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Vitamin D3 (within multvitamin formula) of 0.25 mcg, or 1000 IU....WHERE TO BUY at REASONABLE PRICE? (Centrum Silver might have much LOWER amounts in Thai formula!)


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Do not buy multiply vitamins even in the states or else where, the companies use this method to jack up prices and get rid of inferior products. Buy by the bottle single use one type of vit or other supplament. There are some products that are better than others a bit of google can be your friend in finding the best brands as they are tested to content. Iherb if you are from the states has great stuff just waiting on shipping can be a problem

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9 hours ago, moe666 said:

Do not buy multiply vitamins even in the states or else where, the companies use this method to jack up prices and get rid of inferior products

Multi vitamins are made as such and serve a purpose (although most users may not need most often they can use some and as such it is often much cheaper than continual testing required to determine how much of what might be useful).  But what I do not understand is your "jack up prices and get rid of inferior products".  That name brands are often over priced is true of anything and do not believe the content is inferior - what it contains is clearly stated.


As for Iherb; during normal times products can often be sourced locally at reasonable markups to avoid shipping wait (which can be almost none to very excessive) as people buy and resell on Lazada/Shopee and such at much less than normal Thai prices for such items.   

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On 4/24/2020 at 9:36 AM, JohnBarleycorn said:

As I mentioned above to Sheryl, there are various studies conducted in Thailand which show vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in as much as 30% of today's Thai children, and other studies which show the same thing in adults.

That's because Thai youth are taught that the Sun is evil and to be avoided.  It will turn your skin browner than it is which is horror for a society which loathes and fears farang but oddly enough virtually all want to have white skin just like them.  Hence - 30% of Thais don't get enough Sun (although there is plenty around) and have vitamin D deficiency. 

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3 hours ago, connda said:

a society which loathes and fears farang but oddly enough virtually all want to have white skin just like them. 


It is not farangs they want ti look like, skin-wise.


It is East Asians: Chinese, Korean etc.

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From what I have heard from Thai ladies is that they prefer 'pink white'  skin, like Europeans have.  The 'yellow white' skin of Chinese,etc. is considered less desirable, but certainly better than brown skin.  I could be wrong.

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41 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


It is not farangs they want ti look like, skin-wise.


It is East Asians: Chinese, Korean etc.

Not exactly, I think.

Actually, around the world, in many cultures, people in the local population just want to be whiter.

For one thing, lighter skin is associated with higher social status.  One reason for this is that laborers, such as farmers and other laborers, work outdoors and are exposed to the sun, producing darker looking skin.  This is one reason. But there are others, as well.


In some African cultures, where no one is trying to look like Chinese and Koreans, still people in the culture wish to have lighter skin tones.

I could go on.

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On 4/23/2020 at 8:02 PM, dddave said:

Three weeks ago, I placed an order with "i-herb" in the US for some products I use fully expecting delivery (Bangkok) to take a month or more with current conditions.  I was shocked when the full order arrived  9 days later.   

Shipping charges are very low and as long as an order is under US$80, customs doesn't seem to care.

I use iherb.com since several years with great satisfaction and indeed without being troubled by customs for small orders

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4 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Seller on Shopee that I have ordered from seems to have resupply of imported Centrum Silver at B999 for 275.


Hey, Man!, Thanks a LOT.  Actually, I just ordered one bottle:  Bt.1,028 INCLUDING shipping.  If these are genuine, and looks like they are, THANKS A LOT!!!!!

Last week, I ordered a bottle of 100 off LAZADA site and paid Bt.1000 for 100 tablets.  So, this is a very good price, and the date looks OK.


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On 4/29/2020 at 10:16 AM, lopburi3 said:

Seller on Shopee that I have ordered from seems to have resupply of imported Centrum Silver at B999 for 275.


Thanks AGAIN, a LOT!

You saved me almost Bt.2000.00

Can't thank you enough.

Off Lazada, the price is 1000.00 for a hundred tablets.

The Shopee seller is Bt.1020.00  for 275 tablets.  I received one bottle two days ago.  Looks good. Looks genuine with no problems.


This is the first time ThaiVisa has saved me money.  I never thought this day would come, but it has!!!!!






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On 4/25/2020 at 5:29 PM, connda said:

That's because Thai youth are taught that the Sun is evil and to be avoided.  It will turn your skin browner than it is which is horror for a society which loathes and fears farang but oddly enough virtually all want to have white skin just like them.  Hence - 30% of Thais don't get enough Sun (although there is plenty around) and have vitamin D deficiency. 

As an European I do not mind to get a browner skin...but it is simply too hot to walk outside

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3 minutes ago, Puccini said:

The MIMS app for Thailand tells me that Centrum Silver 50+ "may be off-market". This might be because of the irregular labelling of the ingredients.



Please clarify.  Are you referring to the Centrum Silver 50+ product which is sold in many pharmacies locally in Thailand?


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I bought liquid D3 from Puritan's Pride in the US. I always wait for when they have sales and it becomes very cheap per 4 oz. bottle. I was sick like 4 times in one year for like 1 month each in 2017. I had them test me for vitamin deficiencies. I was found to be insufficient in D and one of the Bs. I started taking liquid vitamin d daily and have only been ill 1 time since then.

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42 minutes ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

Please clarify.  Are you referring to the Centrum Silver 50+ product which is sold in many pharmacies locally in Thailand?


Yes, that would be the Centrum Silver 50+ that was and perhaps still is sold in Thailand, although the Google archive picture you posted in post #12 appears to be obsolete. MIMS lists vitamin D as "vit D (as vit A acetate /vit D2 mix) 400 IU"



Edited by Puccini
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29 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

I bought liquid D3 from Puritan's Pride in the US. I always wait for when they have sales and it becomes very cheap per 4 oz. bottle. I was sick like 4 times in one year for like 1 month each in 2017. I had them test me for vitamin deficiencies. I was found to be insufficient in D and one of the Bs. I started taking liquid vitamin d daily and have only been ill 1 time since then.

That is probably the 2 oz bottle with vitamin D3 125 mcg (5000 IU)



The liquid form is usually used for small children, who often have vitamin D deficiency, but it equally useful for people who have difficulty swallowing capsules and tablets.

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3 hours ago, Puccini said:

Yes, that would be the Centrum Silver 50+ that was and perhaps still is sold in Thailand, although the Google archive picture you posted in post #12 appears to be obsolete. MIMS lists vitamin D as "vit D (as vit A acetate /vit D2 mix) 400 IU"



Very interesting.

At my request, Pfizer called me. They are now investigating my complaint about their 50+ product. The company stated that they would reply within 45 days to inform me the results of their investigation. 

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When a product is listed as off market it ususually means the manufacturer has stopped importing oe manufacturing it in Thailand. Thete can well still be some on the shelves and typically is for a year or two after hping off market.

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7 hours ago, Sheryl said:

When a product is listed as off market it ususually means the manufacturer has stopped importing oe manufacturing it in Thailand. Thete can well still be some on the shelves and typically is for a year or two after hping off market.

Hopefully, this product will soon be removed.  The packaging labels are misleading, to say the least.

I expect more word on this from Pfizer within 45 days.

When they state 1.2 mg per tablet of D3, this was just plain wrong.

Also, they state that this product is 50+, which one presumes means for people ages over 50, but the label is printed using microscopic fonts, probably about 0.5pt font.

If you really want to know how small it is:   This is 8 pt font printing.  The label on the Pfizer product is smaller than this.  Much smaller.  Terrible packaging.  Worse product.  Overpriced, too.  Who buys this?  Well, I bought it. But then when I realized that I had been had, I sent them an urgent email, and they called me back within the hour.  So, I am not COMPLETELY unhappy with their service.   But, I learned my lesson this time..... The lesson I learned is: No matter how difficult, it is still important to read the small print.


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On 4/23/2020 at 3:53 PM, KhunBENQ said:

Same as the product that I linked in post #5.


And remember there is no shortage of sunlight in Thailand :smile:

This is wrong for many people. The sun is so hot and severe in Thailand that many people, myself and my wife included, never go out in it long enough to get sufficient vitamin D3. To get enough one would need to expose quite a bit of skin for a reasonable amount of time everyday, and that causes the skin to age prematurely, so it's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Back at home (in Australia) the sun was more enjoyable and I spent a lot more time in it, but my skin is ruined from years and years of sunbathing on the beach.


The solution is D3 supplementation. I've been taking 10,000 IU (250 mcg) per day for many years and my wife takes 5,000 IU (125 mcg) per day. She avoids the sun like the plague as she has fair skin and wants to keep it that way. D3 supplementation is essential, and from all the research I've done (I did a lot, but won't be going into it here), without any sunshine you should take at least 5,000 IU per day. I weigh about 100 kg, so I bumped up my daily dose to 10,000 IU. I'd rather have a bit more than I need than not enough. The reports of toxicity are exaggerated by many as you'd need a huge dose to reach toxicity levels. 5000 IU to 10,000 IU will allow you to reach full saturation, comparable to people who spend most of their days in the sun (example - some African tribes). You don't get enough in multi formulas. 1000 IU is not enough if you don't get sun. It might be enough if you get some daily sunshine, but if you get too much sunshine your skin will eventually resemble a wrinkled prune.


I remember my wife gained a lot of energy after she started taking it.


I buy Doctor's BEST, 5000 IU, 360 softgels, from iHerb for $11. That's enough for 5000 IU per day for a year.


Unfortunately my last iHerb order has not arrived after 7 weeks. Usually it takes 2 weeks.



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1 hour ago, JensenZ said:

This is wrong for many people. The sun is so hot and severe in Thailand that many people, myself and my wife included, never go out in it long enough to get sufficient vitamin D3. To get enough one would need to expose quite a bit of skin for a reasonable amount of time everyday, and that causes the skin to age prematurely, so it's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Back at home (in Australia) the sun was more enjoyable and I spent a lot more time in it, but my skin is ruined from years and years of sunbathing on the beach.


The solution is D3 supplementation. I've been taking 10,000 IU (250 mcg) per day for many years and my wife takes 5,000 IU (125 mcg) per day. She avoids the sun like the plague as she has fair skin and wants to keep it that way. D3 supplementation is essential, and from all the research I've done (I did a lot, but won't be going into it here), without any sunshine you should take at least 5,000 IU per day. I weigh about 100 kg, so I bumped up my daily dose to 10,000 IU. I'd rather have a bit more than I need than not enough. The reports of toxicity are exaggerated by many as you'd need a huge dose to reach toxicity levels. 5000 IU to 10,000 IU will allow you to reach full saturation, comparable to people who spend most of their days in the sun (example - some African tribes). You don't get enough in multi formulas. 1000 IU is not enough if you don't get sun. It might be enough if you get some daily sunshine, but if you get too much sunshine your skin will eventually resemble a wrinkled prune.


I remember my wife gained a lot of energy after she started taking it.


I buy Doctor's BEST, 5000 IU, 360 softgels, from iHerb for $11. That's enough for 5000 IU per day for a year.


Unfortunately my last iHerb order has not arrived after 7 weeks. Usually it takes 2 weeks.



10,000 IU of D3 per day?  And you have no fear of hypercalcemia?

Well, your case just proves the point that it is difficult to OD on D3, I guess.

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9 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Now low Vit D levels is being linked to increased covid-19 death rates.




I know.

This is why I am buying D3.....  But, I just wish that Pfizer (Thailand) would cooperate.  They don't.  They do not understand the importance of vitamin D.  And yet, they produce vitamin tablets....  Something fishy going on here, obviously.  Fortunately, canned tuna is a good source of D, and I eat a lot of it.  I don't eat bluefin tuna. I try to keep my mercury levels low, while trying to keep my D-blood-serum levels high.


Pfizer Thailand is clueless.  Clueless, obviously!

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