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Trump says U.S. investigating whether virus came from Wuhan lab


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13 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

Yeah, look better at the virus in the microscope. There must be Made in China somewhere on it.

Trump is doing what he can do the best: witch hunting.

Why is everyone blaming trump for this Wuhsn Virus , Unbelievable China Trolls   

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3 hours ago, keith101 said:

This is typical Trump deflect deflect just because i did nothing for weeks doesn't mean its my fault , it was everyone else i didn't know about it and did nothing so therefore it wasn't me ok period .

Psychopaths' never ever accept blame for anything they do or in this case didn't do .

Sounds like any one of my ex wives/girlfriends.  

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19 minutes ago, candide said:

Below a link to an article in Nature, one of the world most reputed scientific publication.

"It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation of a related SARS-CoV-like coronavirus. As noted above, the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 is optimized for binding to human ACE2 with an efficient solution different from those previously predicted7,11. Furthermore, if genetic manipulation had been performed, one of the several reverse-genetic systems available for betacoronaviruses would probably have been used19. However, the genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone20. Instead, we propose two scenarios that can plausibly explain the origin of SARS-CoV-2: (i) natural selection in an animal host before zoonotic transfer; and (ii) natural selection in humans following zoonotic transfer. We also discuss whether selection during passage could have given rise to SARS-CoV-2."


but this is the same publication that could not explain why so many New Zealanders wear gumboots.  :cheesy:

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3 hours ago, wasabi said:


I will be voting for Trump and the more it upsets people the more I enjoy doing so. Biden is about mid way through Dementia. I don't like Trump's style but the media narrative about what he has and hasn't accomplished does not drive my decision.

yea i decide to not vote ... the lesser of two evils this election is one accused rapist  in WH or one accused rapist trying to get in WH   .. and what the hell with the electorial college my vote is not one vote  it is a fraction of a vote  ..  the gop let trump in let them fix the mess he made ...

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

I don't want to discuss what I talked to him about the laboratory, I just don't want to discuss

A Possibility: Hey, Mr Xi. There are so many in my country thinking that I am braindead. What do you think?

Also quite understandable that he would not like to elaborate on that answer.

Edited by Matzzon
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51 minutes ago, candide said:

Below a link to an article in Nature, one of the world most reputed scientific publication.

"It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation of a related SARS-CoV-like coronavirus. As noted above, the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 is optimized for binding to human ACE2 with an efficient solution different from those previously predicted7,11. Furthermore, if genetic manipulation had been performed, one of the several reverse-genetic systems available for betacoronaviruses would probably have been used19. However, the genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone20. Instead, we propose two scenarios that can plausibly explain the origin of SARS-CoV-2: (i) natural selection in an animal host before zoonotic transfer; and (ii) natural selection in humans following zoonotic transfer. We also discuss whether selection during passage could have given rise to SARS-CoV-2."


Note: "it is improbable" - meaning for whatever reason they have decided that it's not likely anyone else would have tried something they themselves wouldn't have.

Note: they admit that it is "optimized" for binding to the human ACE2. Such optimization would not likely occur naturally in an animal species. Nature would have evolved it to be optimal to binding to the host animal's cells, not some foreign species.

Note: they say "would probably have been used" when mentioned it genetic manipulation had been performed. Meaning if they were doing this, they would (probably) have used one of the reverse-genetic systems available. It's like saying, "if I had been driving the car, I probably wouldn't have had that accident." They are not definitively stating that that it couldn't be done some other way. 

Note: they say this virus is not derived from a "previously used" backbone. Meaning it could have been derived from one no one had used before. According to that Al Jazeera article I linked, there are actually 3 labs in the Wuhan area doing bat research, including the Level 4 Bio Research lab, the (Chinese) CDC lab located close to the market and one other lab.
It's also noted that the covid virus has similarities to pangolin coronaviruses. There may be more out there that scientists haven't examined/tested yet (or have admitted to testing).
The Nature article above notes: "the diversity of coronaviruses in bats and other species is massively undersampled."

Note: they "propose" two scenarios, meaning they don't really know but think, maybe, one might be right. 

Interesting. It seems they've concluded that the coronovirus in bats is optimized for attaching to cells, but not for "cleaving" into them.
Then they note that the virus in pangolins seems to be optimized for "cleaving" human cells.

Of course it's not "probable" that someone would have possibly tried to combine the two. Like in a bio research lab or something. Where they might have tried things that other scientists wouldn't have thought to try.

I mean it's not like people haven't been trying to combine different things together for thousands of years or anything.
Like splicing roses or other plants.
Or cross breeding animals (unless you think the pug somehow evolved naturally). 

Or other weird science stuff like, oh, I don't know, genetically engineering different crop species like wheat and corn.

Again, to me, it seems like this is a virus that was engineered in a lab, possibly by combining two (or more) other viruses and years of testing, and then (accidentally one would hope) released from the lab.

And the Al Jazeera article also notes "accidents do happen"

"He points out that after the initial outbreak, SARS virus leaked from labs in Singapore and Taipei, as well as twice in Beijing."
("He" being Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, US.)

"And last December, a leak of the bacterium Brucella from a veterinary lab in Gansu province infected more than 100 people."

SARS and other coronaviruses are not considered airborne or lethal so experiments on them are allowed in laboratories of a lower safety level, where full-bodysuits and complete decontamination for lab technicians are not necessarily required.
Anyone handling the virus could become an unwitting carrier.


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7 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

A Possibility: Hey, Mr Xi. There are so many in my country thinking that I am braindead. What do you think?

Also quite understandable that he would not like to elaborate on that answer.

I think it’s like whistle blower in US who are harassed by right wing nuts and GOP. They also weary about being fired. Even their boss like Michael Atkinson can’t escape persecution. 

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10 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Ooh, you naughty conspiracy theorist. You must have been watching this bloke.

A friend in the UK sent me a link to a (different) video, allegedly done by a guy (foreigner) who is supposed to be fluent in Chinese (reading/writing/speaking) and married to a Chinese doctor.
He claims that when the virus first broke out, various nations started sending medical equipment to China. (I know for a fact that Canada donated 16 tons of medical equipment to China early on in the crisis.)
He went on to claim that Chinese owned/controlled companies in "the west" were buying up stocks of the same equipment from manufacturers and suppliers and then shipping it back to China.
Then, when the virus started becoming widespread in those same countries, he claims China started selling the same stuff back to them !

I also know for a fact that Canada was indeed buying masks and ventilators from China and they (along with some other countries) noticed what they were being sent was such poor quality that they had to recall a lot of it.
I've also seen news reports of donations of medical gear coming from China. 

The problem with the video was that the guy couldn't prove anything, so it was all just "anecdotal" evidence (I heard a guy who knew someone that overheard another guy say something type of stuff.)
But of course, if you could actually prove stuff, then it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory would it ?  ???? 

The other half of the video went into the racist actions the Chinese started taking against foreigners, mainly in Guangzho and mainly against people of "African" origin. He showed pictures and video clips of various black people being herded down a street and sleeping in alleys after being kicked out of their (paid for) apartments and hotel rooms.

That was more verifiable as it was in the mainstream news in a lot of places. However, that doesn't mean his claims in the other half of the video are true.

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57 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

Note: "it is improbable" - meaning for whatever reason they have decided that it's not likely anyone else would have tried something they themselves wouldn't have.

Note: they admit that it is "optimized" for binding to the human ACE2. Such optimization would not likely occur naturally in an animal species. Nature would have evolved it to be optimal to binding to the host animal's cells, not some foreign species.

Note: they say "would probably have been used" when mentioned it genetic manipulation had been performed. Meaning if they were doing this, they would (probably) have used one of the reverse-genetic systems available. It's like saying, "if I had been driving the car, I probably wouldn't have had that accident." They are not definitively stating that that it couldn't be done some other way. 

Note: they say this virus is not derived from a "previously used" backbone. Meaning it could have been derived from one no one had used before. According to that Al Jazeera article I linked, there are actually 3 labs in the Wuhan area doing bat research, including the Level 4 Bio Research lab, the (Chinese) CDC lab located close to the market and one other lab.
It's also noted that the covid virus has similarities to pangolin coronaviruses. There may be more out there that scientists haven't examined/tested yet (or have admitted to testing).
The Nature article above notes: "the diversity of coronaviruses in bats and other species is massively undersampled."

Note: they "propose" two scenarios, meaning they don't really know but think, maybe, one might be right. 

Interesting. It seems they've concluded that the coronovirus in bats is optimized for attaching to cells, but not for "cleaving" into them.
Then they note that the virus in pangolins seems to be optimized for "cleaving" human cells.

Of course it's not "probable" that someone would have possibly tried to combine the two. Like in a bio research lab or something. Where they might have tried things that other scientists wouldn't have thought to try.

I mean it's not like people haven't been trying to combine different things together for thousands of years or anything.
Like splicing roses or other plants.
Or cross breeding animals (unless you think the pug somehow evolved naturally). 

Or other weird science stuff like, oh, I don't know, genetically engineering different crop species like wheat and corn.

Again, to me, it seems like this is a virus that was engineered in a lab, possibly by combining two (or more) other viruses and years of testing, and then (accidentally one would hope) released from the lab.

And the Al Jazeera article also notes "accidents do happen"

"He points out that after the initial outbreak, SARS virus leaked from labs in Singapore and Taipei, as well as twice in Beijing."
("He" being Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, US.)

"And last December, a leak of the bacterium Brucella from a veterinary lab in Gansu province infected more than 100 people."

SARS and other coronaviruses are not considered airborne or lethal so experiments on them are allowed in laboratories of a lower safety level, where full-bodysuits and complete decontamination for lab technicians are not necessarily required.
Anyone handling the virus could become an unwitting carrier.


You seem to be more knowledgeable than me about such issues. Any link to a scientific paper supporting an alternative hypothesis or criticizing the article I linked?

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5 hours ago, Mavideol said:

I don't agree with Trump constant deflections of facts and egomaniac attitude but the above hypothesis has been put forward a couple times and sounds plausible.... wet markets in China are all around, why this one

You could say the same about winning the lottery ... 'Why not me' ????  ...  Chance ...

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