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Covid-19 curfew, if imposed, should be 24-hour lockdown , says Wissanu


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3 minutes ago, tropo said:

Really? I really thought all the food at 711 and the supermarket was produced out the back. Thanks for setting me straight.


On a serious note, there is no food shortage, even if hoarders start hoarding. It's just about the logistics of getting it.

I am not talking about a food shortage. What I am talking about some people like the farmers who grow the vegetables, the pickers and packers of those vegetables and the truckdrivers that deliver that food so that you can buy the food to eat, if they are not excluded from any curfew times then the food will not be at the supermarket for you to buy. yes, it is about the growing, picking, packing and delivery of the food to the shops.

I can understand your confusion, you should stop bashing your head on your computer because you will damage your computer and it will not be able to work things out for you

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He added that the government did not ban people from travelling to other provinces but measures will be implemented to make such outings less convenient. Checkpoints will be set up on the ways to see if travellers are wearing masks and temperature- scanning will also be conducted selectively. They will also be required to download an application to track their locations.


Already to late. All the Pattaya rfds got back to their villages and will bring the infection there.

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9 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I am not talking about a food shortage. What I am talking about some people like the farmers who grow the vegetables, the pickers and packers of those vegetables and the truckdrivers that deliver that food so that you can buy the food to eat, if they are not excluded from any curfew times then the food will not be at the supermarket for you to buy. yes, it is about the growing, picking, packing and delivery of the food to the shops.

I can understand your confusion, you should stop bashing your head on your computer because you will damage your computer and it will not be able to work things out for you

OK< I'll stop bashing my head on the computer just for a moment.


Do you really think that the government will allow food to rot because people who process it will not be allowed to process it due to curfew.


That's a joke.


Even the genius in power here knows that the food processing will need to continue at all costs.


There could be a food shortage, but that will be due to the drought, not the virus.



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I understand where this Minister is coming from, however that may work for one or two days, after that with NO ONE working at all then nothing WILL or CAN be done. 

If you really think, no deliveries of any kind, why should they, nobody to buy the goods/fuel etc. No money in a short space of time , banks locally and for International will shut down in short Bankrupt and destroy a Nation in a very short time . 


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6 hours ago, Chris888 said:

The Corona Virus started in China, the most Tourists that visit Thailand are Chinese.

Even a grade one student could figure this out.

Exactly, the majority of Thai's can't be that dumb, right?

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2 hours ago, Sujo said:

Another...if you dont like it go home...post. So helpful and insightful.

Is there not a way to block these "go home" members? They are no contributing in any sense and one wonders if they are instructed / paid / forced to write these unusueful statements!   ADMIN? looking to you......

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Following the state of emergency declaration, Thailand will close all ports of entry for travellers with the exception of those granted entry permits  by the prime minister, shippers, non-Thais with work permits, embassy staff and representatives of international bodies and foreign governments. 


That's good.. At least now via The Nation, we have another confirming reference to the issue raised in yesterday's reporting about whether work permit holders were going to be exempt from the ban on foreign entries. The above article clearly says they will be exempt.


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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Still under 1,000 cases, and four deaths, yet they are behaving as if the sky is falling. Something does not add up here. 


There's 5000+ people in Thai hospitals right now with COVID type symptoms, and that number is roughly double what it was just one week ago. 


That's a better indicator than the confirmed case count the government is reporting. But even at that, the confirmed case count itself has risen by almost 500% just over the past one week.


Thailand is still in the early stages of this, and the trend lines are looking very bad...unless something is done to change that trajectory.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

We appear to have men of truly mediocre minds making inane decisions that affect everyone. It is very easy for this guy to suggest a lockdown with his fortune. But, what will the average person do to survive? Will Prayuth, Prawit and Wissanu volunteer part of their personal fortunes to assist the masses? 


The army seems desperate to consolidate the power they lost last year. They are whipping the public up into a frenzy. Still under 1,000 cases, and four deaths, yet they are behaving as if the sky is falling. Something does not add up here. 

It doesn't add up because those reported are a small fraction of the actual cases , in all probability the same for reported covid deaths.

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If the government imposed a curfew, it should be round-the-clock , said Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam March 25.


Curfews enforced in the past were for reasons of national security with duration of curfew hours. But to deal with a virus, which can infect people at all time, it should be 24 hours, he said.


However, even if occurs , there will be timeframe/s where people are allowed to leave their homes to buy foods and for logistics firms to deliver consumer goods, he added. "


Would this government really be so dumb that they would impose a curfew with special exception for shopping hours?  Just imagine the crowds gathering and transferring the virus?



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4 hours ago, recom273 said:

From past experience, it’s going to be a mess, but we need to accept it as much as we don’t like it. Something needs to be done as people, sorry to say locals, just don’t understand. 

The damage has already been done when the masses were given the warning that something like this was coming and they all headed home, back to their village. 

I’m prepared -  but not forever. 

I am not looking forward to my 90 day report, a possible house visit for a visa extension and the stupid ideas about limiting shopping times, let’s see what a cluster f it is after the announcement.

There is no past experience in this particular scenario. 

I think there will be bigger issues to be managed by the powers that be than the immigration status of few thousand foreigners.

I get the impression from reading this forum that many do not realise, or are in denial, of the gravity of the situation. A few weeks ago I was in a similar mindset, but that has changed.

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4 hours ago, ravip said:

Why not all the TVF experts call a meeting, decide how to save Thailand from the COVID-19 and propose to the Thai government to let them handle the situation?

Just wasting time behind a keyboard hammering away insults 24x7 is just wasting your very valuable time and expertise, isn't it?

By the way, how many countries have these top TVF experts saved from disasters up until now? Any statistics available?

I'm sure there will be a long termer come along with fond memories of the Great Bar Girl Drought of 1957 and how they single handedly solved it.

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Wissanu should call the governor of Phuket before opening his mouth .......

Nice try with a 24h curfew. A partial curfew might be accepted and adhere to by Thai citizen; a total curfew will be flatly ignored and there is no way that the government nor Wissanu has any means to control/enforce the rule. 

Hence a partial curfew is, under the given circumstances and known discipline and adherence to rules and laws in Thailand by Thai citizen, possible the best they can achieve - realistically! 

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

There's 5000+ people in Thai hospitals right now with COVID type symptoms, and that number is roughly double what it was just one week ago. 


That's a better indicator than the confirmed case count the government is reporting. But even at that, the confirmed case count itself has risen by almost 500% just over the past one week.


Thailand is still in the early stages of this, and the trend lines are looking very bad...unless something is done to change that trajectory.

With the relatively same number of cases reported each day (100 +/-), today being 111, is that a function of the number of tests given or maybe the number of tests that can be analyzed each day? Most countries are showing an exponential growth rate but Thailand's remains linear (so far).

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23 minutes ago, Silencer said:

With the relatively same number of cases reported each day (100 +/-), today being 111, is that a function of the number of tests given or maybe the number of tests that can be analyzed each day? Most countries are showing an exponential growth rate but Thailand's remains linear (so far).

 You're talking about what the government reports daily as confirmed cases.


But if you look at the broader inpatient hospitalizations number, that more than doubled over the past week and now exceeds 5000...  patients under investigation for COVID. The growth rate there is rising rapidly!


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This is going to sound a little bit weird but there's loads of "farangs" here with lots of skills that could be used by the Gov if they so wished and i'm sure many expats would "Volunteer" their services for the good of the country, afterall, some of us have lived here most of our adult lives and as in the past, (The Cave incident) it's shown that there's quite a few skills amongst those " Dirty Farangs " that can be very useful.......  I for one would volunteer my services if required, i'd just need an address to volunteer to..........  Ex Navy, Merchant, Offshore......   can even wash dishes !  

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If 24 lockdown imposed what will the situation be as in my case my extension for retirement due in the next 16 days ---if banks are closed how to get letter and required statement then will IMM be open or is EVERYTHING being closed seems a little unrealistic as I don't feel their will be any compromises also all the Thai folks round here buy most food daily from the local markets????

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2 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Wissanu should call the governor of Phuket before opening his mouth .......

Nice try with a 24h curfew. A partial curfew might be accepted and adhere to by Thai citizen; a total curfew will be flatly ignored and there is no way that the government nor Wissanu has any means to control/enforce the rule. 

Hence a partial curfew is, under the given circumstances and known discipline and adherence to rules and laws in Thailand by Thai citizen, possible the best they can achieve - realistically! 

I am sure it will end with a total 24 hour curfew.


Yes Thais ignore all the rules. I have just been for a short walk with the dog and I honestly believe that only 50% were wearing masks. This is on Thong Lor in bangkok.


There is a little mom and pop shop further along the soi. A group of 5 or 6 Thais sat together around a little table drinking beers, not wearing masks and having great fun while their kids played football together in a small side street.  "Emergency decree? Covid-19? What are they?"


The only way to stop this irresponsible behaviour is to have a total lockdown.

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10 minutes ago, bt2017 said:

If 24 lockdown imposed what will the situation be as in my case my extension for retirement due in the next 16 days ---if banks are closed how to get letter and required statement then will IMM be open or is EVERYTHING being closed seems a little unrealistic as I don't feel their will be any compromises also all the Thai folks round here buy most food daily from the local markets????

You are an adult aren't you? There won't be anyone holding your hand.

Deal with it. Sorry for being blunt, but sometimes things need to be said.

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13 hours ago, Chazar said:

pathetic  ,  in  your  own  vehicle,  they  are  truly  mad

agree, just another money spinner. The whole world is pretty much putting the economies on the back burner in order to beat this and save lives and the RTP are looking for ways to boost the coffers as usual, human nature at its worst.. They should be ashamed (but of course they are not)

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30 minutes ago, petedk said:

I am sure it will end with a total 24 hour curfew.


Yes Thais ignore all the rules. I have just been for a short walk with the dog and I honestly believe that only 50% were wearing masks. This is on Thong Lor in bangkok.


There is a little mom and pop shop further along the soi. A group of 5 or 6 Thais sat together around a little table drinking beers, not wearing masks and having great fun while their kids played football together in a small side street.  "Emergency decree? Covid-19? What are they?"


The only way to stop this irresponsible behaviour is to have a total lockdown.

Yeah, bring in the tanks and machine gun all those who are not complying...........  I think a bloke called Suchinda tried that one, didn't go down well for him.....   Grow a pair........ Please...... 

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4 hours ago, WorldTravellerMUC said:

Is there not a way to block these "go home" members? They are no contributing in any sense and one wonders if they are instructed / paid / forced to write these unusueful statements!   ADMIN? looking to you......

It is called freedom to write whatever catches your fancy.


Even so you have 3 choices.

1.   Either skip the post because you know the poster will come out with something like that.

2   Put the poster on your ignore list and you shouldn't see their posts anymore.

3.  Report the post to the moderators.

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10 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

It is rather a pointless idea because you can simply download the app and not carry the phone with you. Many people have more than one phone so you can download the app on one phone for "show" and your second phone can be used to "go". Understand?

Wouldn't work on my phone as all foreign apps are blocked (hint it's a Chinese phone). Wouldn't be able to install anything until I get it unlocked, which won't be happening until malls have re-opened. And since it's Thailand, I expect the app to fail anyway. Thailand is hopeless when it comes to technology...look at how outdated immigration is. Everything still done with a ton of paperwork like in the 1960s.

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