'fresh' and everyone likes it.  It just amazes me to see the 'next' concept.


Close all the bars, etc will just make the internet slow down as more orders are placed on the myriad internet conversation/chat apps.  Or perhaps I'm mistaken and they are only reading the news and chatting with their mom about the weather in Esan.


I do apologize for my humble opinion.


Surely ''Mr. Flowers'' must have taken enough money to close his bars which is the sensible thing to do and still pay his girls.

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1 hour ago, Mung said:

The plant based vegan diet is the biggest load of tripe to be exported to the masses in years. Whoever thinks it's healthy long term, without the dieter cheating on their diet, is sadly mistaken. There are some exceptions of course, but for the most part the vegan diet long term if strictly abided by, is going to cause major health problems. Cases of women losing their period in their 20s and hair falling out are commonplace among other things. 

Vitamin A is a good start, it's essential for various bodily functions, as well as lowering the risk of several types of cancers. You might suggest that a vegan diet is high in Vitamin A from such things as carrots? The plant form of vitamin A is Beta Carotene (the animal version is Retinol) The plant form of vitamin A, Carotene, has a 30:1  to around 14:1 ratio as an absorption rate in humans, a very low rate indeed. On top of that, the conversion is ‘bottlenecked’ as the human body can only covert so much within one day. The ‘true’ or animal form of Vitamin A, Retinol, converts a lot more efficiently and isn’t bottlenecked. Even worse still is that Carotene requires certain fats to be converted and metabolised, which the vegan diet doesn’t offer up that much of, if any. Vitamin A from plants does not absorb, the nail in the coffin is that some people literally have gene-polymorphisms that prevent them from converting Carotene at all, so a certain % of the population would not be able to receive vitamin A at all from plant based diet alone, and the rest of the people would find it near impossible to get enough.


You then need to look at things like omega 3 fatty acids, that are inhibited by the huge amounts of omega 6 found in a vegan diet. You ideally want a low intake of omega 6 and a high intake of omega 3. Not only do omega 6 fatty acids block the uptake and conversion of omega 3, but high amounts of them are damaging to health. Too much omega-6, which is found in the corn oil and vegetable oils used in so much American food. Too much omega 6 can raise your blood pressure, lead to blood clots that can cause heart attack and stroke, and cause your body to retain water.


Another issue with a vegan diet is the fact that many vitamins are fat soluble, meaning that you can eat as many of them as you want, but you won't uptake or convert them without plenty of saturated fat in your diet, ideally animal saturated fat. One prime example of this is vitamin D, which is only found in certain seafoods and from the sun. You can get as much sun as you want or take as many vitamin D pills as you might, but you won't convert it without enough fat in your diet. 


That leads onto vitamin B12 which everyone knows is very crucial to health. Vegans tend to supplement this one, and if you need to supplement something, then that surely should be a red flag to the diet. But again this won't due to lack of absorption, and I quote from a study; 'Vitamin B12 cannot be synthesised by mammalian species, but only by microorganisms. Bacterial synthesis takes place only in the large bowel and the caecum. From these sites absorption cannot take place, and therefore man is entirely dependent on dietary sources of vitamin B12. The richest natural sources are liver and kidney, but vitamin B12 is also present in meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, and shellfish.' 

You can test your blood serum levels for all kinds of vitamins and nutrients, but that doesn't show the actual uptake and absorption of them.

Hong Kong eat on average 4 times the amount of meat than the average UK citizen, yet they have not only a longer life expectancy, but they have the highest in the world, 84.23 The people of Hong Kong literally eat the most meat per capita in the entire world, and the women there have the longest life expectancies of any nation on the planet. There are obviously other factors that go into how long somebody lives, but at the very least this shows that eating fresh and high quality meats, will not put you into an early grave, on average. In fact, it can make you thrive. Our bodies have evolved and thrived to live off of meat, we are not herbivores, we are omnivores. The key is to source quality meats that are not processed and that are raised in decent conditions without too many chemicals and medications involved.

Veganism is terrible for the environment, for a start the pervasive use of chemical pesticides in industrial agriculture is poisoning our food and the planet. Most are neurotoxins and endocrine disruptors that destroy the nervous systems of insects or cause them to be unable to reproduce. All the same effects are passed on to humans when we eat these plants, and this is reason enough to be wary of a “plants only” diet.

Vegan proponents point to grain production for cattle feed as the cause of deforestation, habitat loss and species extinction, but industrial agriculture involves huge mono-cultures like wheat, corn and soy. Virtually all their agricultural systems depend on crude oil, including planting, harvesting, processing, packaging, and transportation. The importance of eating locally produced meat and locally grown vegetables and fruits, when available, is huge. Vegans rarely if ever question where their exotic fruits come from, and how each individual food item has the carbon footprint larger than an average vegans ego.

Growing crops of corn, wheat or soy (which are currently all genetically modified unless organic) where there would normally be grass destroys animals’ natural feeding grounds. Modern industrial agriculture conglomerates destroy the delicate ecosystems surrounding them including topsoil, streams and rivers that are home to worms, frogs, turtles, crustaceans, aquatic vertebrae, beavers, and the birds and animals who feed on them They devastate the earth instead of feeding it. But vegans don't care about the insects or small rodents, they are prejudice and love the cows, sheep and chickens exclusively.


Dont think you have all the facts right. I am not going to break it all down just urge you to read. compare the environmental impact of intensive farming for dairy, eggs and meat compared to vegetable and the facts about nutrition. from what I can see a vegan may have a shortage of b12 which is easily obtained in fortified food or a supplement. When all is considered there is a very steep jump in human population and we all have to eat. there wont be a perfect solution but from my understanding vega diet is less of an impact.



52 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

yeh,,, utter nonsense... I read earlier that they charge 2500 baht to be tested! well as I remember there are very few local people / families who can afford that. so they wont even know how many there are.

Wrong again: Now try reading the Thailand news section. Topic: Free covid19 testing for Thais who have been in crowded areas. 


5 hours ago, CGW said:

Especially when they are located next door to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or is that just coincidental? :wink:

A Boisafety level -4 lab is in Wuhan.

BSL-4 = bioweapons

by definition.


False-flag op.

1 hour ago, Max69xl said:

There are almost no Chinese tourists at all in Thailand at the moment. You're just another worrier. 

On the contrary, I believe this is an over-reaction on steroids. This virus produces flu-like symptoms which, for the very vast majority, goes within a few days. The only thing that separates the virus from normal flu is that it arguably spreads more easily. The world has gone mad, and tens or hundreds of thousands will have their livelihood ruined over nothing much at all.

And since when have only the Chinese been spreading the virus?

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1 hour ago, Traubert said:

No hoards of Chinese are coming. If they do they will be quarantined for  14 days on their return having just completed a month at home anyway. It's not worth it.

I was at the airport recently and there was a mass of Chinese getting their VOA. It was the only part of the arrival area that was busy.

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, David T Pike said:

COVID-19 is not an air-borne virus! It is from contact! How stupid are these Bar 0wners?




People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick.






The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

  • Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.






Mode of transmission: Early reports suggest person-to-person transmission most commonly happens during close exposure to a person infected with COVID-19, primarily via respiratory droplets produced when the infected person coughs or sneezes. Droplets can land in the mouths, noses, or eyes of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs of those within close proximity. The contribution of small respirable particles, sometimes called aerosols or droplet nuclei, to close proximity transmission is currently uncertain. However, airborne transmission from person-to-person over long distances is unlikely.




WHO considers ‘airborne precautions’ for medical staff after study shows coronavirus can survive in air




As with other respiratory pathogens, including flu and rhinovirus, the transmission is believed to occur through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. Aerosol transmission is also possible in case of protracted exposure to elevated aerosol concentrations in closed spaces.



Yup. Stay on...catch it then bring it upcountry when they go back home in low season. Thereby infecting the whole of Issan.


Close em!

11 hours ago, JoeMc said:

Sorry but answer has to be NO .. Thai girls get 'it' and then travel back to the provinces..chaos

Well, if you say so, it's settled then, Dr., um, and your medical specialty is epidemiology and infectuous diseases? And you went to what medical school? What's that? You got a C- in high school science? Well all righty then. Folks, better listen to this guy, he's a "stable genius"

9 hours ago, sezze said:

I agree , i know , they are bleeding cash fast , nobody thinks otherwise . Its a very hard time , but keep people separate at all cost , if every human would do it , this thing would be gone in 2 max 3 weeks ( incubation time ) . I know it isnt possible , but lets make the time we are in it as short as possible , and this means avoid contact , bars and restaurants closed . Nobody in the world want this , but its here , react to it , and bar closing is 1 of the big contributors of human contact , and that is the 1 we want to avoid right now .


Everybody wants to get back to normal life , but this isnt happening right now , so lets make sure we get there as fast as possible . The virus does not make a difference in skincolor , religion , or anything else .

Exactly. But is it possible here?


That is what is happening in Europe where numbers of infections and deaths are rising fast and are relatively high now but still small as % of populations. Sorry to say it really but the numbers, and the slow spread, officially reported for Thailand are very low, suspiciously low, and with only 1 death? After all those Chinese visitors before China itself stopped them travelling?  Or perhaps it's true that this virus, like the flu, doesn't thrive in  warmer weather ? But then studies of the flu actually challenge that premise.


And closing bars, beer bars with working girls. Are these girls tested for Covid ( let alone any other infectious disease!) before being told, sorry no work, no money, go home? Don't think so. Which is why back in the villages up here in Isaan Covid cases are, the village market rumour has it,  suddenly starting to appear. Round this way, yesterday 1 case, today 5. It is gossip but has a ring of truth about it, knowing the demographics.


Interesting that it is officially stated here that most cases come from "working with foreigners". Yup got that right! The many nationalities that come here, not just westerners, for a particular kind of fun.  Or the girls that head to S. Korea, Hong Kong, Japan etc to work  with those nationals ( foreigners to a Thai of course) illegally before being caught and repatriated and disappearing back to their families.


European governments are ordering people to stay home, isolate yourself, keep your distance from others, schools, universities ordered closed, shops and entertainment venues all ordered to closed. Work from home where possible. Photos of roads normally jam packed show them empty. Borders just today shut in or out for 30 days, to be reviewed. Could be longer. Individuals to be fined if caught outside without an authorised reason. And at least for the moment it looks for the most part the people are being sensible, intelligent about that.


How long these economies, society, individuals can keep that up remains to be seen. We are after all only human and humans live to socialise, to go out. Businesses exist to make a profit.


But a big difference is that these governments are all providing , or should I say promising, financial aid not only to businesses affected, especially small ones,  but to struggling individuals and families through not getting paid or losing jobs. 


Could, would, can Thailand do all that? Would its people respond and accept the need to isolate? A people still in large part ill educated,  leading very basic lives. I read that the government has promised poorest families would be entitled to 2,000 baht. Is that it?


Is this why the question whether Thailand is a first world country now or still a third world country is unclear and enigmatic with its seriously rich at the top of the pile and a growing, better educated " middle" class, but still an enormous swathe of people living hand to mouth daily. To whom possessing( on the never ever)  a shiny new car is massive status, as is the latest smartphone, with state of the art internet well ahead of many of not all western nations, that works almost anywhere,  yet whilst still living, for the most part happily, on the floor in the dust, in shacks...whilst watching nightly on TV the latest Thai soaps depicting impossibly wealthy, unattainable lifestyles.



2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:
4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

There must be a classification somewhere that indicates which animals "are meant to be eaten" and which "aren't meant to be" and who decides, where is that or do you have the list?

none are meant to be eaten

Says who?  Life on earth wouldn't have got to this stage if some animals weren't meant to have been eaten!

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10 hours ago, ianezy0 said:

Close all bars, girls can go home. Disinfect Soi 6, Walking St etc.


In 3 months time Pattaya will be like a fresh meadow of newly grown grass! 


The girls had better shave that grass before returning to work!

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It's too bad but the careless who insist on going to the bars and risking infection are not only endangering themselves but those of us who are staying away and might sit next to them on the Baht bus or stand in line next to them at the grocery store or 7-11.

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