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Trump risks blowback from war of words with China over coronavirus


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4 hours ago, tropo said:

Maybe they need another week or so. Germany is rolling out a $1.1 trillion rescue package, which based on population would be equivalent to double the help the US has just passed through senate ($2.2 trillion).

Which results in a debt of how much per capita in comparison to the US?

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57 minutes ago, muzley said:

Just as well Biden wasn't in charge. How many more infected people would have entered the US if the Dems were in control!



Where does Biden criticize the travel ban in the linked article (nationalfile, lol)? Do you have any quote of Biden even mentioning travel ban or restrictions about China?

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8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Which results in a debt of how much per capita in comparison to the US?

When the dust settles the economic damage is going to be staggering not least the biggest bubble of everything that has spectacularly popped and that hurricane is only just beginning. 

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1 hour ago, muzley said:

Just as well Biden wasn't in charge. How many more infected people would have entered the US if the Dems were in control!



Can you explain the relevance of this link to anything. It is a biased opinion piece, regurgitating trump lies, which have nothing to do with Biden’s position or statements. The headline is misleading. Where did Biden oppose trumps ban.?

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8 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

"A dangerous backlash from Beijing" ? could that possibly mean they will stop sending us their junk and inferior products ?

You just have to stop buying it, and they will stop sending it ????


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The 'foreigner did it' is the go to playbook of all xenophobic leaders desperate to divert attention from their failings in a crisis. Just a shame it is the 'dirty farang' in the Land of (ex) Smiles. Everyone loses when you go down that (dirty) road except those who most deserve to fail. 

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4 minutes ago, idiot farang said:

don't be intellectually lazy. a simple google search will show Biden. Pelosi et al calling Trump a xenophobic racist for the restrictions. Granted, many a tweet has since been deleted- I guess that revisionist history works for you....

So you also have no way to confirm Trump's fake claim that the Dems opposed the China travel ban. That was expected.

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45 minutes ago, idiot farang said:

omg.... just google. it's not exactly hidden. They spoke publicly and tweeted. geesh, what is wrong with you people. Facts are facts- they don't care about your feelings or bias.


I am <deleted> at Trump for not following thru on some campaign promises... I view voting for Trump as the lesser of 2 evils vs being a supporter. My opinions are based on ACTUAL facts, not brainwashing and bias. 


iow.... seek knowledge and think for yourself <deleted>..

You talk about facts but don't show any.

I know there isn't (see the other thread, remember we are talking about CHINA travel ban), but feel free to quote Biden or Pelosi if you find some. 

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15 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Trump spent weeks failing to respond, and had already vandalized departments and posts put in place to provide intelligence and policy advice in event of disease threats to the US.


He continues to fail in his duties to protect America and Americans.


The very language he chooses to use antagonizes the nation’s the US needs to cooperate with.


He’s not fit for the job, he needs to go.

again.... revisionist history. Trump restricted travel from China in JANUARY........ JANUARY. He got called a ricist and a xenophobe by every prominent Democrat. The MSM attacked him as a.... yep.... racist.


As such, he toned down. I am not a Trump fan- he's failed on too many fronts for me to endorse him. Had the MSM and democrats cared more abt America than their globalist/destroy America agenda, and backed the POTUS, this thing would have gone down differently.


Kinda like including funding for planned parenthood in a Chinese Wuhan virus stimulus bill- they care more about their upside down ideology than reality. Do we really need to have pro-kill babies legislation in a Chinese Wuhan virus bill?!?!?!? The only HONEST answer is NO. (period), Disagree, and you're too far down the rabbit hole to muster cogent thought...

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On 3/26/2020 at 5:04 AM, sirineou said:

I hope the adults in the republican party find a way to get this idiot out of there. As bad as Pence is, A president Pence would be infinitely better.

   The only thing trump can do well is talk trash! He has failed at every turn. Middle east, North Korea,Immigration, Health care. International relations. bringing back industry, balancing trade with China, Preparing for the virus.

   What would he be remembered for other than talking trash ? Oh ok,I forgot, making America great again.LOL 

Think again. You are absolutely correct in what you have said, but he was able to pass a huge tax break for corporations and the 1%, place two Supreme Court Justices, not to mention how he's changed the lower federal courts. I think most conservative republicans are happy with what he has already accomplished and know that four more years would probably give him another Supreme Court Justice pick which would be devastating to the democrats. In their eyes he hasn't failed.

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On 3/26/2020 at 6:45 AM, Thailand said:

Probably going to surpass the Italy infections and deaths because of his initial disregard for the "flu".

USA has already surpassed Italy's and China's number of infected.  It is just a matter of time until the death rate surpasses both - it currently exceeds 1,000 deaths.

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4 hours ago, choff56 said:

Think again. You are absolutely correct in what you have said, but he was able to pass a huge tax break for corporations and the 1%, place two Supreme Court Justices, not to mention how he's changed the lower federal courts. I think most conservative republicans are happy with what he has already accomplished and know that four more years would probably give him another Supreme Court Justice pick which would be devastating to the democrats. In their eyes he hasn't failed.

Yea but another wouldn't another  Republican President president accomplish the same? 

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15 hours ago, candide said:

It's you the revisionist. It's complete B.S.

- China travel ban started Feb. 2, later than in Italy

- you will not be able to provide any quote from this prominent Democrat about the China travel ban.

How can people still believe Trump's tweets?


Travel ban was called on 31st January and Biden speaking on the same day as well as CNN idiots criticizing the European travel ban.


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39 minutes ago, muzley said:

Travel ban was called on 31st January and Biden speaking on the same day as well as CNN idiots criticizing the European travel ban.


Ok, 2 days don't matter anyway.

So all you can show is Bill O'Reilly claiming something Biden did not say. Lol.

He never talked about the China travel ban. Your inference also doesn't make sense. As if Biden or other Dems had waited until January 31st to call Trump a racist! ????

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On 3/26/2020 at 8:22 AM, bristolboy said:

Nice try at cherrypicking from that article. Why didn't you cite the title of it? Maybe because it undermines your case that pangolins have been dismissed as a suspect?

Mystery deepens over animal source of coronavirus

Scientists are racing to identify the source of the coronavirus that is causing havoc around the world. Three weeks ago, Chinese scientists suggested, on the basis of genetic analyses, that the scaly, ant-eating pangolin was the prime suspect. But scientists have now examined those data — along with three other pangolin coronavirus genome studies released last week — and say that although the animal is still a contender, the mystery is far from solved.


In addition to which, just because bats are hibernating, that doesn't mean that they can't be harvested, does it?

What's more, if pangolins can be imported from elsewhere, why not bats?

That said, I don't believe scientists claim that bats are the direct source.

It's not cherry-picking.  I gave the link - not trying to hide the info.  And don't expect anything that casts shade on China in headlines, given those who have big investments there are also owners of the publishing / media business. 


The article shows the pangolins in question are not the source.  If evidence emerges of such a virus existing in pangolins (or other animals) elsehwere, please advise - because that has not been discovered yet, to my knowlege - much less the animal being sold at that wet-market.


As to bats, there were stories of humans interacting with droppings - which is clearly not the case here.  But even with an "imported" or "cave harvested" bats case, no animal, much less one sold at that market, has been found, which has a virus that could have made the jump to the COVID-19.

In addition, zoo-jumps of viruses tend to initially-result in a virus which does not spread well, until several attempts to survive / evolve in a new host.  This one was Immediately very virulent, to spite having no related in its class ("clade").  Though such a jump "could" happen this way by chance, that is highly unlikely.

So, right now, we have no known animal host starting-point, it appears to have evolved independently for a long time (genetic distance), if evolving naturally ( http://virological.org/t/divergence-of-ncov-2019-to-closest-non-human-relative/388/2 ), and has no close relatives known.  New information could change all that, of course.  But this is where things stand now, based on what I have read.  I am open to any new information, of course.

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On 3/26/2020 at 10:01 AM, bristolboy said:

So much wrong here. For one thing, China had the genetic code of the virus by Jan 2. Yet it didn't release it for a week. That info is crucial to creating test kits.

... and, they could have had it sooner, if not for destroying the first sets of samples, thus trying to cover it up, initially.  The "blame the CCP" perspective is not without merit.

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