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Contagion raging because employees not sent home: health chief


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It's no surprise since it's not mandatory and we all know that many people running companies in Thailand value money much more than they value their employees.

Also if Thailand could bring the 8,000 pending tests to one of their super lab with a 10,000 daily processing capacity we would maybe get numbers scary enough to be taken more seriously.

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1 hour ago, Boomer6969 said:

Work from home in Thailand? You gotta be joking! The Thai government is addicted to paper; can you imagine people ferrying trolleys full of photocopies from the office, to work from their 30 sqm condos? WFH would be simply disguised paid unemployment. And I refrain from commenting on the attitude of the unsupervised average Thai worker. There is no alternative to lock down and food stamps.


not only that but individual workers are often not given the authority or responsibility to make decisions or take actions, all has to be fed through the hierarchical structure - which means being at the office. take the example of my recent bank visit; every time the very helpful employee had to look at my account on her terminal she had to call the manager out of her office to input a password, this had to be done five or six times, what an inefficient waste of time. absolutely no trust in the employee.

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

We are all missing the big picture, as we are not being told the truth but a pack of lies.  If the numbers are as low as they say, why the near total shutdown, and limited curfew.......please tell us

The numbers aren't low though, 1000+ cases is large, and easily enough to warrant stricter lockdown. They know full well without adequate testing coverage the numbers could be somewhat higher, so it makes sense to lock down, and then ease off in two weeks if the new cases have stabilized. Two weeks is a small ask, compared to what will happen if you go down the path of US and Italy. It makes a *massive* difference, I think estimates were 95% fewer cases if China had acted two weeks earlier.

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3 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:

I'm going to guess that its to stop the spread of COVIS_19.     But its only a guess.

I reckon there is a lot more to the story that will come out later! just a guess :whistling:

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7 hours ago, Moonlover said:

This 'work from home' directive appears to have become an international mantra. Yet I do wonder whether it is really a practical option.


Ok, there are the minority of people who do work remotely via their phones and computers. But for the great majority, they need to be at their workplace, be it desk, workshop, kitchen or whatever.


Life must go on. And for the most part that means, for the great majority, getting on with their job and accepting the risk that they may become a Covid casualty. And let's face it, for the great majority that simply means going through a few days of minor illness and a short period of isolation.


yeah tell the post office to work from home

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“The roads are still jammed and car parks are still full, which shows people are still leaving their homes as usual,” Thanarak said. “This means that both government organisations and private companies are not complying with the work-from-home measure, which is a very unsatisfactory state of affairs.”


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The most informaton you get in Thailand are either nonsense or not the truth as the government keep all the real datas, so far they have any, as a sectret. If i see how western countries inform their people in details about everything, looking on the social problems beside to fight the virus i know now more and more why this country and their people are in lethargy!

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A friend told me he's only allowed to work from home starting this week. And it was finally allowed when someone in the office - a member of the senior management at that - tested positive for CVD19. Prior to this, employees' appeal to the management to allow working from home has fallen on deaf ears. The VP of the company even said they cannot allow working from home because he was concerned employees would sleep on the job or do something else while at home, and that would be unacceptable, since they are still getting a salary. Seriously? And this was in an international organisation, not a half-ar$ed old-money empire like the ones you see on Channel 3 dramas.


This VP is yet another example of a reckless and irresponsible prehistoric ape who thinks nothing about people's lives and safety. He should be shot. In public.

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15 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Would love to, but first they would have to test more than just a few hundred per day. Without that the numbers are just selective manipulation.

Hospitals are definitely testing more than a few hundred per day, each. Anecdotal evidence (from doctors from various hospitals) suggest that individual hospitals may be finding over 100 positive results daily. Unfortunately, the way testing and reporting is being done in Thailand is that only the government can release the numbers, and those numbers come from positive hospital results being confirmed independently twice. Given limitations in equipment, reagents and manpower, as long as this protocol is unchanged, Thailand will never officially enter a period where we see exponential increases in infection.


17 hours ago, realfunster said:

Brought to you by the same agency that late last week was predicting 3,000 cases by end of April. So which is it ? A slow increase or ‘raging’.


Finally, instead of a general ‘suggestion’, a clear and firm ‘lockdown’ order from the Big Guy for non-essential operations (with a definition) would obviously remove any confusion !


Given the above situation, where hospital testing is yielding growing numbers but officially confirmed results can only grow by a hundred or so each day, I believe there is a major disconnect between the information in the hands of decision-makers and the information that is filtered to the public. The public finds it difficult to take the situation seriously because the numbers will only grow arithmetically by a 100 or so each day. On the other hand, the actual hospital data may be showing a 'raging' outbreak. As long as the government feels that it needs to babysit the public with selective data, officials are going to have to keep pleading.


Also, yes, a suggestion does nothing. Most bosses will not easily let people work from home, especially when the numbers simply won't start growing like in Italy, UK or the US. A serious top-down order is required if they are going to go with this approach.


14 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

I am starting to wonder why as well for the near total shutdown and limited curfews. Are the numbers really bad enough to shut the full tourism of this country down as other parts of the economy. Something is not making sense. We got guys telling us in the press this is nowhere near good enough, yet my village does not give a damn. So what is really going on?


None of this is making sense to me. Yet I look at the UK, US and Italy and all I see is mayhem and I am worried that could happen here. Most my family are old and are at risk. My Father-in-law put a ban on all people coming to our house.

Your father-in-law, at least, gives enough of a damn. Good for him. 


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17 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


I'm going to guess that its to stop the spread of COVIS_19.     But its only a guess.

you missed the point I was trying to make.  If they want to stop the spread, then why is Immigration open, and mass amounts of folks having to go there.  Why is MRT and BTS still operating and why are Offices inside Skyscrapers, with thousands still having to be in close proximity as they come and go along with a recirculating air system still ok.  If they wish to stop the spread, then they need to stop everything.  However, the numbers they are posting as being infected do not warrant the measures taken if the numbers are correct.  It only makes one believe that the numbers are totally made up like TAT's numbers. 

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15 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

Once again today (second day running), I took a chair, sat out the front of my house at 5p.m and watched all the motorcycles ride past, driving down to our market. I could only see from a distance how many bikes and people where there, but the market was heaving with people.


For the last 9 days my family has stayed at home. No markets, one trip to Big C to load up on food (9 days ago), so we are following the order. Still, with most of our village out and about in the afternoon, nothing has changed here. Just more people wearing masks. Look, I understand most/all have to work. Miss a few days of pay, and trouble is brewing. Still, I have had friends being told to work for 50% less to keep the companies upright or they will go under. It is all about money and food on the table. Other friends of ours have not worked for the last 14 days and they do not have much in savings.


I am starting to wonder why as well for the near total shutdown and limited curfews. Are the numbers really bad enough to shut the full tourism of this country down as other parts of the economy. Something is not making sense. We got guys telling us in the press this is nowhere near good enough, yet my village does not give a damn. So what is really going on?


None of this is making sense to me. Yet I look at the UK, US and Italy and all I see is mayhem and I am worried that could happen here. Most my family are old and are at risk. My Father-in-law put a ban on all people coming to our house.


What are you to believe. I watched on TV tonight (Thai PBS World) the American Ambassador say the numbers are good in Thailand but others online are saying not enough tests are being done for a true picture. So once again, who or what are we to believe for such wide shut down of tourism. My home country in Australia has just shut its doors on everyone and the restrictions they are putting on people with jail time and fines are harsh to say in the least.


None of it makes sense to me at this stage. The world is just one big cluster truck at this time. 

All this seems like window dressing to me.  The time to act was months ago.  Now it will run through the population. 

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In all seriuosness it a very mixed message being sent out. We must have social distancing - at my local 7-11 they have kindly put sticky plastic in on the floor to remind people of this safe distance. The slight fly in the ointment is that he 7-11 sits dead center in the middle of a busy fresh markets where people jostle and bump into each other as they go from stall to stall. I imagine a similar scence is played out in the hundreds of fresh markets all over Bangkok - But what help is social distancing in a 7-11 (or similar)if you need to push past a dozen people to get into it? Very mixed messages. 



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It is difficult to understand the logic behind the scattergun approach being used to combat the latest corona virus pandemic.


It would make more sense, surely, to focus on protecting the elderly, who account for the overwhelming majority of fatalities, and healthcare workers on the front line.


Mass testing the general population may win political leaders brownie points. But since most people with the virus suffer only mild symptoms or none at all, it is arguably not a cost-efficient operation.


Minimising contact between the most and least vulnerable will not only reduce the impact of the virus, but also buy time for herd immunity develop while we wait for a safe vaccine. That's why, sadly, I've told my children and grandchildren to keep their distance for a while!





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I live in central Bangkok and walk to work every day, and while the streets are much emptier than normal, there are still lots of people going into their offices and workplaces, including me.  I guess not everyone is able to work from home.  

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18 hours ago, DrTuner said:

I managed to get my 90d executed by letting a company do it. Now the question is how to disinfect the passport that I've put in a plastic zip bag. I think I'll put it in the sauna in 82 degrees for an hour. Must be covered with SARS-CoV-2 from the IOs and other petri dish occupants.

For those that need to disinfect their passport after an immigration trip: if you do it with heat, beware the cover material likes to warp when heated. Keep an eye on it and put some bookweight on it while cooling, turned out alright. I'm now googling on how to DIY a bio-level 4 lab to keep it contained, in case the viral density in immigration air is at the level where it permeates plastic (would not be surprised).

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Pray tell khun Thanarak, why are you working as well as giving pressers.  Go home.  Speaking in a news conference without a mask can spread this virulent, deadly disease to the reporters who should be at home also.  How irresponsible!


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18 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Now the question is how to disinfect the passport that I've put in a plastic zip bag.

Just don't take it out, keep it in there and the bag closed. If anyone needs to seat, they can take it out (and hopefully put it back in).

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2 minutes ago, yuyiinthesky said:

Just don't take it out, keep it in there and the bag closed. If anyone needs to seat, they can take it out (and hopefully put it back in).

Otherwise good but then you'll need to put the zip bag in a new zip bag. Actually... little deeds of revenge are always uplifting. Let 'em fiddle with it.

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

If they want to stop the spread, then why is Immigration open, and mass amounts of folks having to go there.

I'll take a swing at this answer:
They don't give a da*n about da*n foreigners.  Foreigners aren't much different than livestock, maybe a step above on the social hierarchy, but still packed into immigration like pigs on a truck headed to slaughter.  
"But foreigners entering the country after March 1st get a freebie extension."
And everybody else needs to show up and scrunch together at Immigration.  Immigration will still be packed to the gills endangering all who most go there.  
Thai authorities can make pronouncements about social distancing until they're blue in the face, but when they dictate that foreigners must pack together at immigration when a blanket national amnesty should be invoked until the 'crisis' is over, then they are simply being both hypocritical and racists, the message being, "If you're not Thai, we don't care if you're exposed to the virus."  And hypocritical as in they proclaim how dangerous the "virulent, killer, deadly virus" is - but don't take any precautions to protect foreign visitors and expats living here. 
Is it a virulent, killer, deadly virus or is it not?  If it is, then it's time to proclaim a blanket amnesty for all foreigners until the official crises and "stay at home" warning have been lifted.  Anything less puts both Thais and foreigners at risk of dying from this deadly, killer virus!

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21 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Contagion raging because employees not sent home: health chief

Could just as well read, "Contagion raging because foreigners are forced to pack together like sardines in a can at Thai Immigration."

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