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Australian, usa expats, what is your plan?


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So what is everyone's plan who is an expat here in thailand? Stay or go home?


I'm from Australia, I started my new job and it's been a dream to land it, then this coronavirus happened. I've got enough money saved up (about 800k) thai baht for an emergency. My fear is the company eventually going bust and then not being able to go back to Australia due to lack of flights. I have enough money to live here for a year (800k should be enough) but whether thailand will offer a visa to stay if I lose my job is another question.


I'd love to know how other expats are feeling right now about this.

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Any plans more than a day or two ahead are almost fruitless..... Things changing so quickly.  We flew to the US in January planning on a vacation until May.  Ha.  Out return ticket will most likely be cancelled.  If your staying in Thailand, I'd plan for the long haul.  If you're planning to leave temporarily, it would seem to be best to do it now with long range plans of staying wherever you're going.  Plan a, plan b.....as a minimum

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I weighed this scenario back in January and decided to leave back to the states.


This first wave is going to last at least 3 months, so be prepared to just hunker down there and ride it out as best you can. After that there are various scenarios that could play out as the BBC describes in this article.


In summary, there are essentially three ways out of this mess.

  • vaccination
  • enough people develop immunity through infection
  • or permanently change our behaviour/society

These will all take years to come to fruition.


The economic factor will be of greatest concern, if you get laid off I would expect the Aus gov't to provide some sort of financial support, either a monthly stipend or a % of your previous income. 


Things that will make this easier for you:

  • the younger you are the better
  • having established relationships in Thailand that you can trust (community)
  • your mental health

I know of many westerners who have posted online about getting into Thailand in the past month and they will be in the same boat as you, so you might be able to build a sense of community with them as well on here, which will address the second 2 bullets above.


If the above sounds scary then find a flight back home asap.

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3 hours ago, JacobD said:

At first I was considering about staying in Thailand, but there are too many unknowns especially with the global lockdowns.


I really dont want to go back to America, but after reading how some of the IOs are in Facebook and a bit here, I dont want to deal with the hassle and headaches for these stressful times of the Covid-19 lockdowns.


I will try to book a flight this week as things are getting crazier by the day.

At the end of the day, Im still a 'farang' or a foreigner. Despite the craziness that America is about to go through, at least that is my home country at the end of the day.


Also I was going to wait it out to see what the bordering countries will do in regards to opening up their borders, but who's to say that they will follow on that. I wouldnt be surprised one bit of Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos place even stricter regulations at the end of April. Too many unknowns for me. Hate to do it, and very saddened having to back to US, but its almost a no choice for me.

What are you actually referring to when you say hassle and headaches for these stressful times?

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10 minutes ago, BigT73 said:

Goodluck getting a direct flight to Aussie now.  Once Australia made the 31st March deadline everything got snapped up.


My home is on the Gold coast so Brisbane is my home airport, Flights available for Mar 29 or Apr 01 on Thai Airways.


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I just had a look too,  brissy ok for 27th or 29th.   Interesting to see 1st april as australia locks down 31st March?  im from Sydney and just rechecked sky scanner, thai airways available on 29th March to sydney after showing booked out 2 days ago?  (thats my booking)

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3 hours ago, mstevens said:

It's different for everyone and all comes back to one's personal circumstances.

Actually it all comes down to one's personal attitude. Circumstances are always changing in times such as these. Stay strong, stay safe....

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2 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

Gee when did this happen and where? If you are going to post it up lets here the story.

The girl in the couple posted about it on Facebook, said that she and her partner were cycling in the old city when she felt something wet hit her back. She was confused and stopped, only realizing that it was this Thai guy, also on a bike, when he came up and spat again, this time at her face, luckily only hitting her helmet, before cycling off. Her partner chased the guy and, furious, knocked him off his bike. In the comments, her partner expressed regret that he had reacted violently but, honestly, I think he was pretty restrained.

She posted in one of the Chiang Mai expat groups. I had a quick search but could not find it for you. In itself, as an incident, it is not such a big deal, could happen in any city at any time, but it strikes me as out-of-character for Chiang Mai, and makes me somewhat uneasy.


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