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WHO chief urges U.S. to reconsider funding, says 'virus will be with us for a long time'

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32 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

I have been part of medical teams that treated disease situations on Bougainville,Choiseul,Aceh Province,Indonesia and (as an observer) a Cholera outbreak inorth of Mumbai-the information from which was relayed back to the WHO.


In actual fact some of which missions was under the auspices of the WHO..


Be very careful who you call a "moron" for I am very capable of slinging just such an epithet your way..


I put it down to the amount of lead in the water.

Just because the WHO has done good work in the past does not mean they cannot be  criticized for their poor performance in this instance, and for the possible conflict of interest by Dr Tedros.

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The WHO literally parroted the talking points of the Chinese government for a month. They recommended against the one and only thing that would stop the spread of this virus; limiting air travel in and out of China. When notified by Taiwan that they had demonstrable evidence of person to person transmission of the COVID-19 virus, they continued to parrot the Chinese talking points and insistence that it was only animal to human transmission, ignoring the evidence because it came from Taiwan.... This of course was done for a political reasons not for world health reasons. The leadership at the top of the WHO needs to be scraped out of their chairs, sanitized and replaced much as any toxic mold would be after it infests your office. If the WHO had acted on the early warnings from Taiwan, the death toll would’ve been significantly reduced by early containment, tracking and isolation of infected travelers. 

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this is complicated. USA worse in the world and only getting worse and will be even worse after it gets worse. Can WHO help them? 555 Probably the total collapse of any intelligent plan in USA while ignoring the WHO is good ground to stop supporting them. 

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11 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

this is complicated. USA worse in the world and only getting worse and will be even worse after it gets worse. Can WHO help them? 555 Probably the total collapse of any intelligent plan in USA while ignoring the WHO is good ground to stop supporting them. 

I agree.Let's stop supporting these 'morons' 


In actual fact why doesn't the rest of the world contribute a 'Superfund" whereby the 350 millions obese morons build a gigantic spaceship and depart to terrorize the rest of the Galaxy...


They can take the Australian bogans and other right wing renegades with them...


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I can remember the first article I read on human to human transmission in January and I said, wow, this is going to be big. I am not political at all but I cannot understand why the WHO did not do something a long time before this. I mean, once you find out something is human to human and it is a big unknown, would you not throw all your resources at it? I mean it seems China has lied about this as they knew a lot more then what was let on. Did the WHO drop the ball?


I cannot answer this but the virus is now here to stay and questions in the future when this has settled down somewhat need to be asked how this got away so quickly. I have been watching many different TV shows from both ends of the political spectrum over the last two days and it seems there has been a smaller resurgence of the virus in China. Should we not be getting reports on this? 


In reality, just about anything I have been reading about numbers in Asia seem surreal so can anyone truthfully tell me what is really going on? We know Singapore is doing it tough but the rest of the region I cannot work out. Fluffy BS numbers or the truth. I wish I knew in a perfect world.

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2 hours ago, DoctorG said:

The report in this video starts out exactly right - WHO needs reform, Tedros must step down.

I believe the US would reinstate funding once Tedros stepped down, and reforms were promised.

Honestly, I believe this is a power play by Trump, telling the CCP that they will not control WHO.

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1 hour ago, totally thaied up said:

I can remember the first article I read on human to human transmission in January and I said, wow, this is going to be big. I am not political at all but I cannot understand why the WHO did not do something a long time before this. I mean, once you find out something is human to human and it is a big unknown, would you not throw all your resources at it? I mean it seems China has lied about this as they knew a lot more then what was let on. Did the WHO drop the ball?


I cannot answer this but the virus is now here to stay and questions in the future when this has settled down somewhat need to be asked how this got away so quickly. I have been watching many different TV shows from both ends of the political spectrum over the last two days and it seems there has been a smaller resurgence of the virus in China. Should we not be getting reports on this? 


In reality, just about anything I have been reading about numbers in Asia seem surreal so can anyone truthfully tell me what is really going on? We know Singapore is doing it tough but the rest of the region I cannot work out. Fluffy BS numbers or the truth. I wish I knew in a perfect world.

The WHO is supervisory body-which has people on the ground (as I was..) to monitor the situation.


The  reports are fed back (amongst others) to WHO but they cannot interfere with the nation state..only advise-which they have done.



Of course we could get rid of WHO and replace them with the brain dead white male confabulainists that regularly post on ThaiVisa.


Now there would be a pretty pickle..


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Why would anyone listen to this guy who failed to record or identify 3 cholera epidemics when he was health minister for Ethiopia? How did he even become Director General of the WHO?

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so how does the ccp control the who?  who funding is partially by assessed dues, based on country population and gdp, but the majority is by donation from governments and ngo's.


with a larger gdp, the usa and other western governments pay higher percentages of assessed dues.  i think the us pays 5x as much as china on that basis.  and then we provide a huge chunk of donations.  we pay more, so we have more control, right?  china pays much less, so their influence is less.


is that unfair?  maybe, but that's the way we wanted it.  way back when, the who budget was mainly covered by assessed dues.  but then china started to grow their economy, and thus their dues would increase accordingly at the regular reapportionment.  we western folks decided we didn't want china to pay more, as we wanted to maintain control.  about 1980 we got the rules changed so that china would not be assessed higher dues relative to gdp.  our larger economies would let us donate more, and we would retain control over decisions.


what decisions?  things like which pharmaceuticals the who would recommend.  big pharma cash lobbying paid off.  so now we get to use our leverage, cut off funding if the who doesn't obey.

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39 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Who,exactly, would listen to you under any these cirumstances,,?


Do you have any qualifications apertaining to global epidemics and pandemics?



I thought not..


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/13/health/candidate-who-director-general-ethiopia-cholera-outbreaks.html If you bother to look, there is lots of reporting about it. That is if you can actually read.


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They lost all credibility the moment they sent the Tweet on the 14th of January saying there was no evidence of human to human transmigration. They just took the CCPs word for it and did not do any thorough investigation. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus should resign in disgrace.

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Sure more interested in their salaries than the work. Typical of internationally supported organisations. Look after number one, to hell with the work.

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10 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

I don't object to an independent, objective, apolitical organisation which also doesn't allow itself to be influenced by money.

Nobody in their right mind would. But in reality, it amounts to wishing for the moon.


WHO chief . . . says 'virus will be with us for a long time'


Not exactly good news for the us ordinary mortals. But guaranteed to bring a smile to vaccine "king" Bill Gates' face.


The world's most public philanthropist has seven vaccine factories planned to combat the current virus and any nasty successors waiting in the wings.


Raising the money is clearly no problem for  "Chill Bill" - as the bespectacled billionaire is called by WHO executives in his thrall.  But he needs time to churn out enough shots for the mandatory vaccination of everyone on the planet.


Seems only fair to help cut the bloke a bit of slack. After all, he is the cash-strapped UN health agency's biggest donor, having lobbed a cool 327,000,000 dollars into the the lap of the outfit whose dodgy director he helped propel into office.


What goes around. . . 


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2 hours ago, Swimfan said:

They lost all credibility the moment they sent the Tweet on the 14th of January saying there was no evidence of human to human transmigration. They just took the CCPs word for it and did not do any thorough investigation. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus should resign in disgrace.

you're basing the entire credibility of a united nations organization on a.....tweet.


do you have a link showing a who tweet specifically stating "no evidence of human to human transmission" using that exact wording?  i don't mean a news article headline that "sums up" what the editor thought was meant, or an article that paraphrases.  i really want to see a who statement that reads "no evidence."


or we could just check the memory hole, from the same day as the alleged "no evidence" twirt:

WHO says new China virus could spread, it's warning all hospitals

GENEVA, Jan 14 (Reuters) - There has been “limited” human-to-human transmission of a new coronavirus that has struck in China, mainly small clusters in families, but there is potential for wider spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.




we could always try to dig up the technical guidance the who published on january 11 and january 10 warning of potential human-human transmission and the dangers of spreading by water droplets and surface contact.

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in case you're at all interested, this is apparently the "smoking" tweet:



Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China


(sorry, i don't know how to properly attribute twoots.)


so who's going to be the very first to explain how a generic twattering on social media supersedes official who statements, press releases, press briefings, published guidance to regional directors, and communications with national governments....not to mention intelligence agency reports?



see who timeline for links to reports and announcements:





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11 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Trump is the man. He will have this virus beaten in weeks, if not days. He is very, very intelligent and knows a lot about everything that ordinary people could never even hope to know.....and he knows it all using some biggly words.


He certainly doesn't need anyone else telling him what to do.

and all he wants to start things back the way they were

- is to hear a big Sorry from WHOboss

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Translated:  Authoritarians have had a taste and it's sweet.  Plan on lockdowns, social, and economic destruction by the authoritarian class to be the norm and freedom of movement and an open society to be the thing of the past. 

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jan 14....


Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, acting head of WHO’s emerging diseases unit, told a Geneva news briefing that the agency had given guidance to hospitals worldwide about infection control in case of spread, including by a “super-spreading” event in a health care setting. “This is something on our radar, it is possible, we need to prepare ourselves,” she said.



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5 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

WHO chief . . . says 'virus will be with us for a long time'


Not exactly good news for the us ordinary mortals. But guaranteed to bring a smile to vaccine "king" Bill Gates' face.


The world's most public philanthropist has seven vaccine factories planned to combat the current virus and any nasty successors waiting in the wings.


Raising the money is clearly no problem for  "Chill Bill" - as the bespectacled billionaire is called by WHO executives in his thrall.  But he needs time to churn out enough shots for the mandatory vaccination of everyone on the planet.


Seems only fair to help cut the bloke a bit of slack. After all, he is the cash-strapped UN health agency's biggest donor, having lobbed a cool 327,000,000 dollars into the the lap of the outfit whose dodgy director he helped propel into office.


What goes around. . . 


? I don't get the logic in your post, if any.

How does the WHO chief's statement help Gates? Will the virus listen to him  and change it's behaviour in order to wait for the vaccine to be available? It does not make sense.

5 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

you're basing the entire credibility of a united nations organization on a.....tweet.


do you have a link showing a who tweet specifically stating "no evidence of human to human transmission" using that exact wording?  i don't mean a news article headline that "sums up" what the editor thought was meant, or an article that paraphrases.  i really want to see a who statement that reads "no evidence."


or we could just check the memory hole, from the same day as the alleged "no evidence" twirt:

WHO says new China virus could spread, it's warning all hospitals

GENEVA, Jan 14 (Reuters) - There has been “limited” human-to-human transmission of a new coronavirus that has struck in China, mainly small clusters in families, but there is potential for wider spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.




we could always try to dig up the technical guidance the who published on january 11 and january 10 warning of potential human-human transmission and the dangers of spreading by water droplets and surface contact.

Not to mention that the executive board of the WHO includes a member nominated by the US, who is a member of the US administration, so there is no way the US may have been unaware of any information.

Gabrielle Lamourelle is the current Deputy Director, Multilateral Relations, Office of Global Affairs, US department of health and human services.


The next Director-General of the World Health Organization should be from Taiwan. I'm totally serious. Sure, Taiwan are currently denied membership from this corrupt organization due to geo-political pressure from China, but their exclusion has actually benefited them. Already weary of information coming out from Beijing, the island started screening travellers from Wuhan as early as December 31st, especially after they were notified of a SARS-type virus being transmitted in the capital city of the Hubei province a few days earlier. They even tried to alert the WHO but were ignored. That’s three weeks before the Chinese regime told the public there was human-to-human transmission on January 20th. Contrary to what Taiwan were being told, they put in place measures that were different to what the WHO were saying.  


Currently, Taiwan only has 6 deaths and 427 confirmed cases as of 23 April. Most importantly, unlike countries following the rigorous test-test-test guidance, Taiwan has only carried out a rather small amount of testing. The precise figure is 2.44 per thousand people; 58,003 in total (as of 22 April 2020). Countries need to learn from Taiwan, not from China or any other country come to that. It's obvious to anyone that the CCP now controls the WHO. The previous Director-General to Tedros was another CCP-approved stooge by the name of Dr Margaret Chan. For those unfamiliar with her work, Chan is best known as the woman who cried wolf during a flu pandemic and who failed to contain the deadliest outbreak of Ebola. Joanne Liu, president of the medical charity Doctors Without Borders, blasted WHO and Dr Margaret Chan for letting Ebola get out of hand. This just goes to show the WHO has previous form over this sort of thing and the current crisis isn't anything new. In fact, it seems an abject failure to recognise an outbreak is a prerequisite for becoming the next Director-General of the World Health Organization. Just as Tedros ignored cholera epidemics in Ethiopia in three separate outbreaks in 2006, 2009 and 2011, so did Dr Margaret Chan as the first female director of the Hong Kong department of health in 2003 when she overlooked an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from mainland China, killing 800 people worldwide. The following year, lawmakers in Hong Kong slammed Chan for not pressing the Chinese government sufficiently hard to share reliable information and for not acting swiftly enough to contain the outbreak. Leaving behind a controversial legacy, she joined the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in 2018 and finally nailed her colours to the mast. Of course, Dr Tedros was appointed afterwards due to heavy lobbying from China and I'm sure underhand tactics. And here we are...


All this brings me back to Taiwan. Unfairly maligned by Tedros and the CCP, and denied membership in the WHO, Taiwan and its people have had to adapt to life and the continued threat of deadly virus outbreaks from the Chinese mainland without the help of any worldwide donations or medical assistance to back them up. The rest of the world could learn valuable lessons from Taiwan and how they've been able to first spot a potential outbreak and then how to contain it without any real harm to their economy. However, if you just want the CCP to keep hiding behind the WHO to shield their own culpability with future outbreaks and have no desire to change the current status quo, then keep making big donations. The only way to put pressure on the WHO and get reform is to deny them the one thing they truly desire... money... and lots of it!!

53 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

The next Director-General of the World Health Organization should be from Taiwan. I'm totally serious. Sure, Taiwan are currently denied membership from this corrupt organization due to geo-political pressure from China, but their exclusion has actually benefited them. Already weary of information coming out from Beijing, the island started screening travellers from Wuhan as early as December 31st, especially after they were notified of a SARS-type virus being transmitted in the capital city of the Hubei province a few days earlier. They even tried to alert the WHO but were ignored. That’s three weeks before the Chinese regime told the public there was human-to-human transmission on January 20th. Contrary to what Taiwan were being told, they put in place measures that were different to what the WHO were saying.  


Currently, Taiwan only has 6 deaths and 427 confirmed cases as of 23 April. Most importantly, unlike countries following the rigorous test-test-test guidance, Taiwan has only carried out a rather small amount of testing. The precise figure is 2.44 per thousand people; 58,003 in total (as of 22 April 2020). Countries need to learn from Taiwan, not from China or any other country come to that. It's obvious to anyone that the CCP now controls the WHO. The previous Director-General to Tedros was another CCP-approved stooge by the name of Dr Margaret Chan. For those unfamiliar with her work, Chan is best known as the woman who cried wolf during a flu pandemic and who failed to contain the deadliest outbreak of Ebola. Joanne Liu, president of the medical charity Doctors Without Borders, blasted WHO and Dr Margaret Chan for letting Ebola get out of hand. This just goes to show the WHO has previous form over this sort of thing and the current crisis isn't anything new. In fact, it seems an abject failure to recognise an outbreak is a prerequisite for becoming the next Director-General of the World Health Organization. Just as Tedros ignored cholera epidemics in Ethiopia in three separate outbreaks in 2006, 2009 and 2011, so did Dr Margaret Chan as the first female director of the Hong Kong department of health in 2003 when she overlooked an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from mainland China, killing 800 people worldwide. The following year, lawmakers in Hong Kong slammed Chan for not pressing the Chinese government sufficiently hard to share reliable information and for not acting swiftly enough to contain the outbreak. Leaving behind a controversial legacy, she joined the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in 2018 and finally nailed her colours to the mast. Of course, Dr Tedros was appointed afterwards due to heavy lobbying from China and I'm sure underhand tactics. And here we are...


All this brings me back to Taiwan. Unfairly maligned by Tedros and the CCP, and denied membership in the WHO, Taiwan and its people have had to adapt to life and the continued threat of deadly virus outbreaks from the Chinese mainland without the help of any worldwide donations or medical assistance to back them up. The rest of the world could learn valuable lessons from Taiwan and how they've been able to first spot a potential outbreak and then how to contain it without any real harm to their economy. However, if you just want the CCP to keep hiding behind the WHO to shield their own culpability with future outbreaks and have no desire to change the current status quo, then keep making big donations. The only way to put pressure on the WHO and get reform is to deny them the one thing they truly desire... money... and lots of it!!

Unfortunately for Taiwan, its fate is inescapable and it's not specific to the WHO. Only a handful of countries still recognise Taiwan, mainly small Islands, and its symbolic eradication as an independent entity extends beyond the political sphere. You may not have noticed that your favourite airline has banned Taiwan from its vocabulary and displays "Taipei, China", same for your favourite international conference or convention.


I am getting pretty sick of the WHO. They seem to be using scare tactics, and like the fabulously corrupt CDC, and FDA, their agenda seems corrupt, and not the slightest bit noble. It appears that alot of what they do is politically driven, and my impression is that they are just an arm of Big Pharma. 


fortunately for the free world, we are no longer to be held captive by the whims of commie stooge who clowns!  the pandemic is over!  we have the cure!


a certain stable genus has brainstormed a bigly cure!  we shall inject sunlight into wu-flu sufferers, maybe with genuine american made solar mirrors mounted in colonoscopy thingies.  at the same time we can mainline disinfectant - american made of course, molecules of sanitary freeeedom!


so, umm, where can i buy sew-on canadian flags?  (asking for some friends)

  • Haha 1
13 hours ago, candide said:

? I don't get the logic in your post, if any.

How does the WHO chief's statement help Gates? Will the virus listen to him  and change it's behaviour in order to wait for the vaccine to be available? It does not make sense.

It does to "Chill Bill".

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