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Face Mask Wearing and Temperature Guns are you OK with them or do you Hate them ? POLL


Face Mask Wearing and Temperature Guns are you OK with them or do you Hate them ? POLL  

51 members have voted

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4 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:


I only have 3M N95 respirator masks and I find them uncomfortable to wear over a period of time.

I must admit I find myself adjusting them with my hands occasionally. 


Apparently the good quality masks with a valve like the N95 don't protect others as a sneeze or cough shoots out of the valve. Protects you though.


Temperature is a good thing, not accurate though,the digital ones are always out.  i bought a 45 baht mercury one and it's nearly always 36.8 which seems more accurate

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All you need to know about thermometer guns,




P.S. As a country dweller, neither of these topics interest or affect me very much so I chose not to vote in the poll.


Edited by Moonlover
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I wear a mask when I am (possibly) near other people for our protection. And because there are almost always other people around there is not much point of taking the mask down and then up again. By now I am used to it. And I guess most of the time I am back at home within an hour.

I think the annoying thing with the temperature gun is that people have to get close to you. So if that 7/11 guy measures 100 people within an hour he will be close to 100 people within that hour...


When this started I wasn't one of the first people to wear a mask. I was relative late. But now I wear it all the time. What I find interesting is my own perception around me about people who don't wear masks. Basically automictically that question comes my mind: why does he not wear a mask? And i.e. in a lift that makes sense. But sometimes I see people outside walking their dog and they don't wear a mask and the question comes up in my head. But then I think: He is not near anybody, no problem with no mask.


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The temperature taking is dumb.  One could easily have been over the virus or asymptomatic yet still carrying it, not to mention there are many reasons one may have a temperature.  Now if one does have a temperature it of course is probably a good idea to stay home, as one has some sort of bug, but i no way does it mean one has the COV ID 19

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I bought a fine reliable digital thermometer several years ago. Not expensive, takes about one minute under the tongue.  The IR scanners are suspect. At work, we are scanned each day before allowed in.  They used to use a gun, now they use some app on their smartphone!  As an IR (Infra Red) test engineer, I would not rely on that smart phone too much.  Sure it has IR sensing capability, and it seems to be looking for one's face and the fore head and it prompts you to stand close, but I doubt the IR scanner or array is really only reading your forehead.  Not to mention the whole presumption that the forehead temperature is an accurate reading of the body temperature,

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I will say that I have no problem with doing away with the physical hand shake when meeting strangers.  yeah I grew in the USA and the firm handshake not the wimp fish thing, but I have come to appreciate a simple Thai style Wai (without the social ranking connotation) and I have no particular desire to shake and hug or kiss each other on the cheek as the Italians, many Greeks and other cultures do.  yes that is often with known friends or relatives but I think it is one of the reasons Italy got hit so hard.  A combination of too much close contact and a lot of elderly people



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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You'll have to explain that one to me.

Person who wais first is socially lower ranked.

I know that.  That is why I want to make it similar to a handshake.  No rank necessarily with a hand shake, except maybe who makes the first move, if somebody does the two hand politician grab, etc.  The idea is just to recognize and acknowledge the other person without physical contact. 

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Masks are to protect other people from yourself, and if everyone wears one, they help protect you too.  It's just a basic sneeze, cough, spit guard.


They also help muffle the whining falang noise a bit.


Temp guns at shop entrances are like metal detectors and amulets.

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At the end of the day its no big issue. If a temp check stops someone with a raging fever from going to the same 7/11 as me, its served a purpose. If both the masks (theirs and mine) stops a water droplets getting from mouth to my mouth, it has served a purpose.

Even if the temp checks and mask wearing just reminds all of us there is a virus going around, it has served a purpose.


I know personally the act of putting on a mask reminds me to take all the other precautions, I am very conscious of not touching surfaces in public, I wash my hand regularly, I avoid crowds, distance myself from others etc etc. Seeing others wear a mask and temp check etc, gives me a level of comfort that others are practicing the same precautions.


If I see someone not wearing a mask, avoiding shops with temp checks etc, I pretty much presume that person is not washing their hand as well, I presume that same person would have no problem going outside with a fever. Has a general disregard for the precautions we are all practicing.



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2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

At the end of the day its no big issue. If a temp check stops someone with a raging fever from going to the same 7/11 as me, its served a purpose.



Every 7/11 Ive been in lately are testing inside the shop, Yesterday I had to grab some ciggies... lady scanned me and I was 42 degrees, she laughed and smiled and let me continue on my way.

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3 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Every 7/11 Ive been in lately are testing inside the shop, Yesterday I had to grab some ciggies... lady scanned me and I was 42 degrees, she laughed and smiled and let me continue on my way.

The family marts don't seem to be as gung-ho on using the temperature gun as 7-11...

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