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New COVID-19 cases in Thailand fall to single digits


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8 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

Don't worry Dinsdale. Your dog (or is it hedgehog????) will have its day if you are right with your implied expectation of a disastrous number of deaths yet to come.


Of course if it is later discovered that masses of people were infected all along but the death rate stays put at 0.003% of the population nobody will care a fig about your protestations. My money is on this outcome. I'll buy you a beer if I'm wrong. 

It's not just about the deaths now is it. They don't fully know yet but it seems that permanant lung damage can happen. People have also died because alas they were old and there was no room for them in ICU's. Fairly sure also the loved ones of the more than 200,000 people who have died so far (officially) would have a somewhat different opinion to yours.

Apart from that please quote me where I implied a disastrous number of deaths yet to come or did you just make that up to satisfy your own narrative.

Edited by dinsdale
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15 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Maybe they now have two orderlies pinning the PUI down while the third angrily rams the swab in the nose.


We all know it doesn't mean the number of tests.

That's exactly what I thought when I saw the word, aggressive. 

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8 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

It's not just about the deaths now is it. They don't fully know yet but it seems that permanant lung damage can happen. People have also died because alas they were old and there was no room for them in ICU's. Fairly sure also the loved ones of the more than 200,000 people who have died so far (officially) would have a somewhat different opinion to yours.

Apart from that please quote me where I implied a disastrous number of deaths yet to come or did you just make that up to satisfy your own narrative.

OK - if you are worried about injuries not death I'll agree that I drew the wrong implication from your apparent focus on the number of infections.


I don't have a view on the extent of the viruses impact on survivors, but having a lung condition myself (in addition to a triple bypass 9 months ago) I'm aware that if you've been hospitalised chances that's going to result in some scarring of the lungs which could give complications in later life.

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1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

Problem is govt knows the numbers are bs because they are not testing. This is all for show. Thailand 1st in the world, wait maybe that's China, to have no new cases. Very difficult to believe in a non-testing regime and everyone globally knows China is full of it. State of emergency will be extended citing second wave even though they don't know the full extent of the first wave which one has to think is continuing. Just let people buy alcohol again it will not make a difference.

You seem to have all the information not only regarding Thailand, but also about China. I am just wondering what are your information sources.

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11 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

You seem to have all the information not only regarding Thailand, but also about China. I am just wondering what are your information sources.

Are you kidding. I reckon if you google does anyone believe China's covid numbers you will get more than enough information.

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17 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

You seem to have all the information not only regarding Thailand, but also about China. I am just wondering what are your information sources.

China increased their Wuhan deaths by precisely 50.019%. That's ridiculous. 


That's like cheating in an exam. You copy all the answers to get a perfect score, but your mate tells you that it's suspicious to get them all right. He advises you to get about 75% right. You literally erase the last 25% per cent of the test and do it again to get the answers wrong. Do you think your teacher would be worried about offending you when he asks how you got the first 75% of the test perfectly correct but the last 25% completely wrong? 

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Steadily heading in the right direction, and will make it tough for the government to justify continued tough restrictions, given the impact it is having on the local population. The more things can get to normal come May 1st, albeit with a few precautions and provisos the better.

HaHaHaHa, you really believe that they can not justify it.  They are in charge unfortunately and......now....looks like May 31st is the extension date now for the lockdowns, curfew still in effect and the Airport still closed to incoming flights....I looked at it this way, they extended the Visa Amnesty to July 1st, so I would think we will be extended yet again.  Schools, for the most part do not start until July as it is....

Edited by ThailandRyan
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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Steadily heading in the right direction, and will make it tough for the government to justify continued tough restrictions, given the impact it is having on the local population. The more things can get to normal come May 1st, albeit with a few precautions and provisos the better.

You would have thought so , but no the restrictions extended for another month. A cynic might deduce that the government is fully aware that the official numbers are absolute tosh.

Seriously if there are literally just a handfull of new infections , why would they continue to punish both the economy and a great many of its citizens ?

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I am stuck in Australia with a suitcase I packed for three weeks!  Was meant to be a quick trip and back to Thailand. 

Regardless, in Australia the government has created an app that they have asked everyone to download onto their phone (Android and iphones) that has the ability to identify if you have been in close contact with a COVID19 carrier.  You add your phone number and name (you can choose to use an alias). 

It is not GPS but Bluetooth enabled and it creates a code for every other phone that it connects with.  I believe the way it works is if you become COVID19 positive, then the data from your phone can be used to extract codes that will then alert others who can then come in for testing.  Lots of privacy concerns as usual but then if you are worried about privacy and government conspiracies, then delete all phone apps, throw away your SIM card and your phone and then hide in a cave. 

Technology is a great tool for contact tracing.  Not sure whether Thailand is thinking along the same lines but other countries are.  

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For the problem beer drinkers, and other acoholics, your shakes should.almost be under

control by now. Heck one more month away from your bar stool and you

won't even need the AA club. congrats. You can thank a small virus for

your soberity.


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1 hour ago, Redline said:

Maybe they should look at excess deaths, as this article does:



Yeah. Have been wanting raw death totals by month for Thailand as that one piece of data could ease our minds about whether it's happening here in a way that exceeds the rather rosy numbers that are being reported. 


Also, would love for that ad on here to not pop up in front of the content every time I load a page.

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6 hours ago, Ratchsima said:

Tests performed as of today 27 April 2020,


Thailand 170k+ (140k last week)

Korea 600k+ 

Vietnam 200k+

Taiwan 60k+

No. Thailand has only done about 50k tests if you only count the ones done at their reference labs (as those are the only tests in Thailand whose results are used to make someone a case or a death a Covid-19 death). 

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7 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

For the problem beer drinkers, and other acoholics, your shakes should.almost be under

control by now. Heck one more month away from your bar stool and you

won't even need the AA club. congrats. You can thank a small virus for

your soberity.


You think they want to be sober?  You sir, assume to much!

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12 hours ago, aussienam said:

I am stuck in Australia with a suitcase I packed for three weeks!  Was meant to be a quick trip and back to Thailand. 

Regardless, in Australia the government has created an app that they have asked everyone to download onto their phone (Android and iphones) that has the ability to identify if you have been in close contact with a COVID19 carrier.  You add your phone number and name (you can choose to use an alias). 

It is not GPS but Bluetooth enabled and it creates a code for every other phone that it connects with.  I believe the way it works is if you become COVID19 positive, then the data from your phone can be used to extract codes that will then alert others who can then come in for testing.  Lots of privacy concerns as usual but then if you are worried about privacy and government conspiracies, then delete all phone apps, throw away your SIM card and your phone and then hide in a cave. 

Technology is a great tool for contact tracing.  Not sure whether Thailand is thinking along the same lines but other countries are.  

Your last sentence, Thailand is still using lots of unnecessary paperwork, probably because of lack of computer skills, unless of course it involves money in some ways, or maybe the usual power trips.

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19 hours ago, LeamchabangLarry said:

Them extending it shows that the numbers they are publishing are not real.

We should be weary

I am certainly weary of the narrow minded comments like that, in case you haven't noticed it's a big world out there.

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5 hours ago, Redline said:

Maybe they should look at excess deaths, as this article does:



Exactly what should be looked at rather than all the unsubstantiated comments.

Looks like for Week 14 the total deaths in US were about 20% above the seasonal average.

In the UK for Week 14 total deaths for Week 14 were 60% above the 5 year average and for Week 15 about 85% above the 5 year average.

UK figures from the ONS


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