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Phuket: Showing kindness in a crisis - Thai helps foreigners in virus distress


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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Now heres a thought, what about all members on here now they are saving money not buying beer, dipping their pockets, and giving some poor Thai people a bit of food, you know just like the Thai man did for farangs.

I did that, milled about 12-14 kilos of rice, wife handed out to a few poor people.

Come on you lot, get up of your backsides and do your bit, help poor folk.

Ive already given decent donstions,to several thai people that i know,who dont have work and were not eating.

I expect to help more as required.

Only genuine cases,of course.

Things will get considerably worse before they improve.

Ive saved a lot of monry by not going to bars..i dont drink at home.

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5 hours ago, Genmai said:

You're allowed to respond to people's posts directly. Any disagreements with the content of what I wrote?


The timing of this follows the exact format of angelic wouldn't-hurt-a-fly taxi driver stories. If you go to click on the article and try searching for "Spotlight Thailand" on the TNN page (the name of the racist rock slinging Thai group) you get no results. It's all about face, sorry.

There are more similar stories. A british couple with kids stranded on a Thai island were ridiculed and insulted online by fellow farangs ("they are idiots!") while local Thais were offering a helping hand with food and acomodation.

Anyone living in Thailand for a longer time knows it all too well, Thais are very helpful always willing to help somebody in need including farangs.

So no, this is not a pr story, its real and not the exception but actually the rule.

Farangs on the other hand, already plenty of stories of farangs unwilling to comply and join the Thais in their efforts againstcovid, illegal parties, not wearing maks, even willfully spitting in front of shops. So far no stories of farang giving a helping hand.  oh whats new...

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5 hours ago, sapson said:

Should share the story of westerners on this site who sent money to the hospital that was begging for help online as it was treating 5 covid patients and running out of cash for supplies food equipment and doctors.


Somehow the government had overlooked them but some westerners stepped in and sent funds.


Astonishing really in lieu of some of the immigration policies aimed at the pesky aliens.




truly hope that can go viral on Thai media.


cant find the link to the article!


Found the link and deserves publicity in the Thai media, Farangs donate to desperate hospital, minister of health might like a copy, wonder what the un mentionable ones up to, maybe he could find time for an international bank transfer!!



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6 minutes ago, Falcon said:

In this time of need, I applaud anyone who can step up and help others, regardless of foreigner, thai, animal, alien, whatever but what I don’t understand is that, when people give help and assistance without thought of getting something from it, why do they feel the need to publicize the fact that they’ve done something? My wife and I will help anyone and often go buy food for the homeless, etc simply because we want to but we don’t immediately go on fb telling people we just bought a homeless person a meal or whatever, we just feel good in ourselves that what we have done will hopefully help the person live another day. If people are doing something for others and feel that they need to tell people what they have done then they haven’t done the giving for the right reasons.

1. There are no aliens.

2. Um, you just did. On the internet brag about yourself how "often" you buy food and help the homeless. I am sure you tell your "good deeds" to your farang familyfriends etc.


Thai ppl post on Facebook not to "brag" about it but simply to encourage other ppl to also help.

There is nothing wrong with that. Its actually good.

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6 hours ago, Genmai said:


How about a certain FB page with 600,000 followers calling for Phuket locals to gather up slingshots and shoot rocks at whitey's head? Can we criticize that? Or how about the fact that that page isn't on Thai news but this feelgood "All-Thais-Are-Angels" story is?


A genuine good-hearted gesture? Sure, if it's real. But you can't deny this stinks of a damage control PR campaign. C'mon, think of the bigger picture here. A 600,000 strong FB Phuket-based page of racists getting some public attention, and then suddenly- boom - like clockwork, a feel-good article about the kindness of Phuket people? No. It's no different to stories of honest taxi drivers turning in bags of diamonds and cash that get published like clockwork after another story of condemnation.


Edit: I'll also add that the ThaiVisa article about that FB page in question is no longer available. Make of that what you will!

Had it occurred to you that maybe that post was taken down on FB and TV? Also have there been any attacks on Farangs because of the virus here in Thailand. 


Compare that to the US and UK and probably Europe too where people of Asian descent have been attacked because of the virus. 


Make of that what you will!  

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14 minutes ago, Falcon said:

In this time of need, I applaud anyone who can step up and help others, regardless of foreigner, thai, animal, alien, whatever but what I don’t understand is that, when people give help and assistance without thought of getting something from it, why do they feel the need to publicize the fact that they’ve done something? My wife and I will help anyone and often go buy food for the homeless, etc simply because we want to but we don’t immediately go on fb telling people we just bought a homeless person a meal or whatever, we just feel good in ourselves that what we have done will hopefully help the person live another day. If people are doing something for others and feel that they need to tell people what they have done then they haven’t done the giving for the right reasons.

That's modern society for you.


Same as I feel that many times these days those selfies are about showing others you're having fun, in stead of simply having fun 

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1 hour ago, Hank Gunn said:

It seems they don't have the freedom to criticise (Fixed that for you.)

Thanks for the help so I'd like to return the favour:It seems they don't have the freedom to criticise the  the government Trictatorship.There that's better.

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6 hours ago, Genmai said:


How about a certain FB page with 600,000 followers calling for Phuket locals to gather up slingshots and shoot rocks at whitey's head? Can we criticize that? Or how about the fact that that page isn't on Thai news but this feelgood "All-Thais-Are-Angels" story is?


A genuine good-hearted gesture? Sure, if it's real. But you can't deny this stinks of a damage control PR campaign. C'mon, think of the bigger picture here. A 600,000 strong FB Phuket-based page of racists getting some public attention, and then suddenly- boom - like clockwork, a feel-good article about the kindness of Phuket people? No. It's no different to stories of honest taxi drivers turning in bags of diamonds and cash that get published like clockwork after another story of condemnation.


Edit: I'll also add that the ThaiVisa article about that FB page in question is no longer available. Make of that what you will!

Yes there no good on that page and in my country would be in hospital beds. Racist no 1 country of Asia..They think there something special. But there not all bad. It's the tourist hotspots where the garbage unites.

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6 hours ago, Genmai said:


How about a certain FB page with 600,000 followers calling for Phuket locals to gather up slingshots and shoot rocks at whitey's head? Can we criticize that? Or how about the fact that that page isn't on Thai news but this feelgood "All-Thais-Are-Angels" story is?


A genuine good-hearted gesture? Sure, if it's real. But you can't deny this stinks of a damage control PR campaign. C'mon, think of the bigger picture here. A 600,000 strong FB Phuket-based page of racists getting some public attention, and then suddenly- boom - like clockwork, a feel-good article about the kindness of Phuket people? No. It's no different to stories of honest taxi drivers turning in bags of diamonds and cash that get published like clockwork after another story of condemnation.


Edit: I'll also add that the ThaiVisa article about that FB page in question is no longer available. Make of that what you will!


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7 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

We can criticize the gov't and even some locals for some of the cultural differences.   But this seems to be a genuine, good-hearted gesture.   


Now let's see how long it takes for TV to devolve into a bashing session 555.

Not long at all eh? Doubt there's a topic possible that won't attract a response from the negative Thailand haters. Makes you wonder why they're even members. 

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6 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I have always found Thai people to be exceedingly helpful and kind, and fail to understand why you even question if it was "genuine"

You must have experienced some very unkind actions during your life. 

Probably each time he/she goes to the local immigration office.

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7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

You should feel ashamed!

People like this poster wouldn’t wouldn’t know the meaning of the word.

I often wonder why they bother to live here, but then again he might be a member of the band of Thai bashers who are posting from overseas.

They must live sad lives.

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8 hours ago, Genmai said:


How about a certain FB page with 600,000 followers calling for Phuket locals to gather up slingshots and shoot rocks at whitey's head? Can we criticize that? Or how about the fact that that page isn't on Thai news but this feelgood "All-Thais-Are-Angels" story is?


A genuine good-hearted gesture? Sure, if it's real. But you can't deny this stinks of a damage control PR campaign. C'mon, think of the bigger picture here. A 600,000 strong FB Phuket-based page of racists getting some public attention, and then suddenly- boom - like clockwork, a feel-good article about the kindness of Phuket people? No. It's no different to stories of honest taxi drivers turning in bags of diamonds and cash that get published like clockwork after another story of condemnation.


Edit: I'll also add that the ThaiVisa article about that FB page in question is no longer available. Make of that what you will!

for teh record the relevant post has also been removed from FB, as has my post on their page stating that while there are some ignorant farangs not obeying the rules/law, for every farang there are at least 10 Thais als not obeying the rules/laws. I also believe that FB made them take it down as their post contravened the FB Code of Conduct in that it was hate speech and threatened violence.

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7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I have always found Thai people to be exceedingly helpful and kind, and fail to understand why you even question if it was "genuine"

You must have experienced some very unkind actions during your life. 

That has been my experience as well...  I just spent 14 days in self quarantine.. The town mayor and entourage came to our home to say 'thank you' and gave us a gift showing their appreciation of our thoughtfulness... I don't think that would happen the the US the UK or Australia.. 

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