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Fear Vs Reality (Covid-19)


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11 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

The mood of folks I talk to in the US is upbeat, yet p'od. We are just waiting the word that its time to go back to work and then China, watch out. The machine has been started and its going to be pedal to the metal.


China doent need to be defeated with bullets. Dollars will do. Their days of possible economic dominance are over. All you little countries? Choose wisely and you will get a factory too.

I take my inspiration from the United States. People like Paul Tudor, a modern legend and financial genius. One of the most influential investors on Wall Street today.


His confidence that America will rally, financially speaking, shows an upbeat confidence that you just don't see in Europe.


It is so good to see healthy optimism like that. This despite the fact that his daughter got the coronavirus (she recovered quickly). If there is anyone in the world who has financial expertise it is this man. You can watch the interview here:




Tudor puts it all into perspective and says that the flu is far worse in terms of mortality, that he has no doubt that the markets will make good all the losses. Wonderful to hear this analysis.

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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

In essense, its the first shot in a new Cold War. China fired up.

Or the USA fired up, or anyone else for that matter.


Have you asked yourself if this Covid-19 is no more than a new strain of the Coronavirus which has created a pandemic when you combine people with the flu and pneumonia into the equation, I mean, I have never heard of a "virus" that only attacks a certain kind, e.g. the old, the weak, the very young, oh it's to do with the immune system.


What about its the flu and pneumonia with a mix of the new strain, test everybody for the Coronavirus (which one), and throw all the numbers together, then release the cat into other countries and then we will have a pandemic in time because everyone is being tested for the Coronavirus, because there is no actual test for Covid-19 yet (assuming).


Just thinking outside of the square, call me crazy, but what a way to sink markets around the world, brilliant, no doubt there are powers that be that will keep the masses working longer and paying taxes for longer than anticipated while those with the brain power keep collecting during the turmoil.


As for the cat, they say it was first seen getting out of its cage in Wuhan, hmmm, were there any other cats let out of the cage elsewhere ?


Could this also be a good way to keep the masses under control without rioting, e.g. be careful there is a virus out there, it can kill you, stay home, businesses go bust, people increase in debt borrowed because they are not working to pay it back, etc, etc, etc.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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What also worries me is the reopening of these so called 'wet markets.'

yesterday I saw a few articles about how they are now back in operation since the lifting of the curfew.


This kind of thing will happen for time unless there are stringent measures in place to tackle the root of the problem.

i,e food health and safety standards. 

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22 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Could this also be a good way to keep the masses under control without rioting, e.g. be careful there is a virus out there, it can kill you, stay home, businesses go bust, people increase in debt borrowed because they are not working to pay it back, etc, etc, etc.

In the video they refer to a reset.The global debt problem is out of control so they need a reset.

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Just now, FarFlungFalang said:

The global debt problem is out of control so they need a reset.

people should stop buying Ferraris when they work at McDonalds then, shouldn't they?.

What you reckon mate?

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25 minutes ago, pdtokyo said:



hmm, maybe not, the French were out of Vietnam long before 2010 ... they could have lingered though ... the French do that.

I assume that's a joke?

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These numbers are from Dr. Stephen Smith, an infectious disease expert from New York.  He is  currently treating 72 Covid 19 Patients and is a big proponent of Hydroxy Chloroquine:


This is a small sample and therefore the results are anecdotal.


1.  29% are Pre Diabetic

2.  34% are Diabetic

3.  The average BMI(Body Mass Index) of the severely ill is 30.7


I hope more numbers like these come out and the definition of those Most at Risk will be expanded and refined.  


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Thank god there are some folks who report reality



Note. What will follow will be any or all of the following:


1. Posts disparaging Trum[

2. Post disparaging the website above

3. Posts disparaging the writer

4. Posts diparaging me

5. Posts talking up china

6. Confused and sad smilies from guys on my ignore list.

7. Screams of doom


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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

China doent need to be defeated with bullets. Dollars will do.

Worked with the USSR - spend to death.

All over some Paranoia - which never happened.

You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

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2 hours ago, Logosone said:

Tudor puts it all into perspective and says that the flu is far worse in terms of mortality, that he has no doubt that the markets will make good all the losses. Wonderful to hear this analysis.

Last years figures available (Not estimates) of Seasonal Flu in USA 2017-2018

45,000,000 Illnesses

810,000 hospitalizations

61,000 deaths



No data in link to say who died, but bet your boots that they had a compromised immune system already. Caused by pre-existing conditions. Same Same Italy today


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4 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

I think what is really hammering the fear home is the isolated cases of young and otherwise fit people catching it and dying.

It seems they are a very small minority but it's killing them nonetheless. 

This is what makes this virus so uncertain.


Two of my family members back in the UK have now been diagnosed with it.

Both said it's like pneumonia.

One has it worse than the other but both are now on the road to recovery.


It seems you never know how it will affect you until you get it.

That's the scary bit.



Impact of age — Individuals of any age can acquire severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, although adults of middle age and older are most commonly affected, and older adults are more likely to have severe disease.

In several cohorts of hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19, the median age ranged from 49 to 56 years [38-40]. In a report from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention that included approximately 44,500 confirmed infections, 87 percent of patients were between 30 and 79 years old [43]. Older age was also associated with increased mortality, with case fatality rates of 8 and 15 percent among those aged 70 to 79 years and 80 years or older, respectively. Similar findings were reported from Italy, with case fatality rates of 12 and 20 percent among those aged 70 to 79 years and 80 years or older, respectively [45].

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4 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Last years figures available (Not estimates) of Seasonal Flu in USA 2017-2018

45,000,000 Illnesses

810,000 hospitalizations

61,000 deaths



No data in link to say who died, but bet your boots that they had a compromised immune system already. Caused by pre-existing conditions. Same Same Italy today


Yes, 61,000 deaths of influenza then in the US in one year.


We can come up with solid figures all we like. We're dealing with a panicked herd of buffalos who are so afraid they are basically unable to take in any real facts.


You can't talk logic with people who put vaginal pads on their face thinking that's a smart thing to do.


Until this is over we're stuck with the lunatics who want to disinfect every raindrop and put a face mask on every leaf on the trees.





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Made me laugh today, on my trip to the shop I lost count of the number of motorcyclists I saw wearing a mask but no helmet. Although the virus is serious, I'm certain there's still far more chance of dying on the Thai roads than being killed by the gremlins. Saying that, I'm all in favour of attempting to stop this thing by whatever method.

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9 hours ago, transam said:

This virus is a little different, in that you only need the slightest contact with it to go down, hence the pandemic... 

A pandemic is when there is a new strain of a virus that is different enough from other strains that no one has immunity to it.

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For those who like to make comparisons, the drop-down menu on this site seems to cover them all:




Note that Thailand is high for deaths by fire and lung disease. Especially Northern Thailand I would suggest; hint to the those who aren't fulfilling their responsibilities.

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I fear government reactions to this more than the virus.


Up to a billion people in the world get influenza each year and about 500,000 of them die from it.  This has been going on forever.  We have never freaked out about or intentionally destroyed our economies because of it.  This new strain is just going to become part of that statistic.  The death rate is about the same as other strains.


A couple of good links below:





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1 minute ago, rwill said:

I fear government reactions to this more than the virus.

Same here, but unfortunately the damage is done already, we are more likely to survive the flu than what is coming next.

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6 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Same here, but unfortunately the damage is done already, we are more likely to survive the flu than what is coming next.

What do you think is coming next mate?

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14 minutes ago, Ireland32 said:

I swear if I hear Flu and Virus talk anymore I sm going to go Mental , it’s not the flu you ignorant trolls 

Yes they are different viruses.  Even "the flu" is several different viruses.  But they are all viruses that cause respiratory problems.


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10 hours ago, CharlieH said:

500+ deaths in a single day in the UK, that sounds alot more serious than "the flu" to me.

The speed from infection to death in some cases is truly scary.


A normal days deaths would be about 1600.


Without knowing how many are also dying daily without COVID it's impossible to say how much greater is the danger.


Most of those in the COVID statistics are dying because it has brought forward something (they have underlying conditions or/and are elderly) that was likely to happen to them this year anyway.


The reason for all the effort is to stop the NHS being overwhelmed and broken by a years deaths in the space of a few weeks.


(Do nothing estimate with 80% infection = 500,000 deaths)


It would be an infrastructural and societally undermining catastrophe.


It would be as if all the British deaths in WW1 had occurred over the course of about 6 months.





Edited by Enoon
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10 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Its a serious disease that is no more serious than any other of its ilk (flu) that spreads in densely populated areas and kills off the old, every year.


But it is also a political excersize, especially in the USA and its relations with China that folks can see unfolding about them. Thats where the fear and angst and hype come from.


In essense, its the first shot in a new Cold War. China fired up.

You may be right. Soft power vs. hard power. It will be interesting to see if the US and its allies can make boycotts stick, because IMO that will be the next shot.

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Seems to me a lot of the very high levels of hysteria have to do with how the words virus or epidemic has been weaponized for decades by its use with ebola, HIV, small pox, dengue, malaria etc. What is missing all the time from much mention of COVID19 is to consider what would likely happen if one got the virus oneself. As has been pointed out according one study over half are asymptomatic and those who get it at worst get pneumonia-like symptoms and survive. I find it rather damning that there are almost no reports of how the original epidemiologist at Imperial College in the UK who announced the huge numbers of who would die from COVID19 has back pedalled and drastically dropped the numbers. Another important academic at Oxford sounded rather outraged that they ran with something as inconclusive and open to discussion as the original declarations of millions of deaths. https://www.dailywire.com/news/epidemiologist-behind-highly-cited-coronavirus-model-admits-he-was-wrong-drastically-revises-model

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