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UK can turn the tide against virus in next 12 weeks - PM Johnson


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2 hours ago, englishoak said:

We – in the UK, right now, are doing incredibly well considering.


So Boris' own advisers were saying the virus will last until Spring 2021.....


"The document, seen by The Guardian, shows health chiefs expect the virus to last for another 12 months"




The NHS is in very poor shape, only one-third of the icu beds of Germany, not enough respirators, more deaths than Germany with less cases, but Boris is talking of beating the virus in a few weeks?


I don't the UK is doing as well as you think it is.

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It is correct to say Johnson is following the advice of experts. 


It is however also correct to say very many other experts disagree.


Johnson is gambling with the health and lives of millions on the advice of the particular experts he chose to listen to.


Fingers crossed, and pray his gamble pays off, but let’s not pretend it isn’t a gamble.

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Johnson is only interested in protecting the economy not people. And look at the pound for how well he is doing there.

As for listening to experts. He only listens to one. Dominic Cumins. The unelected Prime Minister of the UK.


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I just received a dramatic plea from a doctor in Spain which outlines how they are having to encourage dying older people to die so they can free up the respirator for younger patients that need it.


Her plea was above all for materials.


By all accounts the UK is very poorly prepared for what is about to come, and has admitted a shortage of respirators, a shortage of icu beds.


Where is this sudden optimism of beating the virus in 12 weeks coming from? 


The UK does not look in good shape.



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10 hours ago, anto said:

Boris a posh buffon . 

I agree that Boris's statement about beating the virus in three months was just hot.  In fact when pressed he said that nobody knew how long it would take but he thought it "could" peak in twelve weeks or so.  like I said it was all hot air.


However, I am one of Boris's biggest critics and as much as I hate to say it, I think he is doing a good job tackling this pandemic.  I was expecting knee jerk reactions and him lying about the facts at every opportunity, but he hasn't.  It seems to be a well structured response and his daily briefings, where he takes questions from journalists, shows he isn't shirking the difficult questions.  So for now at least "Kudo to you Boris"!

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4 minutes ago, Logosone said:

I just received a dramatic plea from a doctor in Spain which outlines how they are having to encourage dying older people to die so they can free up the respirator for younger patients that need it.


Her plea was above all for materials.


By all accounts the UK is very poorly prepared for what is about to come, and has admitted a shortage of respirators, a shortage of icu beds.


Where is this sudden optimism of beating the virus in 12 weeks coming from? 


The UK does not look in good shape.



the way I understand what has been said is not that it is beaten in 12 weeks, but that the peak will have been reached

in about 12 weeks from now


UK is not alone in thinking alone such lines, there are other countries thinking the same


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12 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

the way I understand what has been said is not that it is beaten in 12 weeks, but that the peak will have been reached

in about 12 weeks from now


UK is not alone in thinking alone such lines, there are other countries thinking the same


True and everyone is watching the time scale of things in China where it all started and is now well under control.  But thinking it and monitoring it is not the same as declaring it as fact.  Still he did retract it shortly afterwards and that is good enough under the circumstances.

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16 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

the way I understand what has been said is not that it is beaten in 12 weeks, but that the peak will have been reached

in about 12 weeks from now


UK is not alone in thinking alone such lines, there are other countries thinking the same


It does not look like the UK's own experts from the NHS share this view:


Britain's coronavirus crisis could last until Spring 2021 with up to 8MILLION people - or 15% of the population - hospitalised, secret NHS briefing reveals


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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

True and everyone is watching the time scale of things in China where it all started and is now well under control.  But thinking it and monitoring it is not the same as declaring it as fact.  Still he did retract it shortly afterwards and that is good enough under the circumstances.


In China the first wave seems to be under control.


Looking at the Spanish flu pandemic, there was a second wave. Which was more fatal than the first.

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9 minutes ago, Logosone said:

It does not look like the UK's own experts from the NHS share this view:


Britain's coronavirus crisis could last until Spring 2021 with up to 8MILLION people - or 15% of the population - hospitalised, secret NHS briefing reveals


I think this just illustrates how little anyone knows yet.    Everyone is trying to second guess the fallout based on what has already happened in other countries but it seems that each country has a different outcome.  One thing is for sure, everyone needs to take this very seriously!

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IMO most world leaders and even the WHO were completely blindsided by the speed at which COVID-19 propagated. and some tried to downplay how serious it is. The best hope now is an effective vaccine, without it the virus could be around for a year or two. The genie is out of the bottle.

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looks like anti malarials are usefull ,and


Coronavirus patients, including 79-year-old man, recover after taking experimental Ebola drug remdesivir


Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/19/coronavirus-patient-79-recovers-experimental-ebola-drug-italy-12425165/?ito=cbshare

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/

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5 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Well, I left school at 15 with no qualifications whatsoever and it didn't do me any harm......

So you don't value education. Some do. Without it we don't have doctors, engineers, chemists, vets, pilots, architects, lawyers, software developers, dentists, teachers...


You can live without all the things they produce and do I assume?


Time for this populist nonsense to end!

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53 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I agree that Boris's statement about beating the virus in three months was just hot.  In fact when pressed he said that nobody knew how long it would take but he thought it "could" peak in twelve weeks or so.  like I said it was all hot air.


However, I am one of Boris's biggest critics and as much as I hate to say it, I think he is doing a good job tackling this pandemic.  I was expecting knee jerk reactions and him lying about the facts at every opportunity, but he hasn't.  It seems to be a well structured response and his daily briefings, where he takes questions from journalists, shows he isn't shirking the difficult questions.  So for now at least "Kudo to you Boris"!


Boris Johnson is not even in charge anymore, Sir Patrick Vallance is now running the country. He'll decide if lockdown is going to be done or not.


Boris is now basically a newsreader/public speaker/life  coach.

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24 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

This isn’t the flu.

Covid 19 is a mutation of an animal flu virus. It results in flu-like symptoms. We should look at past flu pandemics to gauge what is coming.

Edited by Logosone
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Trials for a coronavirus vaccine could begin within the next month.


Scientists at Public Health England (PHE) could give the go-ahead for human testing well ahead of the usual time frame for drug development.


In a bid to accelerate the development process, those behind the vaccine have been given permission to commence human trials before animal tests are complete, the Guardian reported.


Permission was granted after similar vaccines developed for other diseases were proved safe in human trials.

The Government's health agency it is preparing to start evaluating a drug developed by Oxford University.


It is only due to start preliminary evaluation of the vaccine on animals next week.


PHE researchers have collaborated with teams at Liverpool and Bristol universities to create an exact replica of Covid-19 for use in the testing process.


Professor Adrian Hill, head of the Jenner Institute at Oxford, told the Guardian: "We are conscious that a vaccine is needed as soon as possible and certainly by June-July when we expect a big peak in mortality.


He added: "This is not a normal situation. We will follow all standard trial safety requirements but as soon as we have a vaccine that's working we anticipate there will be an accelerated pathway to get it deployed to save lives.


"The more vaccine we can provide the sooner the better."

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14 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Boris Johnson is not even in charge anymore, Sir Patrick Vallance is now running the country. He'll decide if lockdown is going to be done or not.


Boris is now basically a newsreader/public speaker/life  coach.


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46 minutes ago, mngmn said:

So you don't value education. Some do. Without it we don't have doctors, engineers, chemists, vets, pilots, architects, lawyers, software developers, dentists, teachers...

Seriously mngmn ??.............maybe English isn't your first language,  -- Irony Irony describes situations that seems to be the opposite of what you expected. ...the guy didn't take any exams & feels they are of no worth.........so where has that path taken him.............."Do you want any fries with that sir?............


maybe in your language the humor  is simpler to understand....so...try this one


Why did the monkey fall out of the tree.

Because his dead......................................................................:coffee1:

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2 hours ago, Logosone said:


Boris Johnson is not even in charge anymore, Sir Patrick Vallance is now running the country. He'll decide if lockdown is going to be done or not.


Boris is now basically a newsreader/public speaker/life  coach.

Is that a bad thing?

Vallance's personal research was in the field of vascular biology.[16][7] He made important discoveries in the field of nitric oxide[17] and endothelial cell physiology and showed that the human arterial vasculature is actively dilated by continuous release of nitric oxide.[7] He demonstrated the functional significance of this effect in different physiological and disease states and identified new pathways for regulating nitric oxide biosynthesis.[7]



Would you rather have him or Mike Pence?

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10 hours ago, rhyddid said:

Wow Superman has arrived, no one can turn the tide in 12m weeks he can do, keeping open everything and let the "herd immunization" run on the skin of UK citizens!
What about remove him and his government ASAP and place in some mental institute and place some competent people in charge of UK ? 

Like Abbott, Corbyn, Wrong-Daily you mean, get a grip of yourself.

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27 minutes ago, sotonowl said:

Like Abbott, Corbyn, Wrong-Daily you mean, get a grip of yourself.


Lets hold those who you dislike and are not in any position of power accountable for the disaster that is unfolding in the UK.

Makes sense.

How about you actually hold to account the people you voted for. Johnson had already seen what had happened in China and was unfolding in Italy.

But he chose not to lock down the UK. Why?

Oh yeah herd immunity. As advertised by his "Just carry on because we want you to get sick and some of you will die but try not to inconvenience the NHS while you are doing it" speech. 


That cronic under funding of the NHS really makes sense now. Far better to give tax cuts to the rich than to actually make sure we have an NHS fit for purpose. 

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4 hours ago, bristolboy said:

biologists don't classify viruses based on the symptoms they cause. Classification is based on their genetic structure. Covid 19 is not a flu virus. We know that because having contracted flu in the past doesn't seem to impart any resistance to the virus,


Biologists don't classify viruses at all, it is Virologists that do. And they do btw, look at the clinical characteristics of a virus as well as genomic structure. 


Studies have shown that the coronavirus family occurs naturally in bats and other animals, it is effectively the bat-equivalent of the flu which has mutated and infected humans in that mutated form.


We know there are zoonotic influenza viruses, with birds, pigs, hence bird flu, swine flu etc.




The coronoavirus family has a different lineage, genetically speaking, but the similarities can not be ignored. I am not suggesting Covid19 is an influenza virus, rather that it is a Bat virus that causes almost identical symptoms to the zoonotic influenza viruses, a kind of Bat-flu that then mutated and infected humans.


And if you think the scientists that are modelling the numbers of cases that are projected do not look at past flu and H1N1 pandemics you'll find that is not the case. They do, because the closest we have seen to the coronavirus family is the influenza virus family. 

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4 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Is that a bad thing?

Vallance's personal research was in the field of vascular biology.[16][7] He made important discoveries in the field of nitric oxide[17] and endothelial cell physiology and showed that the human arterial vasculature is actively dilated by continuous release of nitric oxide.[7] He demonstrated the functional significance of this effect in different physiological and disease states and identified new pathways for regulating nitric oxide biosynthesis.[7]



Would you rather have him or Mike Pence?


To be honest I was surprised that his expertise  is in vascular biology and not virology. He does not seem to be an expert on virology. None of his many achievements seem to have a bearing on virology.


However, I have not heard him say anything that was obviously wrong, I am sure he is an extremely capable medical professional.  Personally I think his logic is impeccable and the herd immunity argument will hopefully win out.


Because if it won't, we are basically done. In every country.


To early to say for now, but I think I would rather have him than Mike Pence advising.







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5 hours ago, Logosone said:


Biologists don't classify viruses at all, it is Virologists that do. And they do btw, look at the clinical characteristics of a virus as well as genomic structure. 


Studies have shown that the coronavirus family occurs naturally in bats and other animals, it is effectively the bat-equivalent of the flu which has mutated and infected humans in that mutated form.


We know there are zoonotic influenza viruses, with birds, pigs, hence bird flu, swine flu etc.




The coronoavirus family has a different lineage, genetically speaking, but the similarities can not be ignored. I am not suggesting Covid19 is an influenza virus, rather that it is a Bat virus that causes almost identical symptoms to the zoonotic influenza viruses, a kind of Bat-flu that then mutated and infected humans.


And if you think the scientists that are modelling the numbers of cases that are projected do not look at past flu and H1N1 pandemics you'll find that is not the case. They do, because the closest we have seen to the coronavirus family is the influenza virus family. 

If it ain't a flu, then don't call it a flu. Symptomatic similarity is not genetic similiarity.

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