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Another fall in new COVID-19 cases in Thailand


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25 minutes ago, sscc said:



As mentioned 7-8 weeks ago,  the natural environment  -- Heat, humidity and UV helps Thailand as well as this SouthEast Region.   None of the countries in this ASEAN region are among top 30 of the list.   


I also further mentioned that the exact scientific proof of  climate effect on Covid-19 virus infection rate will only come year(s)  later after the dust settle.    




What about Brazil about 10th on the death list with 1760 deaths and straddles the equator very hot very humid with lots of UV?How does that fit in the weather argument?

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15 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

Because it falls under confirmed case. Two confirmed PCR tests!!! They are not mutually exclusive. You can be a confirmed case because you meet the criteria but also be labelled as an Asymptomatic case. There is no Confirmed Asmtomatic Case because its already a Confirmed Case!!! And included in there.

He said the Chinese dont count asymptomatics either,   it was the Chinese who discovered asymptomatics.  


On my ignored list. I only deal in truth, I find it important.


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6 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

What about Brazil about 10th on the death list with 1760 deaths and straddles the equator very hot very humid with lots of UV?How does that fit in the weather argument?

With all the respect for the deceased, 1760 deaths from flu don't seem to be a lot for a country of 211 millions of people.

Btw, i don't believe very much in the correlation between heat and covid19, but i still believe it can be deadly for people with serious pre-existing conditions, like a strong strain of flu.

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8 minutes ago, Traubert said:

He said the Chinese dont count asymptomatics either,   it was the Chinese who discovered asymptomatics.  


On my ignored list. I only deal in truth, I find it important.

No truth like the CCP truth.


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worldometers data indicated T/L has tested just under 100,500 (on the 14th), but they don't appear to update it daily.  (previous was 72,000 from the 7th to the 13th, and 25k before that).... so maybe 4,000 tests per day on average recently.


Cases increased from 2,258 to 2,613 from the 7th to the 14th.  355 cases, so just over 1.2% showing positive, which is way below the global average.


....if you can believe the reported numbers...!

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11 minutes ago, steve73 said:

worldometers data indicated T/L has tested just under 100,500 (on the 14th), but they don't appear to update it daily.

I've tried to find their source but haven't been able to. They seem to scrape various websites for the figures. Not sure where they got that from.


Today's figures they got from here: https://www.thaienquirer.com/11634/thailand-discovers-29-new-coronavirus-infections-government-says-not-enough-money-for-aid-program/


You can see it in the "Latest updates" section for Thailand, https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/thailand/ . They don't have the same for the test figures. Source still unknown.

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10 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

What about Brazil about 10th on the death list with 1760 deaths and straddles the equator very hot very humid with lots of UV?How does that fit in the weather argument?

It does and doesn't. It's a big country.


What's your theory now you've shot everyone else's down? Genuinely interested.

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8 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Hopefully this covid nightmare will be over soon!

The only thing more ridiculous than your post is the 27 dills that gave it a LIKE.

This won't "blow over"


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7 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

So you think it will go on forever?  Sorry, but you're the one being ridiculous.



Again foolish comment. Of course the restrictions can not go on forever. At some point economics and food on table will be a dam breaker.

Right now it's more political. From top level down to local. Every level needs to be seen to do more than the country or state or local gov. 

At some point that house of cards falls down.

People will only put up with so much.

Social discord is next hurdle.

Read the post I took aim at...

"Hopefully this ....will be over soon"

I love fluffy story books.

The aftermath even with vaccine in year or so will take 10 yr min 

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3 hours ago, berrec said:

Dude your living in dreamland,  the only number that counts is number of infected people detected/number of people tested x 100.


When Thailand reaches 10% of that testing ratio then we can all take stock that Thailand's low gazetted numbers have some validity.


Until then its Russian roulette on where the real infected numbers lay.

I don’t see how that method makes any sense. The number of deaths per capita is the most important to me, who cares how many people have been tested? Over 80% of people who test positive are asymptomatic. 

Thailand saw a slow rise in deaths, a peak and a drop in the number of deaths. We’re on the other side of the curve, on the way back to normal. There’s no surprises in store for Thailand. History will record this as less than 1 death per 1,00,000 people in Thailand. 
The number of deaths are going down, the number of people hospitalized are going down, the number of new cases are going down. 


In the U.S. it’s 78 deaths per million people and rising and it’s never going to get lower unless the population miraculously shoots up, the dead are never coming back to life. 


I really don’t understand your logic.  Are you seriously saying the U.S. is doing better because even though more people are dead, more people are being tested? 

On 1/28/2020 at 7:49 PM, Monomial said:


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18 minutes ago, Guitar God said:

We’re on the other side of the curve, on the way back to normal. There’s no surprises in store for Thailand.

Do you realise that this is true only up to the point they open the border? At that point it can very easily start again.


Unless of course they keep the border closed until it's 'gone away' from all around the world which based on what I've read will be at least 2 years.


Look at Singapore today - they were doing really well until recently.


They've had an explosion in cases, they almost came out of nowhere - but it didn't come from nowhere.


Seems they've been making 'work permit holders' live in crowded dormitories and thought this was a good idea - they're crammed into small rooms living in bunk beds - sounds like an ideal breeding ground for the virus to spread. The vast majority of the ~730 new cases announced in Singapore today are coming out of these dorms. I wonder how many 1000's more there are?


It only takes 1 to start it off.....


Edited by ukrules
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2 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Again foolish comment. Of course the restrictions can not go on forever. At some point economics and food on table will be a dam breaker.

Right now it's more political. From top level down to local. Every level needs to be seen to do more than the country or state or local gov. 

At some point that house of cards falls down.

People will only put up with so much.

Social discord is next hurdle.

Read the post I took aim at...

"Hopefully this ....will be over soon"

I love fluffy story books.

The aftermath even with vaccine in year or so will take 10 yr min 

Are you a dentist?

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31 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

And I very much doubt that Thailand is testing people without symptoms.

you have to be a PUI:



I don't see any way for asymptomatic to pass that hurdle.


Or pay for a private test, but then you won't be in MoPH stats. They only publish what has been done at the reference labs.

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9 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

What about Brazil about 10th on the death list with 1760 deaths and straddles the equator very hot very humid with lots of UV?How does that fit in the weather argument?

It is not very hot and humid in Brazil at this time of year. The temperatures are about 17 degrees at night and up to mid 20's day. That is not tropical. In BKK it does not get below 28 degrees day or night.

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Those figures are just an idiocy. If Thailand is walking away from this mess, it had for sure nothing to do with the alcohol bans or lock downs. Those measures were just taken to look not like total morons (which those government has plenty of) towards the rest of the world.

Literally neighboring China and not taking action until two weeks ago, since then most resulting in a disaster.

So there are only 2 options.

1. Most of the Thais went already through it, without even knowing. Nor does the officials.

2. The big mess is yet to come, than Thai borders are closed at least until 2021.

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Governments and medical experts all over the Globe have been advising us for months.  1. Social distancing  2. washing hands regulary with soap  3. sanitizing surfaces . is the simplest and most effective way of containing this virus until a vaccine is found.  Countries with high numbers of cases either dont enforce these rules or were late to start.  in the end its up to individuals and communities to all play their part. it only takes a few to stuff it up for everyone else. Dont blame authorities for the ignorance of the few.

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21 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Hopefully this covid nightmare will be over soon!

While I definitely share your hope with this, what disease causing virus that has spread worldwide was eliminated by having a bunch of people stay at home?  All this has done is wreck the global economy.  There will be second, third, fourth wave infections until a vaccine is available and widely administered.

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