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How the Pandemic Will End

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So Corona isnt there yet, not in time , not in cases and losts, just started.

Then we couldnt do a thing bout it and so today we cant, but to keep distance and minimum contact. its up to our selves what we make of this

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2 hours ago, CGW said:

^Please change forum name to "blue pill" might give you more optimism?

You can put whatever color you want ... just follow what's going on re infection rates and how would it look like if nothing is done?


I'm usually a very optimistic person, just can't follow some of those comments ... comparing the death of alcohol, cigarettes, HIV (where ppl have a choice to take that risk) to 'only' 21k corona death cases (where ppl don't have that much choice, if ppl around you are infected)  ... and these are not the final numbers.


Maybe I'm just too realistic.



Edited by RedPill
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A post with unsubstantiated material and no source has been removed along with any responses quoting it.


If you are going to quote facts or figures you need to have a reliable credible source and a valid link to it or it will be removed.

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I always wonder what the hidden agenda/goal is from those ppl who put these 'unrelated' stats together?


I find this completely dumb and uneducated. And others just blindly sharing it, that's not smarter either.


Just 2 weeks ago I've been in a very good clinch with one of my old FB 'friends', sharing all kind of weird stuff ... 

"... 80% of ppl in China are recovered, meanwhile everyone in Europe is in panic mode?". As if this would be totally unjustified.


And now look, 2 weeks later ... what happened in Europe, and the US now?


If I look what's going on in India at the moment, with 1.4 billion ppl ... that's a bomb going to explode, sooner than later.

I truly hope not.


Optimism, sure yes, but only up to a realistic level. 


Edited by RedPill
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Far too many of your posts are using days old information .

Have a look at Italy's death toll last night & weep.

Now "the goose" has woken up in the US even he predicts 100,000 deaths in the US,

rather than we will all be at Church at Easter

The writer got so carried away he forgot to use his crystal ball & tell us the ending.

I for one think that 5 months from now things may get back to normal

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26 minutes ago, rickudon said:

What it all boils down too, is do you want to save people or the economy? A stark choice.

It's not that binary, it just feels like that now because preparedness wasn't anywhere near the level it should have been and we're seeing hard core countermeasures tried out because of the lack of time. 


If, and that's a very big if, the time gained from those measures is used well and more subtle methods are developed during the lull, then the need for curfews and such diminishes and the stark choice might not have to be done at all.

Here's some thoughts about it: https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-the-hammer-and-the-dance-be9337092b56



And that doesn't even include using state of the art AI tech to trace and isolate clusters.

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I'm guessing coronavirus will come back multiple times. 


While there is going to be global shutdown of people traveling from one location to another, that will isolate countries from each others. There will be a lot nationalistic talk between populations of the big world powers. Mainly USA and China.


Russia has already sent thousands of troops and hundreds of tanks to the Ukrainian border. What comes next, well, hopefully nothing. 


As economies go down, unemployment increases, this will increase crime rate around the world during and after the first stage of epidemic (3-6 months).


Hopefully the populations around the world will see the difference between real and populist leaders during the times of crisis. 


Nobody will talk about silly stuff and universities are open again for real debates without safe places. 


In a way covid-19 is a worldwide reality check and leads to more sustainable and basic values.

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5 hours ago, Ebumbu said:

Exponential growth. Doubles every three days. 1% fatality rate is 10x that of the flu. Either one comprehends the difference from flu, or they don't. 

Not so. Read my subsequent posting on the downgrading of the latest corona virus threat by the experts in the US and Britain.

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