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Face mask may not work with a beard or moustache

silver sea

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“... the 'hipster beard' and 'designer stubble' dramatically reduce the effectiveness of surgical grade face masks because they stop them from sealing against the skin which allows airborne respiratory droplets to pass through.”


“Thick, textured styles including full beards and mutton chops, which are long sideburns that stretch along the lower jawline to the chin, reduce the effectiveness of breathing apparatus and should be removed before using any kind of mask.“



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Anything that I read which comes from the Daily Mail, I suspect little truth. Did you know that most medical people wear mask in the hospital to prevent them from spreading their fluids, not to prevent fluids from others, except in cases where they must wear specially fitted mask. Specially fitted mask like those which are used to prevent the 2.5 micron pollution.  So, yes, if you have a beard, it useless to wear a n-95 mask.  A typical surgical mask, you're Okay.

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56 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

Virtually no masks that are in common us do anything much to protect the wearer from becoming infected, day to day. They do have a roll in protecting others if you are infected. They are just to appear to be doing something.


Meanwhile in the real world...


Coronavirus: Why some countries wear face masks and others don't



"Yet in some parts of Asia everyone now wears a mask by default - it is seen as safer and more considerate.


In mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Taiwan, the broad assumption is that anyone could be a carrier of the virus, even healthy people. So in the spirit of solidarity, you need to protect others from yourself.


Some of these governments are urging everyone to wear a mask, and in some parts of China you could even be arrested and punished for not wearing one."


You won't be able to ride Thailand's SRT if you don't have one.


It's mostly an Asian thing. We are in Asia. The WHO isn't.



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3 minutes ago, simon43 said:

I'm tired of this hype about masks not being effective.  Even if they reduce the risk by 1% of passing on this virus to another person, or having it passed onto you - then it's worth doing.  Additionally, in this Asian region, where the wearing of face masks is very common, due to air pollution, as a Westerner you might just avoid a 'kicking' (verbal or physical), for refusing to adopt the local practice.


I hope this health statement about beards will encourage some/many of the foreigners to go clean-shaven.  Here in Luang Prabang, I guess maybe 95% of the foreigners sport a beard, from ZZ Top style to Dali style, from 18 years old to 80 years old.  I've asked many local Lao people what their opinion is of these bearded foreigners, and the response was unaminous: 'Too lazy to shave, ugly, dirty!!'


there is an argument around the 1% theory, however the WHO and most national public health authorities override this due to mask wearing giving people a false sense of security, resulting in people not focusing  the other, more provenly effective, ways to prevent infection. for example, for weeks now i have seen locals wearing masks but not washing their hands for 20 seconds, or at all, -  a way known to effectively prevent infection. another example of 'awareness' is seeing people riding a motorcycle wearing a mask but not a helmet...


i have not worn a mask in bangkok, as many others here dont, i'm following WHO guidelines, and have never received any negative looks or comments from anyone.



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2 minutes ago, samsensam said:


there is an argument around the 1% theory, however the WHO and most national public health authorities override this due to mask wearing giving people a false sense of security, resulting in people not focusing  the other, more provenly effective, ways to prevent infection. for example, for weeks now i have seen locals wearing masks but not washing their hands for 20 seconds, or at all, -  a way known to effectively prevent infection. another example of 'awareness' is seeing people riding a motorcycle wearing a mask but not a helmet...


i have not worn a mask in bangkok, as many others here dont, i'm following WHO guidelines, and have never received any negative looks or comments from anyone.



The locals never washed their hands much before ANY virus outbreaks so suggesting they suddenly consider masks as some sort of substitute to hand-washing is a bit of a stretch.


They don't wash their hands and you don't wear a mask. Touché !

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59 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Do I need to shave it off then?The chicks dig it.

Most Thai girls do not like facial hair ( or body hair )  I had a mustach and sometime gotee from 17yo till I came over here at 52. Girls said they liked me but not mustach and said I would look younger without one. Shaved it off about a year later never worn one again.

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Too many poeple (even the clickbait pimps at the Dailymail) believe the face masks are to protect the wearer. 

Consider them shields to protect everyone else froM our own exhaled nasties and it’s easier for those who struggle with the concept of protecting others to understand. 

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If N95 masks were ineffective in protecting the wearer from infection the medical professionals on the front lines wouldn't be wearing them, they'd be wearing something else and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know how to use an N95 mask properly. If you happen to be too stupid to figure it out there are thousands of youtube videos you can watch.

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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Royal Thai Police Order # 117-A:


Translated to English


"All foreigners must be clean shaven as of 1/4/2020. Removal of all facial, underarm, and groin area hair will be mandatory. All foreigners must purchase a special 'Barber Salon Prepaid card in an amount no less than $100,000 US. No foreigners must adopt any look that imitates Yul Brenner, so head hair is still allowed."

no  mention of  ears or  in  wifes  case  back chest belly  button.............feet?

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1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

Virtually no masks that are in common us do anything much to protect the wearer from becoming infected, day to day. They do have a roll in protecting others if you are infected. They are just to appear to be doing something.



... wear a mask only if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV Infection.

This is the absolut stupidst comment ever!!! NOW every person you see must be a SUSPECTED INFECTED PERSON!!!
How do you want to know someone ist infected? Rub a glasbowl? Ask Trump? Or what?

The onliest acceptable solution is to wear a mask in public.

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3 hours ago, tonray said:

Royal Thai Police Order # 117-A:


Translated to English


"All foreigners must be clean shaven as of 1/4/2020. Removal of all facial, underarm, and groin area hair will be mandatory. All foreigners must purchase a special 'Barber Salon Prepaid card in an amount no less than $100,000 US. No foreigners must adopt any look that imitates Yul Brenner, so head hair is still allowed."

No foreigners must adopt any look that imitates Yul Brenner, so head hair is still allowed."

Yul Brynner died in 1985 that is to say 35 years ago, now there are tens of millions of skulls like billiard balls, ????‍????

so the comparison does not rejuvenate you ????????‍????LOL (sorry????)

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The availability of masks are sparse especially quality hygienically manufactured masks with the makers name and description of use .   Many poor quality medical type masks that are almost see through sold in local markets . Probably made in China , risky ? 

I was told yesterday by my lady , that even if you are driving your car and alone you must wear a mask and is now a penalty of 200 baht for failing to do so . 

Having a beard with a medical mask makes no difference and may even be a plus as the beard fills up the gaps .  N95 masks should be the minimal standard as medical masks give zero protection from airborne particles while N95 give 95% protection from viruses and bacteria but only if the mask is a tight sealed fit to the face .

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Actually the WHO still does not recommend wearing any kind of mask unless you are ill, someone near you is ill, or you are a medical professional.  Anybody hoarding these things should be donating them to the real heroes, the front-line workers in all this!!! 


This is the latest WHO video and take note:




Edited by mushroomdave
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Adding to my previous post above, Taiwan is ahead of most countries and have been through this before.  When Sars was happening I was in Taiwan, and face masks were mandatory in almost every place you went.  Today, for Corona, I am here once again.....the difference???....there is no mandatory public places you "must" wear them at all!! 

They know the facts, and that it is not an airborne disease/virus, it lingers on surfaces.  So masks are not needed.  And you can check the #'s.....Taiwan is controlling it better than most......and when you consider the proximity to China, you would not expect that right???   I would look to them!! 


Health Experts Are Telling Healthy People Not to Wear Face Masks



Coronavirus: Face Masks Are Not An Effective Way To Protect Yourself






Edited by mushroomdave
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